Sentences with phrase «standard terminology»

Although it is difficult to determine the extent of overtraining / burnout in children and adolescents, due in part to the lack of standard terminology used in different studies, it is believed to occur in about 30 % to 35 % of adolescent athletes.
The set offers high dynamic range (HDR) processing, but the option is buried in the user settings and called Dynamic Backlight Control instead of the more standard terminology.
Universal Algebra, in precisely this sense, is a poor framework for mathematics insofar as it unites spatial manifolds and symbolic logic by introducing the common notion of an algebraic manifold (Whitehead's terminology) or a semi-group (current standard terminology), an object with very little structure or intrinsic interest.9 In this case, generalization comes at the expense of abstract sterility.
Even the term «racialization» is relatively new and some in the community (including among visible minorities) do not accept it as standard terminology.
processing, but the option is buried in the user settings and called Dynamic Backlight Control instead of the more standard terminology.
DEFINITION OF TERMS AND APPLICATIONS 2.1 Standard Terminology: Shall, Should, and May 2.2 Material Types and Possible Destinations 2.3 Definitions of «Loss and Waste» 2.4 How the Standard Addresses the Environmental, Nutritional, or Financial Implications of FLW 2.5 How the Standard Applies to Certain Components of the Food Supply Chain 2.6 Using the Standard to Make Comparisons among Entities
Look at definitions and standard terminology, and pay attention to what sections of the municipal code may be relevant.
Likelihood - The likelihood of an occurrence, outcome or result, where this can be estimated probabilistically, is expressed in IPCC (2007) reports using a standard terminology.
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