Sentences with phrase «standard view»

Additional standard view room nights are available at $ 119 plus tax per night, subject to availability.
The administrative controls don't offer as many options as some might need either; for example the administrator can't create multiple standard views.
And from a fairly standard view about the purpose of the corporation, the wishes of shareholders matter a great deal.
At the time you purchase your tour, air prices may be higher.Prices based on standard view rooms at all hotels.Supplement to oceanview rooms: $ 300Prices are per person, based on double room occupancy.Gratuities for Tour Director, Driver and Local Guides are available for pre-purchase.
The iPhone 4 packed in 326 pixels per inch (ppi)-- pixels so tiny that you can't discern them at standard viewing distance.
Single Room Supplement: $ 1,190 to $ 1,250; oceanview $ 1,465 to $ 1,525 Triple Room Reduction per person: $ 130 to $ 145; oceanview $ 195 to $ 210Guaranteed Shares are available on standard view only.2019 prices and itineraries are subject to change.
Simply because of how 1989's Sweet Home had its own first - person combat mechanics, Resident mimicked this as the player's standard view for a considerable amount of time.
Thanks to dating profile templates free youtubeDouble Standards When Dating Younger Why is it that men who date much younger women are dating double standards viewed as dirty.
A new 77 - inch version of its EZ1002 4K HDR OLED TV was unveiled, which has the calibre required to be used as a Hollywood - standard viewing monitor let alone consumer television.
Appears instead as «See Latest» when accompanying a Review Stats chart, as it does in Standard view.
The image became grainy when we zoomed in closely, but at standard view, the photo looked clear and defined.
The standard view in economics and in policy circles is that wage increases come at a cost that impacts individual firms negatively.
The present writer begs to differ from this standard reaction which, of course, expresses the standard view.
I love that you always make us look at things with fresh eyes and don't take a standard view of things.
Richard Rorty once notoriously called the invocation of God's will a «conversation stopper,» expressing the now «standard view that citizens who are believers must first assume a public identity as rational, ahistorical persons before venturing to participate in public debate, reserving their private identity as believers for more domestic spheres, as if religion were a hobby such as fly «fishing or building model trains.
But, as we have seen, Griffin rejects the standard view — it was the first (alleged) alternative to the monopolistic view that we considered in the preceding section.
And what is interesting here, I think, is that while the standard view of omnipotence does not appear to entail that beings other than God are devoid of power, it does entail that the exercise of power on the part of any finite being is importantly conditioned, i.e., it is contingent upon God's willingness to refrain from exercising some power of his own.
Backing away from the monopolistic and standard views, I should think that the first diminutive would be this: With respect to any finite being, an omnipotent being has power to completely determine some of its activities (e.g., its walking activities), but does not have power sufficient to completely determine all of its activities (e.g., not its talking activities).
In fact, I suspect that this idea concerning the power a being would have to have in order to count as the possessor of perfect power has been widely enough held to warrant being referred to as the «standard view» of omnipotence.
So far, the standard view does not appear to be in any serious trouble.
Thus, in the interest of completeness I have worked in turn with three quite independent critiques of Premise X, attempting in each case to assess its plausibility and to determine its connection (if any) with the claim that the standard view of omnipotence is incoherent.
(2) The standard view of law and legalistic piety can no longer honestly be held.
Since, for Griffin, what I have called the «standard view» of omnipotence is not distinguished from and, inflict (given one of his arguments) reduced to the monopolistic view, it, too, is incoherent and for the same reasons.
However, this isn't a standard view of how Evangelical Christians define «cult.»
What may be called the standard view of Jesus» resurrection (Acts 1:3, 9; 2:24, 32 - 33) involves three stages: the empty tomb, the forty days of intermittent association with the disciples, and the ascension to the right hand of God.
I'm critical of the standard view promoted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse that addiction is a brain disease.
In this standard view, the genetic differences between any two individuals are due to slight differences in the sequence of their genes that mean that the genes «spell out» slightly different proteins.
We've found out why a Mexican cavefish has no eyes — and the surprising answer is likely to be seized upon by those who think the standard view of evolution needs revising.
Particle physics gives us clues to what Dark Matter might be, and the standard view is that Dark Matter particles have a very large mass for fundamental particles, comparable to that of heavy atoms.
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