Sentences with phrase «standing tradition for»

As is a standing tradition for MGS games, the in - game graphics will blow you away — raindrops, armament detail, facial expressions, all are truly next generation, Hideo Kojima has truly outdone himself this time and it does not stop there.
At St. Andrew's, professional summer reading has been a long - standing tradition for faculty and staff.
In Russia, there is a long - standing tradition for its people to own pets.

Not exact matches

«The ancient Romans had a tradition: Whenever one of their engineers constructed an arch, as the capstone was hoisted into place, the engineer assumed accountability for his work in the most profound way possible: He stood under the arch.»
It, for the most part, has stood on integrity and tradition.
It must be an old tradition though because allegedly Jesus made a comment about praying on street corners:» «And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men.
The design, he said, is «a total rejection of the past and tradition and, honestly, of everything that Eisenhower himself stood for
Since the family is the prime unit in the transmission of tradition (indeed, tradition itself has little meaning for those uprooted from family), it stands to reason that the grave familial problems our society faces can be effectively approached only within the context of tradition.
This makes it difficult for us to keep growing, but in the moment it feels like keeping the group pure and safe or standing up for principle / tradition, and that's how we rationalize it.
It may be that in the course of history certain dimensions of saving truth become obscured and must be recovered but it is impossible for a theologian to stand apart from tradition and begin his work ab initio; to do so would be to cut himself off from the Church, which is the source sine qua non of theology, and to deny the historical givenness of Revelation.
During the Friday service, half the congregation stood for the prayers and half remained seated, and each side shouted at the other, insisting that theirs was the true tradition.
Both Scripture and Christian tradition remind us that faithful prophetic protest is crucial to confronting injustice, speaking truth to power, and advocating for and standing with the marginalized.
(Titus 1:9) And for those under their authority, «stand firm and hold on to the traditions that we taught you, whether by speech or by letter.»
The Anglican church stands squarely in the Reformed tradition, yet embraces Church tradition as that which connects all generations of believers together and gives us a starting point for our interpretation of Scripture.
In the broader historical perspective Whitehead thus stands in the neo-Platonic tradition which situated Platonic «Ideas» in God and [230] interpreted them as God's ideas for creation.
Parishioner Henry Borga requested the mass intention, on behalf of one Osama bin Laden, which is a long - standing tradition in the Catholic Church in which masses are offered for souls in purgatory or to remember someone who has died or in honor of someone still living.
In keeping with that tradition, Piper notes that Adam was standing there with Eve but doesn't explicitly conclude that Adam is just as culpable for partaking of the fruit for that reason.
The theological and moral witness of a Dietrich Bonhoeffer stands as evidence that, for those ready to look for them, the Lutheran tradition provides resources enough for resistance to tyranny.
This statement stands out to me: «But Jesus taught lucidly that Jewish requirements for purity — varied cultural traditions — do not matter before God.
But the liberal churches do — both severally and together — stand for reasonably distinctive traditions or emphases.
Take any traditional objection to accepting the old Platonic analogy of God as the World Soul and it can be shown that the objection stands or falls with aspects of a tradition which philosophy has been moving away from since the middle ages — for instance ideas of sheer infinity, sheer immutability, also what is usually meant by omnipotence.
I will use the generic term «sign» from the semiotic tradition revived by Charles Peirce at the end of the nineteenth century to stand for any object of interpretation.
His delineation of «decline» and «apostasy» is more valid for groups that stand directly in the line of the «Princeton theology» and other scholastic traditions and less valid for others.
Yet most of those same observers, when pressed for an opinion as to where the vital juices are flowing in contemporary American religion, will call our attention not only to born - again conservative evangelicalism, but also to movements and tendencies that stand in a direct line of succession to the liberal traditions.
This achievement alone is pregnant with enormous meaning and interest for philosophy and theology; and, in this regard, we must view Hartshorne as standing in the same tradition with Aristotle, Aquinas, Spinoza, Hegel, and Whitehead.
As you know, a Pontifical Council has recently been established for the New Evangelisation of countries of long - standing Christian tradition, and I would encourage you to avail yourselves of its services in addressing the task before you.
Surely, then, I must continue to affirm the truth and grace in my own tradition and continue to stand there, if we are to speak meaningfully with one another; and yet at the same time I can not, for the same reason, deny the truth and grace in his or her position.
In Christian Scripture and tradition, then, we find an ethic of care for strangers that renders precarious the protection of daughters; an ethic of chastity — laden with innuendos of pleasure, lust and pride — that renders precarious the moral standing and human rights of women; and an ethic of Christian duty that renders precarious the basic safety of wives.
Gerber named its 2018 Spokesbaby on Wednesday and aside from maintaining the long - standing tradition of being adorable, Lucas Warren is also making history for being the first spokesbaby with Down syndrome.
Whatever the specifics of their religious tradition, terrorists have often depended for their foot soldiers upon ecstatics who stand outside the ordinary, practical world of means and ends.
