Sentences with phrase «standard agreement»

Things not included in standard agreements that may be important to some include things such as health concerns, emotional triggers, interior design and personal property.
Leave time is also structured differently from standard agreements.
Today, Google's standard agreements with schools for its education apps include a commitment to comply with that law.
TOS must be drafted with the bigger picture in mind and can no longer be seen as standard agreements that can be treated with a one size fits all approach.
GMA applauds the conclusion of negotiations and supports the most ambitious, highest standard agreement possible.»
It defaulted in the Revolutionary War and in the War of 1812 and on the Bretton Woods gold standard agreement.
Landlords may draw up their own documents or use off - the - shelf standard agreements.
In Queensland and Victoria, peak Indigenous bodies and state governments have successfully negotiated standard agreements for the grant or renewal of exploration licence applications or mineral tenements.
Even the realtors» standard agreements of purchase and sale purport to be «sealed,» in order to make an offer irrevocable.
She notes that a standard agreement in any surrogacy contract is for the surrogate not to leave her state of residence during pregnancy.
Rotators work under a standard agreement that NSF, their institution, or the individual can terminate at any time.
They have standard agreements that tell vendors what they need to do and what is expected of them, and if the vendor feels he can't agree to these terms, Amazon won't sell your products.
Yet today's authors are often asked to sign these standard agreements «no questions asked,» and if they question author - unfriendly terms, they are often told the clauses are «not negotiable.»
Many academic authors tell us they were afraid to request changes to the standard agreements for fear that the publisher would pull the plug on their books.
This is the standard agreement they have with publishers that don't go with agency pricing, to the best of my understanding.
You're right that the extreme limitations of rights kind of sucks — it sounds like a variant of the comics industry's «standard agreement», where if you create a character for a comic, the publisher owns it!
Real Estate transactions wishing to utilize LHOP funds must include an LHOP ADDENDUM (LHOP Realtor Version) to the Standard Agreement for the Sale of Real Estate and must be structured to allow for at least 60 days to close.
The standard agreement with partnered streamers that opt in to this program provides them with 5 % of the purchase price (less items such as, taxes or discounts) from the sale of games and in - game items that are purchased from their channel page.
However, the standard agreement for a TV actor contains a clause requiring the studio to get the actor's permission to re-use the film for another purpose (such as creating a nostalgic montage in a later season).
It also doesn't hurt to remind individuals that (1) using a third - party cloud provider does not absolve the organization from its legal / regulatory responsibilities to protect its own data and third - party data and ensure that such data is properly safeguarded; and (2) it will likely be necessary to negotiate a cloud provider's standard agreement to ensure that these requirements are actually set out in the legal agreement.
When I act for prospective purchasers of cloud services, I am naturally extremely vigilant and carefully scrutinize the cloud vendor's standard agreements to determine whether they are sufficient to meet the client's technological, legal, and compliance requirements.
I attended a conference in March where a CMO talked about putting all their materials up in a portal — standard agreements and closing books are there — very self - service oriented.
From NDAs to employment agreements, commercial leases and consignment documents, Contract Express contract lifecycle management software offers the flexibility to automate a wide range of standard agreements.
For some standard agreements, we may soon not need lawyers, he predicts.
The curriculum is designed to educate students about the standard agreement types that form the building blocks for technology transactions, including licensing agreements, maintenance agreements, and service agreements.
He advises a number of IT and security companies on their standard agreements.
In other words, the ability to tailor a standard or precedent agreement or clauses to fit the specific needs of a particular agreement is far more valuable than the standard agreement itself.
If you want to set up a standard agreement, where you write a check or otherwise manually pay your bill, you will owe $ 105 in fees.
It later emerged that this partnership was a standard agreement that any company could voluntarily enter into with the software giant.
These standard agreements function as an alternative to pursuing provisions under the NTA, ensuring that native title rights and interests are not further eroded by the use of a prescriptive process of administration.
By way of illustration, the WA Government should note: in New South Wales a mining tenement can not be granted without the relevant Government Minister first accounting for the need to conserve and protect features of Aboriginal interest, [17] and in Queensland a cooperative approach between the Government and Indigenous groups produced a standard agreement for exploration on native title land in Queensland.
(34) The model ILUA operates as a standard agreement which parties can adopt, thereby saving them the time and expense of negotiating their own arrangement.
While the Commission acknowledges that standard agreements may reduce flexibility if the relevant expertise is not available, template / framework agreements provide important advantages.
Then, we end up hacking the crap out of their standard agreement and adding an addendum.
Surprisingly, the standard Agreement of Purchase and Sale which is used by real estate agents says very little about the deposit other than the fact that it must be paid within 24 hours of the deal going firm and that the agent is to hold it in their trust account until closing at which time it is credited to the seller.
More often than not the buyer purchasing your home will have legal council and there will be changes made to the standard agreement.
Scott has contributed immeasurably to the Standard Agreement of Sale for Residential Real Estate promulgated by the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS, as well as a wide variety of other forms.
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