Sentences with phrase «stands up to washing»

Momzelle Nursing apparel stands up to the wash and is perfect for the busy, every day breastfeeding parent.
So far they have stood up to washing....
It washes and dries well, doesn't snag or pill up, and has stood up to a washings without losing any of it's structure or fading at all.
Paul K. Westerhoff and colleagues wanted to see how the design of antimicrobial clothes affects how well they stand up to washing and their potential to leach silver into the environment.
They stand up to washing year after year.»
Some fabrics are fragile, but as Victoria says, «If it can't stand up to washing it won't stand up to being used for upholstery.

Not exact matches

Just as the song begins to fit into a niche, it stops to breath, leaving nothing but the piano line and then some choir - y organ as the lyrics begin to confess, And here I stand a broken man / If I could I would raise my hands / I come before you humbly / If I could I'd be on my knees / Come lay down your head upon my chest / Feel my heart beat feel my unrest / If Jesus could only wash my feet / Then I'd get up strong and muscle on.
in the day, s that jesus our lord was on the earth (jesus) there was many people named jesus, just as among hispanic and central american peoples, it was a common popular name of many people, if you want to prove to your self that jesus was not married, look up what the apostle said,» i saw standing upon mount zion with the lamb 144,000, these are they that have washed thier robes and were not defilled with women, for they are virgins, jesus emphasised in parts the need and values of a husband and wife in a home, the two mary, s and the women that followed him and ministered unto him tells us the great importance of women, and women in the home, he wanted all married men to have thier own wife, in those days of so many years ago there was false prophets, storytellers, wild imaginations, he told us not to believe them, whether you are catholic, christian, islamic or any other, we can all take pride in the fact what the prohets, jesus and the apostles told us all fits jointly to gether, they were a work of love, to understand the christian bible correctly, islamic people are not rejected, but rather they are a equal, the angel told hagar to return to her mistress, he also told her he would make ishmael a blessing and his seed a great nation, regards
It takes real guts to stand up to a brain washed world and say «ENOUGH».
Directions: Wash lemons, then blanch them in boiling water for 5 minutes / Drain / Cut each lemon into about 8 wedges, removing seeds, ends and extra pith / Toss lemons with salt in bowl / Pack lemons tightly in jar and cover with extra lemon juice / Seal jar and let lemons stand at room temperature for 5 days / Shake gently once a day / Add oil to the jar and refrigerate (if covered in juice, lemons should keep for up to one year)
The Lékué bundt - like mould was so easy to use too: it was sturdy enough to stand up in the oven on its own without losing shape; I had no problems turning the cake out (and the second time I didn't spray it) and it was easy to wash.
The United Stand may have compared it to the home kit but «put it in the wash with a nice pair of white pants», but it gets the thumbs up from us here at CaughtOffside.
Earlier, Burilov had attacked his twin brother with a hammer in an argument over who should wash the dinner dishes, and his grandmother complained that «ever since taking up body - building six years ago, all he has done is to stand in front of the mirror all day and flex his muscles.
Is it better for a mother to put her pump parts in the fridge between uses, or to wash her pump parts every time as described — and then give up and stop breastfeeding altogether because she can't stand over a sink and spend 15 minutes washing pump parts in the middle of the night when she is exhausted and has already been up for an hour pumping and feeding the baby?
They are far superior to the store bought kind, and will stand up to repeated washings, but of course no diaper lasts forever so don't believe unrealistic claims.
Because cloth diapers stand up to rigorous washing regimes, the waterproofing or lamination layer can start peeling or wearing away over time.
The material is tough and should stand up to repeated washing without tearing or pilling.
I love OshKosh B'gosh clothes for kids — they are made well, and stand stand up to lots of playing and washings.
Make sure that you model the entire process for your toddler: undressing, how to sit and stand, wiping, redressing and washing up.
The cloths stand up to repeated use and washings and will keep that same softness you feel the day you take them out of the package which is just what your baby's sensitive skin needs.
As you might expect, these materials have to be made of high - quality fabrics and elastics to stand up to years of washing.
Dr. Schaefer recommends going through the usual steps of using the potty at least five times, starting when «the child walks to the toilet, lowers his pants, briefly sits on the toilet (3 to 5 seconds), stands up, raises his pants, washes his hands, and then returns to the place where the accident occurred.»
