Sentences with phrase «standard sequence»

For example, because individual cells in the tumor probably carry unique mutations, they would be virtually impossible to observe with standard sequencing methods.
Along with this, their achievements during past jobs, educational qualifications and contact details need to be mentioned according to standard sequence as mentioned below in the sample IT help desk technician resume.
Structural alignment is a valuable tool for the comparison of proteins with low sequence similarity, where evolutionary relationships between proteins can not be easily detected by standard sequence alignment techniques.
They identified three new autism - linked CNVs that were too small to be picked up by standard sequencing techniques.
He added that the gaps also carry complex sequences that are not well reproduced by standard sequencing technologies.
For the Standard Sequencing Service, all of these variation types are identified in comparison to the human genome reference.
The Standard Sequencing Service supports whole genome sequencing and data delivery for individual genomes.
This public genome repository comprises genome results from both our Standard Sequencing Service (69 standard, non-diseased samples) and the Cancer Sequencing Service (two matched tumor and normal sample pairs).
These include 69 DNA samples sequenced using our Standard Sequencing Service, which includes whole genome sequencing, mapping of the resulting reads to a human reference genome, comprehensive detection of variations, scoring, and informative annotation.
We turned to Rothenberg and two other yoga teachers who offer unique approaches to standard sequences for ways to think about Sun Salutations in a whole new light.
Sweaty classes at Black Swan Yoga are great to start with because the standard sequence will not only work and release your entire body but will allow you to benchmark your progress as well.
Some training programs will review each pose as part of a standard sequence.
Actually, sometimes attempts to alter the usual course of things seem worse than the standard sequences; such changes can come across as forced and self - conscious.
While the term itself wouldn't be coined until the release of Metroid Prime in 2002, the original Metroid is often given credit for introducing the concept of sequence breaking: the act of performing actions or obtaining items out of their intended linear order, therefore breaking the standard sequence of events in a game.
The standard sequence would then be a Geometry course in 10th grade, Algebra II in 11th and Precalculus as a senior.
Currently, more than half of 8th - graders are taking Geometry (triple the number two years ago), which is two years ahead of the standard sequence, and a quarter are taking Algebra I, with about 20 percent taking the standard 8th - grade Common Core math course.
Students whose learning outpaces the standard sequence may be advanced more quickly through the grades, but they are just as likely to find that the system limits their learning opportunities.
As for the structure, you must follow the standard sequence of passages, such as introduction, body part and conclusion.
There is no standard sequence of obstacles for real competitions because the judge sets it up how he wants each time.
While the term itself wouldn't be coined until the release of Metroid Prime in 2002, the original Metroid is often given credit for introducing the concept of sequence breaking: the act of performing actions or obtaining items out of their intended linear order, therefore breaking the standard sequence of events in a game.
Responsible for training employees on steps of service, sequence of service and hold them accountable to the standards
In our court system, divorces follow a standard sequence.
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