Are you going to actually stand your ground and debate what constitutes orthodoxy within the Christian tradition, and whether or not a belief in Incarnation is part of that, or are you just going to stand at a distance and * observe * patterns within Reformed theology [like, gosh, a concern for truth!
For good or for ill, the Christian tradition stands by its witness that God is not dead but alive; and to decline to bear this witness is not simply to criticize that tradition, but to abandon For good or for ill, the Christian tradition stands by its witness that God is not dead but alive; and to decline to bear this witness is not simply to criticize that tradition, but to abandon for ill, the Christian tradition stands by its witness that God is not dead but alive; and to decline to bear this witness is not simply to criticize that tradition, but to abandon it.
But for our purposes here, Origen is the most illuminating because he stands at the beginning of the Christian intellectual tradition.
An excellent illustration is to be found in I Corinthians 11 where Paul's text is the tradition («The Lord Jesus, on the night in which he was betrayed, took bread...»).14 His text, translated and proclaimed for the Corinthian situation, stands now as our text for proclamation to the situation of the present hearers, a situation that will, in dialogue with the text, create a new speaking and hearing of the Gospel.
The fact is, however, that for the most part the doctrines here discussed have stood within the main Jewish and Christian tradition of the west.
Those individuals who put down on parchment the tradition that the community of believers garnered and protected for them, spoke primarily as a part of God's people even when they sounded as if they stood apart from the faithful.
We shall return to Jeremias's work on the parables again and again, for it is epoch - making in several respects, but for the moment we want only to call attention to the consequences of this work so far as a general view of the nature of the synoptic tradition is concerned the success of Jeremias's work demands that we accept his starting - point, namely, that any parable as it now stands in the gospels represents the teaching of the early Church and the way back from the early Church to the historical Jesus is a long and arduous one.
lol, yes clay i am an atheist... i created the sun whorshipping thing to have argument against religion from a religious stand point... however, the sun makes more sense then something you can't see or feel — the sun also gives free energy... your god once did that for the jews, my gives it to the human race as well as everything else on the planet, fuk even the planet is nothing without the sun... but back to your point — yes it is very hypocritical of me, AND thats the point, every religious person i have ever met has and on a constant basis broken the tenets of there faith without regard for there souls — it seems to only be the person's conscience that dictates what is right and wrong... the belief in a god figure is just because its tradition to and plus every else believes so its always to be part of the group instead of an outsider — that is sadly human nature to be part of the group.
It is crucial that what he stands for be not moralistic trivia but the central principles of the Hebrew - Christian tradition — justice, respect for people, trust; love, and brotherhood under God.
Yet in the more authentic sense of a prophet as one who speaks for God to declare his word and will, Jesus and his message of the kingdom stand clearly in the prophetic tradition.
He added: «The Church of Scotland stands alongside people of all faith traditions, and none, in the move towards fairness for all our children.»
Although there are some legitimate zones for theological disagreement, this viewpoint holds that there are some fundamental Roman Catholic truths, and that if one is not in agreement with them, one simply no longer stands in the Roman Catholic tradition.
My students are mostly Jewish and Christian, since the relationship between these two traditions is the center of my work, but we have given much thought to the relation of our traditions to the others, especially to Islam, which stands in a special relationship to ours for both historical and theological reasons.
Wesley, Wilberforce and Charles Finney's evangelical abolitionists stood solidly in the biblical tradition in their search for justice for the poor and oppressed of their time.
It is Reinhold Niebuhr in the twentieth century who, standing within the Reformation tradition, has become its foremost critic precisely at the point of the struggle for justice in history.
The theology underlying Mark's presentation is clearer from Matthew than it is from Mark, because Matthew uses the Old Testament far more; but the presentation of the Galilean theory is clearer from Mark, for he stands closer to the primitive stream of tradition than does Matthew.
Both in western and Syrian traditions, the congregation stood for the reading of the Gospel during the Eucharist.
Their hesitation primarily stems from the question of whether the notion of emptiness, conceived as a dynamic emptying of all distinctions, can sustain a commitment to ethics, history», and personhood with the seriousness and even ultimacy that they, precisely as people standing in the Christian tradition, think necessary The Jewish participant, while less concerned with kenosis, shares their concern for the potential loss of ultimacy in the realm of historical action with its ethical norms and deep sense of personhood.
And, as the prophets later saw, all this presented two focal points of peril to the best traditions that had come from the desert: it substituted for the old austerity the alluring licentiousness of baal worship, and it sanctioned the commercial inequalities and tyrannies, which the baals of sophisticated Canaan sponsored against the ancient ideas of social solidarity, equality, and justice for which Yahweh stood.
He goes on to define evangelicalism's theological center, saying, «Adherence to the Bible for me means acquiescence to all its teachings and a refusal to allow any rival to stand above it, whether tradition, reason, culture, science, or opinion.»
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