Sentences with phrase «standard sources»

I simply relied on what seemed to be pretty reliable numbers from pretty standard sources of data.
There is little reason to avoid liquid fuels if they are made from CO2 collected from the air or other standard sources.
When you're trying to attract more visitors to your site and standard sources of traffic are failing you, it's time to take your efforts to the next level.
Assuming your support will come from standard sources like the National Institutes of Health (NIH), your nationality isn't an issue.
Standard sources include a six - disc in - dash DVD changer, Bluetooth hands - free calling and audio streaming, USB connectivity for mass storage devices, an auxiliary input, an SD card slot, and a 30 - pin iPod connector.
Some publishers supply proprietary ready - formatted digital files to retailers and other commercial partners., Others supply their trading partners with standard source files -LRB-.
Jean Davis at Brooklyn Law School has great guides on topic selection and development that you can check for more standard sources for finding international law topics to write about.
If you have data not available to the appraiser through standard sources, such as the MLS or county tax rolls, you may be able to grab the appraiser's attention and possibly affect a revision in the appraiser's opinions or conclusions.
Also, human DNA does not differ that much from the DNA of our closest relatives, and the differences are easily accounted for by the standard source of mutation and natural selection.
There are several issues with piping air from that location and method; it's moving directly over all the heat from the engine, the air is taking numerous turns and being deflected and agitated, and a box like this will require at least somewhat blocking off the standard sources of additional airflow to your intake.
During dual - zone playback a standard source is piped through the front speakers while the rear speakers are muted to allow DVD audio to play through the wireless headphones.
As culinary arts struggles to become an academic discipline, the popular topic of food gets full - fledged scholarly treatment in a fascinating set that should become a standard source.
This is the standard source used in most journalistic reporting of global average temperatures.
Obama disappointed many environmentalists by not turning his back on these standard sources of energy.
A standard SOURCE array is made up of two hydropanels, with additional panels added as needed for the water production or the local climate, and this self - contained unit is designed to be mounted onto the roof of a building, where it can then produce an average of 4 - 10 liters per day.
The standard sources for constitutional texts are regularly or continuously updated, yet they can be at least a year out... [more]
LEXIS and WESTLAW became the standard source of research for the students.
For a lawyer these questions present a field - day (the standard source book, Child Support the Legislation 2007 - 2008 (2009 - 10 is still awaited), Jacobs & Douglas, Sweet & Maxwell at 154 provides six pages of recondite discussion on «habitual residence» interpreting the authorities, sometimes, in an idiosyncratic way).
More and more companies use Linkedin as a standard source.
But how do you look beyond the standard sources — news articles, annual reports, online articles, blog entries, etc.?
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