Sentences with phrase «standard platformer»

These puzzles make the game different from most standard platformers and keeps it interesting.
Half - Genie Hero starts off as standard platformer with the running, jumping, climbing and thwacking.
For the most part, it's a fairly standard platformer where you jump through the stages, whilst using Sly's cane to connect to hooks to swing across large gaps, though its responsiveness, personality and wonderfully designed levels means it's amongst the best that the genre has to offer.
This ability opens up the gameplay as it goes from a pretty standard platformer to a Metroidvania - type experience filled with hidden items and reasons to replay areas.
Unlike standard platformers where you control a character directly, Light Tracer is a mix of guidance and control instead.
Mushroom Men is ripe with style, but beneath the surface lurks a fairly standard platformer.
From there the game goes from a pretty standard platformer to an open world side - scrolling RPG.
It still plays well however, once you get used to its quick and how different it is from a standard platformer with four directional buttons or on - screen icons.
The worlds that are presented in A Hat in Time are not your standard platformer level, but offer a lot more to do aside from jumping and find collectibles.
The game, from a distance, looks like your standard platformer with various enemies to overcome, simple puzzles and a nice «indie» aspect to the graphics; however, once you actually start playing the game you begin to see that there is much more to it than meets the eye.
Designed with a variety of gameplay — including classic platforming, puzzle - solving, formidable boss battles and thrilling chases — Embers of Mirrim ascends beyond the standard platformer with precise controls, unique mechanics, and rich environments.
It's not a massive departure from the standard platformer gameplay, but the combination of freezing time, carefully and precisely moving around and avoiding obstacles is surprisingly addictive.
Never Alone is a fairly standard platformer that takes a deep dive into the culture of the Alaskan heritage and uses this as the base of a playable fairytale.
It's also a great choice for anyone in search of good - looking game that's slightly outside the standard platformer mechanics.
It looked like your standard platformer, made for VR which seems like a waste of resources.
Scarygirl is a standard platformer (to a degree), features unique looking characters, and has an art style all of its own.
Players control Mirrim like a standard platformer, but at times, you must use both analog sticks to control and split into separate life forces that float and then, using precise timing, move these orbs onto triggers.
When on land, your octopus walks and jumps like a standard platformer, but in this game every platform has it's own gravitational pull, so if you are jumping to a platform that is upside down and above you, your octopus will be pulled onto a new gravitational plane.
Nintendo took the standard platformer and turned it on its head.
Gameplay is your standard platformer affair with precise jumps, simple puzzle solving and the occasional collectible required to progress.
Sometimes you'll just complete a standard platformer level.
This standard platformer doesn't bring anything new to the table, but the humor and charm of the movie are more matched to the game here than on the other next - generation systems.
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