Sentences with phrase «standard selection»

As for the game modes they're your pretty standard selection.
Now in Early Access on Steam and Oculus Home, the procedurally generated, medieval - inspired world stretching out in front of you offers a pretty standard selection of monsters, bow - shooting baddies, and magical shops along the way to offer weapon upgrades and precious health points — a fairly familiar concept for fans of the roguelike genre.
Five, rather than two PC series, are indicated by application of standard selection rules if using the MM, rather than MBH98, centering convention to represent the North American ITRDB data.
If MM had applied standard selection procedures, they would have retained the first 5 PC series, which includes the important «hockey stick» pattern.
As discussed above, MM incorrectly truncated the PC basis set at only 2 PC series based on a failure to apply standard selection rules to determine the number of PC series that should be retained in the analysis.
Booklist editors and reviewers participate in evaluation as an open - ended process and follow standard selection criteria consistent with the Library Bill of Rights and its various interpretations as adopted by the Council of the American Library Association.
From such standard selections as the Declaration of Independence, the Monroe Doctrine, and the Emancipation Proclamation, to such lesser - read pieces as the Declaration of Sentiments of the Seneca Falls Convention, John F. Kennedy's speech at the Berlin Wall, and Csar Chvez's speech to striking grape workers, the documents in this book cover many areas, including politics, human rights, and environmental issues.
The following standard selection tools are utilized:
It's your pretty standard selection, from Fun Facts that give you more health to those that increase your melee damage, but while they may be pretty standard they do serve to provide more customisation, which is always a good thing.
In addition to the standard selection of binary options, AnyOption sometimes sell novelty binary options where your task is to correctly predict the valuation of a specific company that is going public.
Offer these as part of the standard selection of products, and don't forget to keep the focus on education and information.
«We keep it interesting with new tastes and flavor combinations, but we also make sure to have a standard selection of customer favorites on the menu.»
A standard selection of subs and dubs plus a descriptive track for the blind are also included.
Weapons will include your standard selection of pistols and other late 1800's / early 1900's firearms as well as a bow and arrow and various melee weapons.
The Standard Selection Questionnaire closed on Thursday 1 March 2018.
The M5's Head - up Display is a special M version, in which either the standard selection of information or a special M set can be displayed:
The Nextbook 8HD comes preloaded with a standard selection of Android apps, including Chrome, Hangouts, YouTube and Sound Recorder.
What's more we found it wouldn't charge using the USB cable and our standard selection of USB plugs designed for smartphones, suggesting it draws more power than the norm.
The University Press Books Selected for Public and Secondary Libraries book has become a standard selection guide in school libraries because of the assessment of titles through a peer review process that assures quality and relevance for academic as well as general interest needs in today's schools.
You'll pay close to $ 2,500 a year to invest $ 100,000 in a standard selection of actively managed funds; you can pay less than $ 500 to invest the same amount in index funds.
We need to quit whispering and gossiping about defects, and instead set up a sound program that allows the standard selection procedures to go on so that we breed good dogs and avoid major defects.
As Dr. George Padgett, authority on canine genetic disease, has said, «We need to quit whispering about defects, and gossiping about defects, and instead set up a sound program that allows the standard selection procedures to go on so that we breed good dogs and avoid major defects.»
However, offering a few alternatives to the standard selection can make a store unique.
Tamu's menu is relatively straightforward with a standard selection of burgers, pasta, salads and local classics while Secret Garden has all those plus a few perhaps more imaginative fusion and Western dishes such as honey chicken in peanut and soy sauce and smoked ham and blueberry ciabatta.
Then there's the summonable creatures that occupy control points, which players start with a standard selection of three: a plant that heals, a cyclops that blocks paths with walls, and a cerebus who reveals nearby enemy positions.
Application of the standard selection rule (Preisendorfer's «Rule N» «-RRB- used by MBH98, selects 2 PC series using the MBH98 centering convention, but a larger number (5 PC series) using the MM centering convention.
Stash is the perfect companion to your freaky folding bike, but will work just fine with the standard selection of folding bikes as well.
Ports are the standard selection for a laptop this size.
The Galaxy S5 will serve up a standard selection of six applications to use in ultra power saving mode.
Reactions to the events show what has become a standard selection in the cryptocurrency sphere and beyond.
Choose from our standard selection of over 200 fabrics, and take your home decoration to the next level.
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