Sentences with phrase «standards mean by»

Exactly what do the Common Core standards mean by close reading?
Two Finnish researchers, Minna Rintala and Pertti Mustajoki, tested standard accepted body fat percentages for women against measurements they made on mannequins (of arm, thigh, waist, and hip circumference are all standard means by which to measure body fat percentage) they found in Finnish museums that were from the 20s, 30s, 50s, 60s, and 90s.

Not exact matches

Speaking with CNBC, Ito said the standards that were agreed upon by the governing body for telecommunications standards mean 5G will aim to reduce latency to 0.5 milliseconds, putting it way ahead of the 10 milliseconds supported by the current 4G standard.
The change, meant to address lingering concerns about pilot fatigue, has been welcomed by pilots» unions and others who say safety standards in Canada have fallen behind many other countries around the world.
Most digital currencies are not backed by any central government, meaning each country has different standards.
The gameplay is somewhat simplistic by today's standards, as are the graphics (clearly), but that doesn't make it a bad game by any means.
This means you can customize the razor's performance to match your own skin and facial hair type — a welcome departure from that offered by standard double - edged razors.
By 2025, Honda plans to come up with cars with «level 4» standard automated driving functions, meaning they can drive themselves on highways and city roads under most situations.
Barbara grew up in a big family, meager means, made to believe she was deficient according to the standards of a grossly outdated education system, betrayed by a boyfriend and then went on to become a BOSS in real estate.
These measurers do not have a standard meaning prescribed by GAAP and therefore they may not be comparable to similarly titled measurers presented by other publicly traded companies, and should not be construed as an alternative to other financial measures determined in accordance with GAAP.
Last but by no means least, standard economic theory predicts that increased trade will grow the economy but hurt some specific social classes.
This measure, part of the new fiduciary standard's best interest contract exemption (or BICE), means advisors and others have to figure out how to best define reasonable compensation by April 10, 2017.
A rule announced last year by the Department of Labor, will soon require them to uphold what's called a «fiduciary» standard, meaning they must put their clients» best interests first.
That means they can recommend funds based on commissions, not prudence — the standard by which 401 (k) fiduciaries must select funds.
The NSA seeks to defeat encryption through a variety of means, including by obtaining encryption «keys» to decode communications, by using super-computers to break codes, and by influencing encryption standards to make them more vulnerable to outside attack, according to reports Thursday by the New York Times, the Guardian and ProPublica, based on documents provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.
Virtual currencies, he argued, are valued as highly as they are because of the «oxygen provided by the connection to standard means of payments and trading apps that link users to conventional bank accounts.»
They measure changes in analyst earnings forecast dispersion (standard deviation divided by mean) based on data from I / B / E / S as the difference between current dispersion and dispersion two months ago.
Since risk spreads for most borrowers have also declined this means that overall borrowing costs for rated borrowers, corporate and most governments, are low by the standards of the past few decades.
For small business owners contemplating adding alternative payment solutions to their menu of legal tender, consider these tips: Don't be intimidated Just because the payment solution you're offering is not the tried - and - true standard exemplified by cash or credit, that doesn't mean its implementation will be difficult.
High - saving countries created employment, and low - saving countries enjoyed faster consumption growth as cheap imports meant that living standards rose by more than the increase in production — worth around half a percentage point a year in the United Kingdom.
And if you literally mean a flat tax with from the first dollar (which is * NOT * what most flat tax proposals are, by the way — they all include at least a significant standard deduction)-- one with no deductions & credits (not even home interest deductions or charitable deductions or college deductions, etc), then we may as well be discussing what type of pig would fly more efficiently.
Fee - Only financial advisors are held to the Fiduciary Standard, which means we are required, by law, to put our clients» best interest ahead of our own, but 75 % of financial advisors are held to a much lower ethical standard called the suitability sStandard, which means we are required, by law, to put our clients» best interest ahead of our own, but 75 % of financial advisors are held to a much lower ethical standard called the suitability sstandard called the suitability standardstandard.
In this case, «fully autonomous» means a level four or five system by SAE standard, or one that a human need not operate at all, but which can be taken over by a human driver if needed.
