Sentences with phrase «standing on end»

I made my first raised bed — a keyhole garden — this year with old logs (I had an abundance) standing on end as the outer walls.
Beginning at one end of the row, use your fingers to make a small hole in the top of the soil, just big enough for a single potato chip to fit standing on end.
Vortex is the same cor - ten steel as My Curves Are Not Mad, but this time they are standing on end in a circle like a stack of cards.
Coming off his Balloon Dog (Orange), which sold last November for $ 58.4 m (# 34m), the highest price ever paid for a living artist, two other shiny sculptures adorned the catalogue covers of Sotheby's and Christie's spring sales, with Jim Beam — JB Turner Train, the stainless steel train filled with bourbon, selling for $ 33.7 m, and Popeye going to Steve Wynn's Las Vegas casino for an above - estimate $ 28.1 m. Fans packed in like sardines last year for Koons's solo shows at New York's Gagosian and Zwirner galleries, which pitted his Gazing Ball plaster casts against work just off the production line, and are currently filing through Rockefeller Center to view Split - Rocker, rising 37 feet (11 metres) in the air, with the hairs of its 50,000 living flowers standing on end.
The storyline is so dark that it will leave your hairs standing on end, and the gameplay will give you goosebumps whilst your spin shivers.
Hair standing on end like the classic Halloween cat.
Warning signs in cats include a direct stare, elevated hindquarters, and fur standing on end.
The rungs in between include crouching, hair standing on end, ears pinned back, yawning, tucking the tail between the legs, and spinning.
You can lower the cat in from the top of the carrier by cradling him and gently lowering him in in to the carrier while it's standing on end.
Get your pet to a vet if it is shivering, disoriented and lethargic or if its hair is puffed out and standing on end.
Hair standing on end and hysterical at every little neighborhood noise,
In a flash, a large black and tan shepherd emerged from the woods, its hair standing on end.
Among her best: Gandhi, the Beatles (early and Sgt. Pepper era), Einstein with hair standing on end, Bob Marley with dreads and cap, Jailhouse Rock Elvis (and...
Among her best: Gandhi, the Beatles (early and Sgt. Pepper era), Einstein with hair standing on end, Bob Marley with dreads and cap, Jailhouse Rock Elvis (and later Elvis with sneer and white jumpsuit), Che Guevara with beret and distinctive facial hair, Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly (the dress and accessories are stellar) and Madonna in pink conical bra c. 1990.
She was wedged against a tall fellow with a big chin and blond hair standing on end.
With nearly 200,000 new titles published each year, bookstores have books featured everywhere — stacked on the floor, standing on end caps and sitting on tables, not to mention the rows of shelves.
Raw power and speed aren't new for modern Corvettes; true, the C5 and C6 were capable corner dicers, as well as drag racers, but could leave even the most experienced drivers» hairs standing on end near the limit, exhibiting a frightful tendency toward trailing - throttle oversteer.
My hair is standing on end, as if lightning is about to strike, and I still have a copy... Read more
And then there are other days when I wake and my hair is standing on end and it literally looks like I've been electrocuted in my sleep... Which could actually be a possibility since I sleep so heavily!
Love the picture of the loaves standing on end - nice shot.
For example, if the dark matter blob were shaped like an American football standing on its end, it could cut right through the center of the galaxy.
The device resembles a giant doughnut standing on end.
Hair standing on end during a thunderstorm is a bad sign — it means lightning is on the way.
Other physiological measures of fear, like hair standing on end, were the same no matter which snake they faced.
My hair could be standing on end and I could have the worst morning breath ever and my kids will tell me I'm beautiful.
The puck may be standing on end, a no - chance proposition for the goalie, the shot following the flighty course of a knuckleball — at 90 miles per hour.
Standing it on end, trim away the brown skin in long strips.
Even his Marine - style, salt - and - pepper hair seems to stand on end and bristle, as it were, at whatever the 38 - year - old entrepreneur happens to be facing down.
It is not a particularly memorable or insightful column — in other words, par for the course — but there is one paragraph that makes one's hair stand on end:
If the person is just trying to get more people in their club, my hair too stands on end.
Anti-atheists such as Hotairace just makes the hairs on my back stand on end!
when it is exposed to water, the fibers stand on end, trapping the water (or other liquid of choice) next to the seed
Those who need variety cringe are adventurous eaters and the word «leftovers» makes their hair stand on end.
I stand that on end and run a knife top to bottom to peel it.
«Get going good and they'd stand out straight all right and sometimes your hair'd stand on end
Just before kick - off all the players came on to the pitch and gave Stevie a guard of honour, the whole of Anfield started singing it made my feathers stand on end.
Hearing 53,000 people singing You'll Never Walk Alone made my feathers stand on end.
The guy just had something about him from the day he signed for United, to the day he retired from football, even now just seeing him makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.
The larger side zip is easier to fill on the EZ Squeeze, but I like how the bottom opens up to stand on its end on the Squeez»Em s.
Mary: Your middle school lunch room stories make my hair stand on end!
If you stand it on end, the mattress will not bend, fold or collapse — even with pressure applied.
Well the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.
A look of anger will make your heart speed up and your blood vessels dilate until your skin turns red; a look of fear can make your hands cold and clammy and your hairs stand on end; a look of disgust can make you nauseated.
That metal ball that makes your hair stand on end at science museums may have a powerful new use.
«The moment you hear it, all your hairs stand on end,» says Dos Santos.
The chimpanzees» hair will stand on end and then they start this rhythmic swaying from side to side.
Connected to the follicle are sebaceous glands, which release oils onto the hair, and arrector pili muscles, which can cause hairs to stand on end.
Cathy Olkin is standing, eighth from left; Alice Bowman stands on the end at right.
Four days before the national election, and while the whole country's hairs figuratively stood on end, we were making sure that New England kids» hairs were doing it literally!
When a person rubs her head with a balloon, her hair stands on end.
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