Sentences with phrase «stars near the black hole»

«We're seeing a new class of stars near the black hole, and as a consequence of the black hole.»

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The group observed the colossal winds of material — or outflows — that originate near the supermassive black hole at the heart of the pair's southern galaxy, and have found the first clear evidence that stars are being born within them [1].
Images of M32, a dwarf elliptical galaxy near to our own, show that stars become clustered much more closely together near its centre, which is what should happen if the galaxy contains a black hole.
One theory suggests the stars were pulled from a pre-existing star cluster that happened to wander near the black hole.
A sun - size star approaching within 30 solar radii of the monster, they calculate, would be ripped apart by the black hole's gravitational pull, which would be far stronger on the near side of the star than on the far side.
A star ripped to shreds by a massive black hole may explain a strange feature near the center of our galaxy.
Hints of their existence came from either X-ray emissions — thought to arise as the black holes consumed their companion stars — or the motion of stars near the centre of some clusters (see Middleweight black holes are «missing link»).
SIM will also measure the motions of stars near the center of many galaxies, which should tell us whether they harbor enormous black holes at their core.
Based on data taken by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, the model takes into account how energy flows between two regions around the black hole — an inner core close to the boundary beyond which light can not escape (the event horizon) and an outer ring that extends far out and includes the massive young stars lurking near the black hole.
The finding suggests that mature stars found near the black hole by other researchers may have originated there despite the violent conditions, says Ramírez, who presented her findings at a press conference on Wednesday.
Scary, but not terribly likely: We are not close to a star about to go supernova, and we're a long way from the nearest black hole.
The new images home in on a region around the black hole less than 4.2 light - years across — smaller than the distance between the sun and its nearest star, says Roopesh
To limit inherent systematic uncertainties, Ghez's group accounted for overlapping light sources when one star passes in front of another or near the black hole itself, where infalling material emits radiation.
«Infant stars found surprisingly near galaxy's supermassive black hole: Earliest phase of star formation ever observed in highly hostile environment.»
Observations with the Very Large Array near Socorro, New Mexico, revealed two objects whose radio spectra resemble those of other black hole systems located outside of star clusters.
In the new study, Charles Hailey, an astrophysicist at Columbia University, and his colleagues scrutinized the past dozen years of data gathered by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, an orbiting craft whose instruments are designed to detect high - energy radiation emitted by the immensely hot material surrounding exploded stars and near black holes.
Instead, the X-ray data show the gas near the black hole likely originates from winds produced by a disk - shaped distribution of young massive stars.
ALMA discovers remarkably early signs of low - mass star formation near the supermassive black hole at the center the Milky Way.
The blue stars surrounding the black hole are no more than 200 million years old, and therefore must have formed near the black hole in an abrupt burst of star formation.
The velocities of the stars near its nucleus suggested the presence of a black hole as early as 1984.
The orbits of two stars, S0 - 2 and S0 - 38 located near the Milky Way's supermassive black hole will be used to test Einstein's theory of General Relativity and potentially generate new gravitational models.
Ghez used this cutting - edge system to track the orbits of stars near the supermassive black hole located at the center of the Milky Way.
Before the heavens were stretched out, those stars had high velocities, because they were near a galaxy's center of mass where a black hole was growing.
By measuring the rapid orbits of the stars near the center of our galaxy, Dr. Ghez and her colleagues have moved the case for a supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way from a possibility to a certainty.
Based on their observations, they have concluded that the rate of a TDE occurring increases «dramatically» when two galaxies are colliding, most likely due to the fact that such events cause a large number of stars to be formed near the central supermassive black holes of the merging systems.
When a black hole is created from a supernova from a massive star or a collision between neutron stars (or a neutron star with a black hole), one of a pair of bi-polar jets of gamma rays travelling at near light - speed may be directed at the Earth (more).
A group of astronomers in Germany and the Czech Republic observed three stars in a cluster near the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
u «Ironically, stars such as these have no business being so close to a black hole... there is no plausible explanation of how and why the hot, young stars near the centre of the Milky Way and Andromeda got there.»
The position of the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, as well as the giant star S2, are shown (inset) in this near - infrared image from the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile.
The astronomers also noticed that one side of the donor star was always brighter than the other because it was illuminated by X-rays coming from near the black hole.
Archival Hubble images, taken by the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS), support the idea of twin black holes pushing stars away.
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