He tests this approach by matching actual yield curve data with standardized (normal) R and C distributions that both have zero mean and standard deviation one (such that standardized R and C may be negative).
By this term we mean economic, social, and political structures which do not conform to Christian moral standards....
I mean after all, she's female, so obviously by Bible standards, she's simply property.
This means that they do not arise from any supposedly more fundamental good and there is no common standard by which one could value them for purposes of exchange.
By your standards, that means he was.
What is the standard by which you produce your meaning if it's not something you beg, steal, or borrow?
This would mean, by logical standards, that the people who did move to the Western Hemisphere would have had to have abandoned their culture, their tools, and even their god, for there is no record of monotheism in the Western Hemisphere.
Do you mean a standard like the one provided by the christian fairy tale?
Pace Donald Sherburne's solution (viz. ditching God altogether, positing the multiplicity of actual entities as the only source of a plural «order, meaning and value»), one possible response might run as follows: in the primordial nature there are no general (fixed a priori) standards of value, there is only the capacity to offer «guidelines» relative to already individuated worlds, This, or something very like it, seems to be the solution implicitly adopted by Christian when he says of the primordial nature:
What actuial harm is being done, by any standard of the word that has any meaning?
By «old conviction» do you mean that maybe many more people do go to heaven even though they may not be Christians by our standards or understandinBy «old conviction» do you mean that maybe many more people do go to heaven even though they may not be Christians by our standards or understandinby our standards or understanding?
This means that you are not — by the standards of humanity, according to the spectrum of what you could do in this life — «as» evil as Hitler.
«Standard» (originally meaning «banner»), nowadays means something that is accepted as a model, and by which other things are also oriented, i.e., a measure, criterion or norm.
Also I'm most of the time very good at judging others to some kind of standard that I expect people to live by, meaning I want to put them into religion or at least have some kind of control over them.
Now it is exactly in situations like this — according to the standard account of orthodox Whiteheadians — that God is supposed to lure the world, by means of what he proffers to actual occasions via subjective aims, toward that falling out of events which will make his future experience most positive.
The period which followed, initiated by well - meaning and believing administrators of the first generation, was a time of high morale, because academic standards and aspirations were on the rise, funding and prestige were up, and the residual religious atmosphere was durable enough (even somewhat more sophisticated) to reassure the reformers that the intellectual gain had been without religious loss.
Doubtless a significant temptation to sloth or «accidie» — as this vice was called in older days — is to be found in the frustration a man experiences when he has no clear sense of his duties and no specific standard by means of which to judge himself.
It means that the state is not supreme, nor are the people themselves the final standard by which everything is to be measured.
Yet it was not all failure, by any means, even by the standards by which Jesus reckoned success; so much is clear.
And it is precisely because we quest for meaning, and therefore establish values, rules and principles by which to live, that we then experience guilt as we violate our own self - imposed standards.
Christ has demonstrated the full meaning of what it means to be a man; therefore, he is fully the second Adam, the standard by which God will finally judge man at the end of history.
We reduce it to insignificance and remove its ontological and theological sting, by construing it as though it said that man's body was taken from the earth and in doing so we think of «body» as meaning just what fits into the framework of our standard and superficial ideas, and as something that has nothing to do with the «soul».
Incommensurability, we are told, means «the absence of a common moral standard by which to evaluate competing moral vocabularies.»
Inasmuch as the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Bible sponsored by the National Council of Churches has been out since 1989, the TNIV is playing «catch up» on avoiding male terms when gender - inclusive words are valid translations or when humans in general were meant.
It means that Christians should attempt by education, persuasion, and where necessary by legal action to secure a minimum standard of income for all, commensurate with the cost of living.
As a first approximation, we may say that the poetic function points to the obliterating of the ordinary referential function, at least if we identify it with the capacity to describe familiar objects of perception or the objects which science alone determines by means of its standards of measurement.
And just because we, myself included, don't understand the customs of a different time and a different place doesn't mean they were wrong, we're only judging them by our standards.
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