Sentences with phrase «standard royalty»

If you're a self - published author and you lower your price on Amazon below $ 2.99, your royalty drops to 30 % (which seems really low — and yet it's still higher than the traditional industry standard royalty for e-books of 25 %).
A few publishers offer unsuspecting authors a «traditional publishing deal» — where the publisher pays publishing costs and industry - standard royalties on sales — paired with a «mandatory marketing and author training contract» that requires the author to pay the publisher (or an affiliated marketing agency) thousands of dollars for marketing and «author training» services.
«EITHER the Big Six publishers will begin offering standard royalty rates on e-books of at least 40 % OR more A-list authors will begin self - publishing e-books.»
In general practice, hardcover books pay standard royalty rates of 10 %, 12 %, and 15 % of the cover price — 10 % on the first 250,000 copies sold, 12 % on the next 250,001 to 500,000 copies sold, and 15 % on anything sold above 500,000 copies.
Publisher / line Year (or projected year) of release Which book it is of yours / for that publisher (1st, 5th, etc.) Advance per book (if any) Standard royalty percentage (for regular print sales AND for ebook sales) Total earnout to date (INCLUDING advance) Title acronym with month / year of release (if known)
Where royalties are concerned, critics argue that the imprints are not actually offering authors standard royalties.
Stockholm 2016: design duo Barber & Osgerby have said they «never accept» standard royalties from the brands they work for and always push for a better deal.
Standard royalty rates vary among traditional publishers.
Nonetheless, until now, publishers» standard royalty on new ebooks has been stuck at 25 percent.
You will still get your standard royalty for purchases.
So, for example, the standard royalty rate for hardcovers is 10 % on the first 5,000 copies sold, then 12.5 % on the next 10,000 copies sold, and 15 % thereafter.
Although some publishers are outliers, standard royalty rates generally range from 5 % at the lower end to 15 % at the higher end.
So the standard royalty on ebooks sold through the site would increase to 35 percent and the standard royalty on hardcover books would increase to 25 percent.
«Unbroken,» by Laura Hillenbrand Author's Standard Royalty: $ 4.05 hardcover; $ 3.38 e-book.
«The Help,» by Kathryn Stockett Author's Standard Royalty: $ 3.75 hardcover; $ 2.28 e-book.
But — the standard royalty rates for paperback books vary from a low of 1 % to a high of 10 %, with the average royalty rate falling at 6 %.
I found the information in his book to be current (standard royalty % for all editions — hardback, trade, mmpb, e — and so on).
The standard royalty per in - app purchase is 30 %, though I was told by three different people that this rate may change due to the sheer amount of sales that ebooks will generate.
One way that 25 percent of net became the standard royalty for e-books was because publishers said, «We all know they can't go on selling e-books at a loss forever and sooner or later this pricing structure has got to change.»
Other authors, however, especially those who have passed away and have left their royalty rights to their estates, may opt to leave well enough alone and continue to earn the standard royalty previously agreed to contractually by allowing the publisher to maintain ownership of the rights.
Robot Media works under a similar user - friendly format to help writers create children's enhanced ebooks and again, there is no cost to the user unless the book is published, in which case a standard royalty applies per sale.
Since this practice is legal and the author is still making the standard royalty when the third party vendor makes its purchase of the title, what's the harm?
In this contract, an unsuspecting author is offered a «traditional publishing deal» — meaning the publisher pays the publishing costs and offers industry - standard royalties on sales — but the contract contains a «mandatory marketing agreement» (or addendum) that requires the author to pay the publisher (or an affiliated marketing company) thousands of dollars to market and advertise the author's book.
Of which, standard royalties can be between 7.5 % and 10 %.
«I can also add from my own perspective as an agent,» Kremer says, «that it goes to follow that, as publishing's most precious assets, authors should be rewarded by at minimum fair royalties and, in many cases, by a greater share of the profit than a standard royalty can allow.
What about lower - than - industry - standard royalties?
Standard royalties are 10 % of cover price.
Instead of offering a standard royalty per borrow or page read, Amazon sets a KDP Select global fund each month and divides up the fund to authors according to the number of pages read.
Oyster had a particularly perilous payment model in that it paid a standard royalty for each book borrowed of around 60 % of list price once 20 % of a book was read.

Phrases with «standard royalty»

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