Sentences with phrase «standing in a wider stance»

If you're holding a narrow stance, your outer quads will take most of the pressure, but if you're standing in a wider stance with your toes pointed out, the toll will be on your inner thigh muscles.
Stand in a wide stance, using your back leg as a support, and then bend your body toward your supporting leg.

Not exact matches

Standing upright, move your feet so that you are in the classic «plie» position — toes pointing out, core tight and stance as wide as you are able to properly and comfortably execute the move (aim for shoulder width).
Stand with your feet in a wide stance so that the band is taut around your ankles.
Circle side lunges with dumbbell: Stand tall with legs in a wide straddle stance.
When you're standing in a stance wider than your shoulders, have your toes pointed outwards, but make sure that you keep your body as straight as possible.
From a standing position with a wide stance, grab the bar and raise it from the floor by extending your arms in front of you and maintaining a tight core and take it up to shoulder height.
Stand with both feet forward and legs in a wide stance and as straight as possible.
I opt to have them stand in a wider than shoulder width and then with their feet together in a narrow stance when performing reps.
You will do Drop Side and Stand Leg Abduction Lifts, Sequential Front Lunge Kick Combo, Narrow Stance Squats, again with a bonus Calf Raise, and one final round of Wide Stance Deadlifts to leave you shaking in your shoes!
You may have to stand with a wider stance in the beginning.
Start by standing with your legs in a wide stance.
This is marked by a wider stance and a sculpted, athletic body, which will help it stand out in a crowded segment.
Additionally, the dog or cat might breath with an open mouth, have their cheeks billow out with each expiration, stand with legs in a wide stance, or neck outstretched.
A dog with difficulty breathing may sit or stand with its legs in a wide stance, sometimes with mouth open, and the neck is frequently outstretched.
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