Sentences with phrase «stands on the precipice»

Quite possibly, we are standing on the precipice of a virtual reality revolution that will further enhance our personal and work lives in ways we can't yet imagine.
I felt like I was standing on a precipice, right on the edge, and looking down I couldn't see the bottom.
Barry Bonds was 38 last Saturday when at last he stood on the precipice of the ne plus ultra for a ballplayer, the World Series.
Our children goes to school bearing in mind that their lives stands on a precipice.
«I think we stand on a precipice.
You're standing on the precipice of one of the best games Earth money can buy.
As he forms a romantic alliance with co-worker Irene Cassini (Uma Thurman, Motherhood)-- Gattaca's liaison with law enforcement, Vincent's manufactured reality stands on the precipice of exposure courtesy of limits of his genetic disguise.
It took us nowhere of use and continues to create messes as we stand on the precipice.
«If I read about a profession «standing on the precipice of a crisis», would I consider a life in teaching?
But as I stand on the precipice of a brave new world, I wanted to share my reasons to self - publish.
The pet industry has stood on the precipice of doing the same thing.
«Society stands on the precipice of change, as the ability to sequence and study the genomes of humans and animals is dramatically altering how scientists and doctors study and treat disease and disorders,» says Dr. Ganzert.
As the American bailout gets underway, Europe stands on the precipice and the world holds its collective breath, it may not seem like the most auspicious time to head out... Read More...
I can't tell you how many times Pandemic has had me and my friends sweating, debating the merits of one move over the other and trying to plan some sort of long - term strategy while we stand on the precipice of destruction.
Now, as their world stands on the precipice of ruin, two young knights summon visions to their side as they strike out on a journey to chase the shadows.
Multiplayer was still a relatively novel concept at the time, but with the growing introduction of modems and internet connections it was Blizzard among a select few that stood on the precipice of what would come to be an integral part of the industry.
And when it does, it is stunning — standing on the precipice of being something truly special, genre defining.
Standing on the precipice of the sparkling reflection pool, my fingers finally regaining sensation from the cold, I wanted to cry.
Having been in New York City barely a year at this time, Haring stood on the precipice into his own lifelong career, which he would spend cultivating one of the most limited, iconic vocabularies in the history of art.
US intelligence is warning of the dangers of shrinking resources and experts say the world is «standing on a precipice»
Amid recent talk of mainstream acceptance, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies stand on the precipice providing -LSB-...]
But incredibly, Sony turned that less - than - desirable start to its advantage, and as we stand on the precipice between seventh and eighth generation consoles and take stock of the last six years, any fool can see PlayStation 3 ends the era victorious.
But today, New York City's financial executives look at Jersey City as a sixth borough, Hoboken has become a residential area filled with young professionals and the accompanying restaurants and nightlife, and Newark — boasting a recently renovated CBD — stands on the precipice of a major renaissance.

Not exact matches

Gary stands on the edge of the precipice of Brigitte's mind and stares intently into the chasm... straining in vain to see anything resembling form or definition.
Given the current US situation, another joke comes to mind: «In 1945 [the year communists took over power] Poland was standing on the edge of a precipice.
During the carefully staged opening of Dead Rising 3, you stand on a carefully staged precipice above a carefully staged ruined highway crammed with zombies.
You stand at the precipice of a castle tower, looking down on the battlements below.
Now we stand on the edge of a precipice that is of our own making.
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