Sentences with phrase «stare at the ground»

secondly he was not the only one in the church who was a «non believer» many others do not «believe» as well as myself and yet non of us saw a problem with something that was being done out of respect and unison for the majority not for just one person opinion, and last, no one ever said he «had» to pray the only command was to bow your head and stare at the ground counting how many toes you had for all we carried, do what you want if choose not to pray but just bow your head in uniformity not cry about it blow it up and change the way events happen — if you have and complaints or questions please FEEL FREE to contact me [email protected]
You can say they should have not made a big deal, just play along and stare at the ground.
After the game, a stone - faced Patrick Beverley sat staring at the ground in front of him.
Never bothered to look anywhere but to the field, people were talking to him and he stare at the ground looking for some $ hit only he could understand.
I see you staring at the ground, demoralized and it breaks my heart (not to mention my back).
«The whole time we were unloading the truck,» she recalls, «I was staring at the ground, thinking: «Oh my God, there are more diverse textures here than I've seen in my whole life.»»
You can have the most polished and well - rehearsed spiel, but if you say it all while biting your lip, rocking back and forth on your heels, and staring at the ground your body will convey otherwise.
Bond glanced at Butcher, who was staring at the ground.
When they were completing the paperwork I had a rush of emotions, I probably looked like a zombie or just a plain idiot since I was sitting on the bench staring at the ground trying to comprehend what was happening.
There were also other technical hiccups, like black boxes appearing on signs and the camera staring at the ground when it was supposed to be showing the victory celebrations.
He stared at the ground.

Not exact matches

To this day, we often find ourselves sitting in silence, staring at our hands, trying desperately to find common ground other than the business.
To move around the car lot, users must stare at bright circles on the ground for a few seconds so that they travel further down the aisle to the next circle.
He is more death - conscious than ever, thinking constantly of the corpses that stare up at him from the ground.
So usually, we just say stuff - bluntly - and stare uncomfortably at the ground.
And did you notice the amount of ground covered with pace by TR, who stared the move for the 2nd goal at the halfway line and runs on into the box ahead of the OX, looking for the return pass!
He was just hanging out, staring down at the ground.
I laid still and watched him walk over to the edge of the mattress, step down to the ground, and stare at the door.
Galileo's work wasn't all staring at the sky, either: His studies of falling bodies showed that objects dropped at the same time will hit the ground at the same time, barring air resistance — gravity doesn't depend on their size.
So I'm standing there, staring at the freezer, like the ground bison is going to magically just thaw itself with my super laser eyes, when I spotted the bag of Mahi hiding in the bottom drawer.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 features everything from an indestructible necklace that induces teenage angst, to the clichéd argument in which one of the characters runs away in tears and the other (in this case, Harry) is left staring blankly at the ground, contemplating his fate.
The rough but restrained distortion on the opening notes of the first song (appropriately, the title track) segues into an array of deeply hurt, staring - at - the - ground rock instrumentation.
Granted, the picture's early scenes are comfortable enough, happily building the suspense as the ground splits open, scientists stare feverishly at apocalyptic forecasts, and Jackson slowly grasps the frightening end of the world scenario standing before him.
Solid Snake employs all kinds of stealth techniques to stare at ladies» curves, such as throwing something on the ground so that he can crouch down in order to feast his eyes on some up - skirt pleasure.
Has your day job become a grind as you stare into the distance, dreaming of more time at your keyboard, creating new worlds, garnering diehard fans, and finally being able...
But by the end of sixth grade, I'd counted more bad days than good, more days when Gran didn't wake until noon, and then only got up to sit in the kitchen, staring through the windows at the Zebra, grinding the tip of her slipper into the linoleum until it left little bits of gray rubber scattered like eraser dust on the floor.
I stood my ground, staring intently at her until she blinked, her black eyes disappearing behind wrinkles of skin.
Has your day job become a grind as you stare into the distance, dreaming of more time at your keyboard, creating new worlds, garnering diehard fans, and finally being able to pursue your dream?
The mosaics show a warrior in combat with a deer, four young men wrestling a wild bull to the ground, and a gladiator resting in a state of fatigue, staring at his slain opponent.
There's even slightly less subtle references to be found, such as the house that's having a pool built over an Indian Burial Ground and thus finds itself full of Poltergeist - like hauntings (and even a creepy kid staring at the static on a TV).
I like the idea that the unwary «worshippers» are confronted with these sentinels, the idea that their gaze is somehow reciprocated but these impenetrable totems, spouting out of a magmatic matter coming from a distant future or past, have found a home in the Biennale's ground staring at the unwary art crowd...
A lone figure, isolated in both time and space, stares at the liquescent ground beneath him, his reflection dissolving down the length of the picture plane in flowing ribbons of pigment.
Cycling is also by far the best way to get to know a town or city, fast enough to cover a lot of ground, but sufficiently sedate and open that you can take in what's there, stare through shop fronts, observe the gradual ascent of new buildings, lament the disappearance of old ones, smile at toddlers, wave to someone you know.
The day - to - day grind of staring at the telephone hoping it will ring.
Tilt your head, jump up and down, close one eye and stare at it for 10 minutes with the other eye, spit on the ground and then spin around twice.
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