For parents of toddlers to manage cloth diapers without going insane, the diapers need to move with the child, stand up to near - daily washing, and accommodate large amounts of you - know - what.
The covers and inserts durable to the extreme; in one case, they stood up to 16 months of continuous use by an active, growing child, even with daily washing.
Although this marvellous fabric is waterproof and will stand up to the rigors of industrial washing, it is comfortable for baby - and much more breathable than plastic or vinyl
He immediately leapt out of bed and grabbed the washing up bowl and said: «Stand over this we need to check the color of the water!»
A few days ago, I ended up with kitchen duty, and as I stood at the sink washing dishes, I listened to the rest of my family cleaning up the toys in another room.
They are far superior to the store bought kind, and will stand up to repeated washings.
So soft, wash well, and stand up to the piles of makeup I can throw at it.
It may seem silly, but there are burp cloths out there that require special washing or aren't made to stand up to regular cleaning.
They will stand up to repeated washings.
they can be worn for a casual occasion or formal; these adorable shirts are durable enough to stand up to whatever your little one gets into and they will hold their shape even after multiple washings!
This incredible long sleeve black shirt features a lap shoulder neckline and the double stitched hem insures that it will stand up to multiple washings and still retain its shape!
Featuring a lap shoulder neckline and double stitched hems, our black short sleeved shirt is durable enough to stand up to multiple washing and will create a casual style all his own!
Cloth wipes will stand up to hundreds of washings, just like your diapers, and won't break up in the wash and get snarled in your velcro closures.
«Even the patients who could not stand long enough to pick up a letter from their mail box or wash the dishes after dinner chose pain relief,» said Markman.
I have been thinking of doing a white wash look with chalk paint on a dinning table but I'm a little nervous about it because I'm worried it won't stand up to kids and I love the color of this dresser.
Not only are there plenty of options, but most of them are made out of decent fabrics that stand up to frequent wear, washes and some abuse.
I have a few of their tops (great for layering) and other pieces too that you can throw in the wash again and again and they will stand to up to your fullest days.
On the washing front, I usually just hand wash any DIY projects, mainly because I don't currently have an overlocker and don't want them to fray, although I think this project would actually be able to stand up to a good wash more than most because of the fabric and the minimal design.
I don't think any black jeans stand up to multiple washes.
Of course, getting our numbers written on our arms and legs ended up being all for naught because having to stand outside in the rain for two hours basically washed the numbers right off.
I don't even hesitate when I am thinking of buying a Horny Toad item because I know I will be pleased with the quality and will stand up to plenty of wear and washing.
From simple solid colors made of 100 % cotton to ultra soft designer minky fabrics, our crib sheets are both beautiful as well as durable and constructed to stand up to many wash days.
It's still the only teen - themed / aimed weekly drama that has discussed sexuality from nearly every angle (as Williamson observes on one of the DVDs, the dichotomy of the Dawson - Joey - Pacey - Jen quartet gave them the luxury of taking four unique stands at the start) without becoming salacious, and I can't help but see my washed - up self in Dawson's eagerness to become a filmmaker, from Dawson's home videos in which Joey is attacked by a lagoon creature (as you may surmise from its title, the series is set in a sun - dappled New England inlet) to his Spielberg fixation — although even as a teen, I recognized that 1941 is a better film than Hook.
Entertainment (R for profanity, sexuality, crude humor, brief drug use and a disturbing image) Road drama about a washed - up comedian (Greg Turkington) who does some stand - up shows in dives while driving cross-country en route to a rendezvous with his long - estranged daughter.
Another cast stand out is Dean Norris, father to Ansel and new boyfriend to the washed - up but nonetheless fashionable Judy Greer (the mom pimper).
Even the once thought washed - up Lou Diamond Phillips (Young Guns, The Big Hit) is excellent as the obstinate Monfriez, who seems to be holding the key to the mystery regarding what happened during Walden's fateful stand against the Iraqis.
You can already position some paper towels and warm soapy water on a wash stand beyond the pet's reach to help clean up any mess.
If your dog is infected, you can minimize the chances of the infection spreading to you or other pets by promptly cleaning up any urine in a safe manner, discouraging your dog from urinating near standing bodies of water, and wash your hands after handling your pet.
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