Sentences with phrase «standard space»

The eerie early scenes fade into standard space horror panic and given how crowded that particular subgenre is, The Cloverfield Paradox emerges as a pale imitation.
To point out a few things, when to use the bullets, which part of the resume can be written in bold, the importance of standard spacing and what specific signs or marks to avoid.
We've got a number of shots of the more standard Space Gray version of the device here, but as you take a look at the images below, it looks good for a larger, 5.9 - inch device.
Participants» T1 - weighted images were co-registered to the corresponding mean EPI images and subsequently normalized to Montreal Neurological Institute standard space during the segmentation procedure, thus taking maximal advantage of the structural information in high - resolution T1 - weighted images.
- Western FPSes utilize much higher enemy counts (with each enemy being dispatched relatively quickly), whereas Samus rarely ever fights more than three or four standard Space Pirates at once, each of whom can take a lot of punishment.
The team is largely what separates this game from any other standard space shooter, in that you are expected to care for your comrades well being.
Still available in Apple's standard space gray or silver colors (no rose gold yet), the MacBook Pro's unibody aluminum shell is as gorgeous as ever, giving off a subdued shine through the anodization.
The tablet also comes in Apple's standard Space Gray, Silver and Gold finishes.
Without any legal definitions for the terms, HFAC's previous «Free Range» standards were written for what is now defined as «Pasture Raised» standards and had a requirement of 2.5 acres per 1000 birds (108 square feet per bird), which is the standard space requirement based on the British Free Range Standard and was a recommendation of the Soil Association, an organization founded in 1946, which focuses on sustainable farming and preventing soil degradation.
By adding a second dimension of time and a fourth dimension of space to Einstein's standard space - time, Bars has come up with a new model providing «additional information that remained hidden in previous formulations» of physics, including current versions of M - theory.
It is a dark, sensual, and interior work that runs counter to the standard space - alien genre, which is probably what makes it such a captivatingly otherworldly object.
Although the Ram Mega Cab is fairly maneuverable in parking lots, you probably won't fit in any of the standard spaces.
Not only can this system pull a car into or out of a parallel parking spot, it can now manage to back a car directly into a standard space too.
The standard space - saver spare tire now sat horizontally in the trunk, doing away with the small covered storage cubby in the spare tire well from last year.
All our article review writers are able to apply the standard spacing and margin observations.
While spacing is usually extracted correctly, since PDF documents create spaces visually (i.e., they are not really labeled as «one standard space» or «two standard spaces»), spacing between words is sometimes misinterpreted by conversion software, causing spaces to be added or deleted incorrectly during PDF - to - Word extraction.
Only standard space available in both directions, though if I could have booked that standard space it would cost 90,000 miles roundtrip.
The game controls are your standard space sim controls.
Retrobooster looks like your standard spaceship action game at first glance, but after start - up you immediately find out that it is much more than a standard space gunner.
Some of them are your standard space facility type deal, others might be lava based, and even some gem caves pop up too.
CCP's EVE: Valkyrie could certainly have been developed as a standard space - fighting game, a genre whose controls usually confound me.
Many keyboards employ a keyboard format having a standard spacing from the middle of one key to the middle of an adjacent key as well as a standard size for those keys.
Clever design means many models with larger drums can still fit into a standard space.
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