Sentences with phrase «standard language on»

There's standard language on a VA appraisal that explains to veterans their ability to secure an energy efficient mortgage.

Not exact matches

They include «rules of origin,» or the percentage of parts that must be made in North America for a product to qualify for free - trade status; language on how to settle disputes affecting foreign investors; changing Mexican labor standards; and Trump's stated goal of reducing U.S. bilateral trade deficits.
Each biblical statement is a sentence which must be understood in terms of the vocabulary and grammar of its original language (Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek), but the better modern translations, such as the Revised Standard Version, have made it possible for one who understands English vocabulary and grammar to read and study the Bible without being seriously misled on most points.
In an extraordinary essay, «Colors, Cultures, and Practices» in The Tasks of Philosophy, MacIntyre draws explicitly on Wittgenstein's arguments against a private language, to argue that our judgments of color are socially established standards.
It is a thoughtful book in which Smith reflects on the problems raised by the study of the religious thought and practices of the people of Asia, problems of historical method, of literary criticism, of language, of social organization, and of the values and standards by which men guide their lives.
The result was a translation which long remained standard and which had much influence on the English language and English literature.
In this webinar, we provide guidance on describing the scope of your food loss and waste inventory by using the language in the Food Loss and Waste Accounting and Reporting Standard (FLW Standard).
Now Rep. DeLauro has secured language in the Agriculture Appropriations bill's report which would require the USDA to issue minimum national standards on this issue, despite its earlier reluctance to do so.
Personally, I find it rather ironic that you're lecturing the blog author on the rigor of language, when, faced with the need to support the claims made by a documentary that has faced absolutely no real standards of intellectual rigor or merit (the kind of evidence you apparently find convincing), you have so far managed to produce a study with a sample size too small to conclude anything, a review paper that basically summarized well known connections between vaginal and amniotic flora and poor outcomes in labor and birth before attempting to rescue what would have been just another OB review article with a few attention grabbing sentences about long term health implications, and a review article published in a trash journal.
Niccoli, a town supervisor in Palatine, said last year she and her husband decided with their daughter she would not take a round of standardized testing in math and English language arts based on the Common Core standards.
Earlier, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of Obafemi Awolowo University, Professor Anthony Elujoba, who declared the conference opened, however expressed worry over what he described as poor report on the quality of standard English language spoken and written in the country.
The New York State Legislature is currently considering the Reproductive Health Act (S - 348), which Democrats say would bring New York up to current federal reproductive health standards, but has also raised red flags in the minds of many Republcans and anti-abortion activists for ambiguities of language they claim would expand abortion - on - demand.
«It takes each of the standards and it has specific questions and you can give your feedback on that standard in both language arts and mathematics for pre-k through 12,» stated Elia.
This «final» product is weak on ethical standards and comprehensive oversight, and despite language that made my key issues — term limits, an enhanced «two hat» rule and special elections for legislative vacancies — more palatable, they were still ignored.
This international platform for a common computer language helps make all the standards transparent, even if geologists don't agree on each other's definitions.
The six - term senator also said he hoped to attach pre-emption language to the Senate climate bill, S. 1733, that stops U.S. EPA from implementing a 2007 Supreme Court opinion that opens the door to new greenhouse gas emission standards on industry.
Spelling in most Native languages requires special letters and tone markings — the little squiggles and accents that signal different letter sounds — not available on standard computer keyboards.
To encourage and develop vocabulary in accordance with Common Core standards for English language arts (Vocabulary acquisition and use grades 6 — 12 *), we provide Power Words at the end of each article on the site.
Because Java applets have the same capabilities as standard applications in other languages, they can open windows on the user's virtual desktop.
Dating Factory is offering more opportunities to the dating affiliates and webmasters, by providing a multilingual administrative interface, websites in 10 major languages, a worldwide database, a wide selection of promotional tools and banners tailored to the multilingual websites and a standard dating affiliate program for those who just wants to use banners, text links or remote registration on their traffic generating web properties.
Activity is written using standard pseudocode / python, so easy to change and update for any other programming language Questions from the new curriculum on 2D array data manipulation
They agreed that Hope's 8th - grade language - arts teachers would concentrate on how better to teach «author's purpose,» a D.C. learning standard.
«For the first time in this country, we have agreement among 45 states and D.C. on a set of language arts and mathematics standards, which is critical in allowing us to share a common focus and implement a far more rigorous academic environment.
In addition, a survey of English language arts classrooms published by the Fordham Institute found that most elementary - school teachers, at least in the early stages of common core implementation, assigned books based on students» abilities, rather than grade - level complexity, as the standards state.
Even with the improvements in English / language arts overall, separate Fordham reports on English and math conclude, the standards in both are too...
Furthermore, there is language about «grade - level proficiency,» which is confusing, especially now that «proficient» in most states is really defined as «on track for college and career» — arguably a higher standard than just being on grade level.
