Sentences with phrase «standard equation»

Monckton indicated to me (5) that he obtained his graph of IPCC temperature predictions by running his Fantasy CO2 predictions (loosely based on the A2 emissions scenario) through the IPCC's standard equation for converting CO2 concentration to temperature change, which can be found here.
In addition to allowing astronomers to deduce the planet's size, this This transmission spectrum is used to determine the composition, temperature, and pressure of its atmosphere by means of a standard equation.
Uranium - 235 undergoes spontaneous fission during radioactive decay; however, no standard equation can represent this reaction as its results are quite unpredictable.
For example, a standard equation for graphing lines on a slope such as y = mx + b might become a hamburger, with y representing the whole burger, m referring to the meat, and x standing in for spices.
When the standard equation and its more creative expression are mapped out, it's time to build the new, creative version.
This is a standard equation in statistics, the Gaussian integral.
I've shown in The Cold Equations that their claimed mathematical derivation of the standard equation, ∆ T = lambda ∆ F, is based on bad math... so break out the rest of your math so we can see whether it's as bad as what has been revealed.
I take the standard equation for grass growing from the theory as shown in, Journal of Biology January 1951, and substitute one of the parameters in the standard theory to another arbitrary parameter that I found in a different equation, developed for different conditions, in Journal of Grass Growing, March 1972.
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