Sentences with phrase «stands deal on the table»

News on him is as it stands deal on the table, city are ready to buy him but arsene is adamant.

Not exact matches

Along with the cheap fabrication of art, there was a smattering of drug use, one - night stands, shady financial deals and egos run amok by artists who would jump on stage, flip on a switch and «praise the Lord,» often giving canned speeches between songs that drove soccer moms to the merch table to pick up an album so their kids could have «positive role models.»
The Big (i.e., irrelevant commercial) Publishers, the Random Houses and HarperCollinses and Simon & Schusters and Hachettes, wheeled and dealt multimillion - dollar con - tracts among themselves, though increasingly the agents were holding on to their authors» foreign rights, stalking the halls and booths like hyenas, or even, egregiously, like the upstart McTaggart, setting up their own stands with spiffy little tables and printed catalogs several inches thick handed out by demure young people, aping the publishers themselves (the nerve!).
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