A 2013 quasi-experimental analysis found that, «on average, extended learning time (ELT) tutorials at Match Charter Public High School raised student achievement on the 10th grade English language arts examination between.15 and.25 standard deviations per year.»
Structured Query Language (SQL) is the standard method used as the programming language for handling and querying data in relational databases and for performing various operations on the data.
But when it comes time for Congress to get down to actual legislative language, members will have to choose whether to open the door to all comers, including states with pitifully low standards (compared to those of the National Assessment of Educational Progress), deficient data and student - tracking systems, and a poor track record on including English language learners and students with disabilities.
I also keep favourite links on a class wiki where students can find them readily, including on - line dictionaries (for both standard French and for Canadian French in this case), on - line language tools (like CAVILAM in Vichy), and videos any of us have found and want to share.
In addition, the Common Core Standards include significant attention to language development for the overall school population, with a section focused exclusively on standards for EL learners.
Among these is the likelihood that, in the race to meet standards, schooling will be reduced to following schedules and scripts; that time spent with literature and rich language will be driven out by vocabulary workbooks; that learning science will become merely the memorization of a string of definitions of technical terms; in short, that American anti-intellectualism (on which I have more to say) will triumph in a haze of bean counting.
Resources provide opportunities to: - explore how adverts play on our fears and dreams - explore persuasive language in advertising - explore presentational features - analyse adverts across 3 mediums (TV, radio and web)- explore synergy - study advertising across a range of mediums - plan own advertising campaign - conduct risk assessments and planning document as would be the case in the industry - give a pitch for the campaign created - explore legal and ethical - investigate the ASA (advertising standards agency)- consider budgets - conduct primary and secondary research - gather qualitative and quantitative data A work book is also included for students to complete as they study the course.
At least one foreign language from first grade on is part of the standard Austrian curriculum, and in Spiss, the kids seem to be picking it up very quickly due both to Web sites in English and to Klingenschmid's direct teaching methods.
As Porter et al. note, «Whether these differences between Common Core and Massachusetts mean that Common Core represents a better curriculum is difficult to judge, although at least at grade 7 in [English language arts], there is a shift in the Common Core standards toward greater emphasis on higher cognitive demand.»
For simplicity's sake, it focuses only on math standards (Minnesota plans to use the Common Core in English language arts but not in math).
Porter et al. were able to draw on CCSSO analyses of the Common Core standards and of math standards for 27 states and English language arts standards for 24.
On language arts and reading, comparison with standards from Ontario, Finland, Sweden, and New Zealand yielded alignments between 0.09 and 0.37.
This month, the Council on Foreign Relations issued a report calling in the name of national security for national curriculum - content standards on science, civics, foreign languages, technology, creativity, and problem - solving — for elementary and secondary education.
The Council on Foreign Relations calls for the U.S. Defense Department to evaluate and «periodically» review the new national curriculum standards in science, civics, foreign languages, technology, creativity, and problem - solving.
The standards in English language arts are focused almost entirely on decoding, comprehension, and writing skills.
Education Week spent six months reporting on how the District of Columbia's vision of the common - core English / language arts standards is being put into practice in one 8th grade classroom at one school, Stuart - Hobson Middle School on Capitol Hill.
School officials should reach out to parents of English - language learners and encourage both student and parental literacy, says a study by the Education Policy Research Unit, a division of Tempe - based Arizona State University that conducts research on student - performance standards and curriculum.
The national curriculum places a strong emphasis on the importance of reading, stating that the overarching aim of English «is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.»
Thomas Payzant: Focusing on the Big Picture at Dallas ISD Dallas News, February 7, 2012 «Standards - based reform has been a game - changer in states and school districts since the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in 1993 - 94, which required states to develop standards in language arts and math and to develop annual student assessments aligned with those standards,» writes Professor Thomas Payzant.
In this Spotlight, see how schools are helping students reach their post-graduation goals, keeping English - language Learners on track to graduate, and committing to higher graduation standards for all students.
Several states have recently reversed course on adoption of the mathematics and English / language arts standards, as vocal opposition gains prominence elsewhere.
Assessing the Common Core Standards: Opportunities for Improving Measures of Instruction Educational Researcher, May 2011 Responding to comments on their «Common Core Standards: The New U.S. Intended Curriculum,» the authors suggest additional perspective that should be considered when addressing quality and change, stating additional conceptualizations of mathematics and English language arts content as well as how to define and measure alignment among content standards, materials, assessments, and instruction should be explored.
The new standards focus so much more on academic language and literacy, and I really have fewer students who struggle with language after they leave my class.
With passage of the Local Control Funding Formula, California became the first state to require schools to consider how best to serve a small subset of at - risk students: youth in foster care.According to 2016 California Department of Education data, in English language arts, 56.2 percent of foster students did not meet standards on the Smarter Balanced tests (compared to 30.5 percent of non-foster students) and for mathematics, 64 percent of foster students did not meet standards (compared to 37.3 percent of non-foster students).
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