Sentences with phrase «standard pushup»

The phrase "standard pushup" refers to a common type of exercise where you start in a plank position and lower your body down and then push back up using your arms, chest, and shoulders. Full definition
Compare that number with the maximum number of standard pushups you do.
That's the reason why the wide - grip and standard pushups performed with The Perfect Push - Up elicited more muscle activity in the chest, triceps and front shoulders, while the narrow - grip pushups had a lower effect on these muscles.
Intervals: 45 seconds exercise / 15 seconds rest Exercise 1: Slow Standard Pushups (5 Sec Up and Down)-15 seconds rest - Exercise 2: Low Plank Hold -15 seconds rest - Exercise 3: Stretch Push Ups -15 seconds rest - Exercise 4: Walking Push... Continue Reading...
Home variation: Just do standard Pushups: Get in a Pushup position with your hands about shoulder - width apart.
i think (may be) dips, muscle ups, pivoting yourself (exploding from) standard pushup pose to handstand or pullup to lever.
To do a Hindu Pushup, begin in the raised position of a standard pushup with the feet spread out wider than the width of the shoulders, and head down to avoid neck strain.
From a standard pushup position with hands slightly wider than shoulder width, push your body backward so your hips rise in the air and the torso points toward the floor.
From a standard pushup position push yourself up, then lower the body back down and raise your arms and legs up so that you look like a skydiver in free fall.
Though if you have been diligent with your pushup routine for any length of time, you start to notice that the standard pushup loses it's difficulty.
When you perform the standard pushup you are strengthening primarily the middle part of the pec muscle.
It is a standard pushup with a row at the top of the movement.
Once you are in the handstand position, lower yourself down by bending your arms the same way you would for a standard pushup.
Put your hands in a diamond position, then do a standard pushup.
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