Sentences with phrase «standard of behaviour»

Principals set high standards of behaviour and attendance, encouraging active engagement and a strong student voice.
All parents should sign up to acceptable standards of behaviour for themselves and their child as a condition of admission to a school.
We expect a proper standard of behaviour from our clients.
Why shouldn't a private university be able to set standards of behaviour for its students?
It also highlights that although standards of behaviour can be a challenge for schools, leadership is key to creating the right culture to tackle this issue.
They represent standards of behaviour supplemental to applicable law and, as such, do not create conflicting requirements.
On the same theme, people want higher standards of behaviour than they would be prepared to live up to themselves.
Integrity is a part of this trend; consumers hold companies to high standards of behaviour in dealing with suppliers as well as customers.
While there are no legal requirements as to how many adults should accompany a group of students, decisions on ratios will need to take account of the nature, duration and hazards of the visit; number / age / gender / aptitude / normal standard of behaviour of the students; special educational / medical needs and disabilities; requirements of the venue; and accommodation.
Ministers argue parents have a «vital role to play» in insuring children learn acceptable standards of behaviour for school.
To do this they can choose from a range of potential tactics such as: more transparent reporting; shifts in R&D or asset reorganisation to capture expected future opportunities or to shed perceived liabilities; changes in regulatory approach; and, at an industry level, development and deployment of voluntary standards of behaviour.
Shawcross told The Sunday Times that while charities are «a vital part of British life and we should all cherish them, that does not mean charities should be self - regarding and feel they are subject to lesser standards of behaviour than other organisations».
What bemuses me is, given the general standard of his behaviour over the years, how can anyone tell.
that we have a responsibility as an organisation to take a moral stance against companies who fail to meet international standards of behaviour;
He said the teenager when arrested would be used as «scapegoat» to deter others from indulging in acts that violate accepted standards of behaviour.
«As RECs, you are to demonstrate a very high sense of personal integrity, ethical conduct and impeccable standard of behaviour and prudence in managing resources under your care.
This School Etiquette page advocates standards of behaviour expected by children in various situations.
This is often explained as the care a reasonable parent would exercise, taking account of the numbers, ages, abilities and any special educational and / or medical needs, and the usual standard of behaviour of the students, the location and the risks associated with the activity taking place.
There are certain standards of behaviour which one would do better to avoid breaking but, as is always the case, the locals will know you to be a foreigner and will forgive your ignorant blunders with good grace.
The judge stated: «The Crown submits that as a professional driver, Mr. Fitt ought to be held to a higher standard of behaviour so that his failure to drive safely, given his training and experience, ought to attract a more punitive sentence.»
In response to the defendant's argument that a party to litigation is entitled to the production of evidence that is «reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence,» Magistrate Judge Facciola held that the defendant's purpose for seeking the images (which was to admit them as evidence of the plaintiff's own standard of behaviour) meant that the issue of discoverability and the issue of admissibility were inseparable.
motivation, intention, morality, etc.) is next to impossible and so we need standards of behaviour to shape the ethical prescription for everyone, including judges.
The authors would suggest, however, that such treatment of the Performance Standards is simply out of date and ignores the overlap and interrelation between the Performance Standards and legal standards of behaviour touching on the same topics.
Whereas the NNTT in the FMG Pilbara litigation had emphasised the «reasonable person'test employed in earlier future act decisions to assess the behaviour of the mining company, [138] the Full Federal Court seemed to rely on a much looser standard of behaviour.
(ODA) which was set up to ensure high standards of behaviour by dating service providers serving the UK.
Putting aside Bentley's sometimes bizarre behaviour and doctrines, the apparent lack of remorse and space to attempt reconciliation with his wife, and then the hurry to divorce and remarry, is clearly contrary to biblical standards of behaviour.
Going into the summit, the home secretary said the government wanted to increase the number of anti-social behaviour contracts (ABCs), where young people sign up to acceptable standards of behaviour.
Christian connection is a founding member of the online dating association (oda) which was set up to ensure high standards of behaviour by dating service providers serving the uk.
A MAJOR factor in successfully doing business in the Middle East is understanding that business relationships, local customs and standards of behaviour are far more important and influential than in Australia.
So tempting you here is easier than elsewhere but we have the power to turn away, to resist the temptation to lower ourselves to less than the Highest standards of behaviour.
Coca - Cola Amatil expects the highest standards of behaviour, quality, service and value from all of our suppliers.
I insist that this organisation lives up to the standard of behaviour we expect of others.»
Some ignore it, while others (such as Jonathan Fenby in his recent biography) misinterpret it entirely, seeing «Gaullism» as a standard of behaviour rather than a political doctrine.
Usually, when events come along which require a higher standard of behaviour, they singularly fail live up to expectations, relying instead on party - political jeering and social cack - handedness.
Unless these concerns are taken seriously, it will undermine any suggestions that the code in any way guarantees the standards of behaviour of government ministers.»
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