Sentences with phrase «standing in my kitchen»

Several times a week, I stand in my kitchen, or among the cubicles in my workplace, and wonder why I'm there.
I can tell you where I was standing in the kitchen afterward, when I read the confused message from a teacher.
He stood in the kitchen, pen in hand, poised for my directive.
It was 6.30 am on a Sunday and I was standing in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil.
I came across ENJO in NZ and came home after using some for 6 months and stood in the kitchen of my new house and thought, I just can't go back to using chemicals.
A lovely reminder that we can revisit our happiest places while standing in the kitchen.
As I stood in the kitchen last Saturday, wearing Ohio State sweatpants and an Ohio State t - shirt, rolling peanut butter balls and dipping them ever so carefully in chocolate, I contemplated just what to write for a buckeye post during a football boycott.
I have a big problem with inspiration in the kitchen — like the proverbial woman who stands in her closet saying «I have nothing to wear,» I can stand in a kitchen chock full of groceries and have no idea what to make with them.
Yesterday as I stood in the kitchen trying to figure out what to make for dinner I wondered to myself, how do those people do it on those shows where they are given random ingredients and are suppose come up with something genius.
Which is pretty typical when the sun is out as all my desire to stand in a kitchen and cook rapidly disappears.
Better Than Takeout Orange Chicken - StumbleUpon Yesterday as I stood in the kitchen trying to figure out what to make for dinner I wondered to myself, how do those people do it on those shows where they are given random ingredients and are suppose come up with something genius.
After Carrie moves in with Aidan she talks with her friends about the loss of her alone time, aka the loss of time for her secret single behaviors, such as standing in the kitchen reading fashion magazines while eating a tower of saltines with grape jelly.
I really was sure it was going to be one of those other recipes, and then suddenly I was standing in the kitchen looking at a gingerbread muffins recipe.
There are days when I could stand in the kitchen all day, making one delicious recipe after another.
I really was sure it was going to be one of those, and then suddenly I was standing in the kitchen looking at a gingerbread muffins recipe.
After I spent many hours on a super fancy dessert, these were what everyone stood in the kitchen and snacked on until they were gone.
I don't feel like spending hours standing in the kitchen with batter up to my elbows.
It's the process, too, the learning and doing and standing in the kitchen, working with my hands, listening to things sizzle and pop, my glasses steaming up as I open the oven door.
I stood in my kitchen with my kindle open to the page with this recipe and tried to avoid getting any batter on it.
Even if my day involves eating lunch standing in the kitchen with my winter coat on.
We stood in the kitchen at the stove eating the tacos they were so good.
And it really would have looked a little suspicious standing in the kitchen on a Saturday...
I actually ended up standing in the kitchen making things from about 1 pm — 10 pm.
Last thing I wanted to do after that was stand in the kitchen and cook.
As I stood in my kitchen baking this practice cake, I couldn't help but picture my grandma's kitchen — as if I was baking with her.
As they were baking, I'd standing in the kitchen for what seemed like the longest ten minutes any six - year - old had ever been forced to suffer.
Most of the time it works (there's only 2 of us so it's easier), but sometimes I forget things and many nights I'm standing in the kitchen going «what was I going to make?».
Partly this has to do with the fact that I just freakin» love standing in the kitchen.
Eating fresh ice cream while standing in the kitchen and you're giving me brownies to dunk in my coffee?!
I remember standing in the kitchen one summer's morning as my mother gleefully pulled out yet another concoction — I think this one had yoghurt in it.
I stood in the kitchen, over the pot of boiling gumbo, watching him and thinking how lucky I am to have this man as a father.
So there I was last weekend, again, standing in the kitchen, warm from the heat of the oven, with my hands white with flour and sticky with dough.
As we stood in the kitchen discussing how many units of insulin he should calculate for the food he ate, we come to the conclusion that he should take 5 units.
I swear I've been standing in my kitchen all day, cooking up a storm of dishes.
Perfect if you have overnight guests and don't want to stand in the kitchen cooking French toast.
I know because I'm standing in my kitchen, looking out onto the porch, watching a robin gather bundles of dried grass (from a neglected planter) to use as bedding in her nest.
You're standing in the kitchen with a giant artist's palette on your thumb - but instead of daubs of paint, it's groaning under the weight of a kaleidoscope of fresh produce.
And I may or may not have done a little dance as I stood in my kitchen, smothered one of these biscuits with blood orange cardamom jam and stuffed it into my face.
I found myself (as usual) standing in the kitchen thinking what to make and then i thought «let me just look at what ingredients i have by hand, bake some cookies and hope for the best» one word, success!
That's the real draw for me as I suffer from knee pain from running or long days standing in the kitchen.
You know those hangover mornings, when you really wan na have something fancy, nutritious and tasty for breakfast, but you are also sure you can't stand in your kitchen longer than 5 minutes.
If you're like me and dread dinnertime because you know it means standing in the kitchen for hours cooking, then you're in luck today.
The answer to the question «What the heck do I make with a bunch of parsley» I was asking myself while standing in the kitchen is this recipe!
I am lying in bed, recuperating from spine surgery, reading this recipe and dreaming of standing in my kitchen to make this my new favorite holiday recipe.
I definitely stood in the kitchen, staring at this gorgeous summer salad, wondering / hoping / wishing / longing to put all of these ingredients between two slices of bread to make an extra buttery, extra mozzarella - y grilled cheese.
Standing in the kitchen one night, Kara handed me a can of beer.
, then stand them in the kitchen, and tell them everything they need to do... every single, solitary action!
I would rather stand in the kitchen and shove raw kale into my mouth prior to smoothie consumption than have it intermingling with my strawberries, PB, oats, and protein.
Since I have my husband and four children to cook for, I don't want to loathe the seemingly endless stand in the kitchen and I DO want my children to enjoy food and me through their food experience.
I just made this for myself for breakfast and I don't know about you but I used to stand in the kitchen late at night gobbling down apple sauce when I was a kid and this, this is like superfunkaliciousextradelicious apple sauce.
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