Sentences with phrase «standing up with»

It's very helpful when there is someone supporting the young person and standing up with them in court; it lets the court know that this person has not been forgotten about.
Members of the academic community all over the world are standing up with Dale Askey and asking that that Edwin Mellen stand down.
Foundations aren't meant to be submerged in water, and houses don't like standing up with their roof joists removed.
Youth all over the world are standing up with the Global TRUST Campaign to demand that their governments take action to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Gradually, as one's eye adjusts to the apparent chaos, details emerge: doleful faces plastered across the debris and the Archangel Michael standing up with his sword raised.
In particular, an early scene discusses an unconscious character being tied down on a bed for an experiment, yet her animation shows her standing up with her eyes closed.
Come and Hang Ten with one of our highly trained I.S.A qualified surf instructors who will have you standing up with a smile by the end of your first surf lesson, guaranteed!
Her most obvious symptom is she has a difficult time standing up with her hind legs and does a bunny hop with them as well.
On the other hand, it's easier to type while standing up with the mini than the Air.
My two dogs, both adult boxers, fit in the back standing up with a few inches of height to spare, but they definitely have more space in my old Passat.
This means it should be in the same position relative to the body as when standing up with good posture, looking straight ahead.
Standing up with feet just outside of shoulder width, dip down from the hips as though going to sit on a low stool.
It looks like she is standing up with two dumbbells,,
Keep your abdominals engaged whilst standing up with the dumbbell, before lowering yourself back into the starting position.
Begin standing up with feet hip - width distance.
Standing up with one foot on a slider, move the slider foot around in a big circle, slightly bending your supporting leg
There won't be too much strain on the straps like when you are standing up with a loaded backpack.
Standing up with torso straight and very small inclination forward, bring your arms up to 90 degrees.
Just as we supported the Fight for $ 15 for New York workers, we're standing up with drivers in their fight for fair pay.»
But, instead of standing up with a prepared speech that the passive audience sits under, I talked and allowed people to interject, question, comment, and even disagree.
Oh my — swiss cheese would have a difficult time standing up with all these holes...
I tell them about standing up with my husband's arms under my arms, a total stranger kneeling at my feet to make sure that the baby didn't hit the cement floor, and how I delivered that nearly 9 lbs baby boy into my own hands.
Acting big and standing up with a straight spine will make you feel bigger and better.
So any male ally should be confident that the colleague he is looking to stand up with is OK with how he is reporting it,» adds Thomas, whose book «Because of Sex» explores women and workplace discrimination.
«I beg viewers to stand up with these kids and fight with us to get this gun legislation in this country changed,» Gina Fontana told NBC 6's Ari Odzer.
I have to say that I saw this same ritual on an overseas flight to Germany where these jewish men stood up with these leather bands wrapped around their wrists and what looked like blocks on their heads.
Along with Bright Eyes» Fevers and Mirrors, Lifted and I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning, this little bit of Americana stands up with the best that Oberst has produced thus far.
That's what I used tell crowds and congregations as I stood up with microphone in one hand and my Bible in the other.
It is a great pleasure to be able to host one's friends at a modest cost and serve them a delightful beverage that stands up with the very best martinis one can find.
Only when the majority of stand up with courage, and face reality, and take ownership of their own lives, will this mythological nonsense end, allowing a more enlightened age to begin.
This is not truth and would never stand up with the words of Christ.
For this reason, and because David you have proved yourself so committed to giving the silenced a voice, I want to stand up with everyone here and cheer you on.
One way or another it is true with all of us that the ultimate test of character comes when trouble comes, when some battering shock befalls us and the question presented to our goodness is not so much whether we will do a right deed as whether we can stand up with integrity of soul under what life does to us.
He doesn't even attempt to stand up with anyone because he knows he will get lit up.
He is strongest when someone is trying to bull rush him and he can just stand them up with his long arms and make them lose their anchor (although even then, he takes steps back more times than I'd like).
Wenger stood up with his arms out wide and the majority of the home crowd sang «there's only one Arsene Wenger»??
I felt like Khabib gave the opportunity of a life time to him when he stood up with him for 2 rounds.
«Regardless of how you feel about things that are going on in America today, and the things that are going on across the world with gun violence and things of that nature, you've got to respect the flag, and you've got to stand up with your teammates.
It stands up with purpose but is still very delicate and sweet.
Now the poor mother has to stand up with everything running out of her and get cleaned up.
«I'm gathering petitions and will probably have my petitions challenged by every organization out there,» Spitzer told Politico Monday night, «and Scott will stand up with every institutional endorsement will drive that home.»
«I beg viewers to stand up with these kids and fight with us to get this gun legislation in this country changed,» Gina Fontana told NBC 6's Ari Odzer.
12:04 - David Cameron stands up with George Osborne sat behind him, more than a little nervously.
«I stand up with independence for what I believe.»
Stand up with an upright torso, holding a dumbbell in each hand at arm's length with the palms of your hands facing your torso.
Stand up with your torso upright and a weight plate in each hand being held at arms length.
Stand up with your feet wider than shoulder width apart, toes facing out.
Stand up with feet at shoulder - width apart, holding a dumbbell with both hands with your thumbs around it, palms facing up towards the ceiling.
I do stand up with my body, I write with my brain, I draw with my hands, all of this stuff has been positively affected by lifting and keto.
Stand up with an upright torso and hold a barbell at shoulder width with your palms facing away from the body and your elbows close to the torso.
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