Sentences with phrase «standard interpretation»

However it may be with respect to Aristotle and Kant, I feel fairly confident the genetic analysis I have been describing will support rather than undermine such standard interpretations of Whitehead as those of Ivor Leclerc and William Christian.
Furthermore, VW didn't neglect the Golf GTI which now produces 230 hp (169 kW) in standard interpretation - a 10 hp (7 kW) increase, or 245 hp (180 kW) for the GTI Performance version.
This is actually a pretty standard interpretation of fair dealing, if not a particularly favorable one for educators.
We have asked Tesco to confirm that the internal guidance that Tesco will circulate will take as a minimum standard the interpretation of the law set out in the Guidance Notes issued by the Department of Health.
Have overall subject specific responsibility for assessment advice and standards interpretation across all qualifications at all levels
The second article, also written by Deborah C. Hayes, appeared in the 1997 CFA Yearbook and provides detailed information on the personality, development, appearance and breed standard interpretation of the Turkish Van, as well as tips on how to handle the breed in the show ring.
This is actually a pretty standard interpretation of fair dealing, if not a particularly favorable... [more]
hey G, I am acquainted with your theory there... it is called Preterism... it is the standard interpretation of Revelation given by liberals... I walked away from that belief and the church I was raised in when I found out what they are teaching... Nope, the book of revelation is not a «code» for the events of the day at the time of the fall of Jerusalem.
It should be recognized, however, that the standard interpretations rarely do justice to all the (systematically) relevant texts, even within Process and Reality.
To a very large extent he was successful, for the standard interpretation today usually takes its cue from those inserted passages.
The standard interpretation of concrescence pictures a transition from the physical pole to the consummate satisfaction associated with the mental pole.
Standard interpretations of Whiteheadian relativity have slighted this and other similar statements by Whitehead in regard to his displeasure with Einstein's view.
If our task is to find a single interpretation of the texts, then Nobo's effort is probably superior to the standard interpretation.
For instance, his treatment of the early Pentecostals» view of Scripture follows the standard interpretation according to which the movement's adherents were biblical literalists who had little use for allegory or forms of biblical criticism.
I don't think so, because it would be a shortcoming on the part of the receiver rather than on the side of God, whereas God would indeed be to blame if the information were to play a role in God's selection of the initial aim, like the standard interpretation has it.
In the standard interpretation of the Big Bang, which took shape in the 1960s, the formative event was not an explosion that occurred at some point in space and time — it was an explosion of space and time.
«There is no standard interpretation,» says Antony Valentini, a theoretical physicist at Clemson University.
The standard interpretation is that gravity competes with a repulsive effect produced by dark energy.
Most famously, in 2003, Soon co-authored a paper in the journal Climate Research that questioned the standard interpretation of climate change over the past millennium and argued that recent warming is not unusual by historical standards.
Additionally, the betas from the linear model appeared to be interpreted as a ratio, «Only episodes of excessive coughing and heart burn occurred on average > 2 times more in the cattle than in the control community (β > 2)», where the standard interpretation for a beta from a linear model would be a one unit increase in the outcome for a one unit increase in the explanatory variable, i.e. two more episodes of disease.
Moreover, reading a classic on your own time can be a bigger intellectual adventure than reading it for college credit, when you know you'll be graded on having learned the book's standard interpretation and the professor might be pouring that conventional wisdom into your head before you've even finished the text.
The campaign for a Broader, Bolder Approach to Education hints at the standard interpretation of the Coleman findings when it asserts that «poverty, which has long been the biggest obstacle to educational achievement, is more important than ever.»
The standard interpretation of such an occurrence is a recommendation to buy, if the MACD line crosses above through the average line (a «bullish» crossover), or to sell if the MACD line crosses downwards through the average line (a «bearish» crossover).
This could mean the standard interpretation of placing a piece of art in a frame, or a more practical interpretation of using the frames as raw material for the artwork itself.
The standard interpretation of quantum theory regards particle - wave duality as a fundamental property of the universe.
The «BEST» (Berkeley Earth Surface Temperatures) study, under lead scientist (and former skeptic) Richard Muller, was sponsored by institutions that had previously supported the denial of the standard interpretation of the climate data.
If you don't buy the satellite data and urban heat islands stuff, you presumably accept the standard interpretation of the surface data record for the last 100 + years, which shows sharp warming over the past 25 years or so.
My question is: given the vague wording below, what would be the standard interpretation (if any) regarding period of repayment?
Don't forget that you may have to get a demo permit in many areas, «This section highlights OSHA standards, standard interpretations (official letters of interpretation of the standards), and national consensus standards related to demolition.
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