Sentences with phrase «standard drink equals»

Next Page:  One drink can really be much more [pagebreak] When one drink is really two... or five One standard drink equals about 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liquor — but there may be way more in your glass.

Not exact matches

One standard drink (equal to 1 glass of beer, lager, a small glass of wine and a single measure of spirit) contains about 100 - 150 calories.
The liver processes 1/2 oz of pure ethanol (that's equal to 1 standard drink) per hour.
While there is no standard «drink amount» that this equals per individual, it should be known that even having just 2 drinks does significantly impair your ability to operate a vehicle, even if it doesn't send you over the legal limit.
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