Sentences with phrase «start global science»

Still, Facebook didn't alert Facebook users, and now the company actually employs one of Kogan's associates, Joseph Chancellor, who worked with the Cambridge professor to start Global Science Research, the company that Kogan used to contract with Cambridge Analytica.
Still, Facebook didn't alert Facebook users, and now the company actually employs one of Kogan's associates, Joseph Chancellor, who worked with the Cambridge professor to start Global Science Research, the company that Kogan used to contract with Cambridge Analytica.

Not exact matches

«The new global era for the AAAS Kavli awards is off to a great start,» said Rush Holt, chief executive officer of AAAS and executive publisher of the Science family of journals.
In partnership with multiple other science councils and academies, ICSU also plans to convene a global science policy forum starting next December.
But unless we start to think of building contacts with Japan we risk getting left behind in the global science race.
«By comparing the measured craters to the number and spatial distribution of large impact basins on Mercury, we found that they started to accumulate at about the same time, suggesting that the resetting of Mercury's surface was global and likely due to volcanism,» said lead author Dr. Simone Marchi, who has a joint appointment between two of NASA's Lunar Science Institutes, one at the SwRI in Boulder and another at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston.
SciLifeLab have joined forces with the journal Science to bring a new global prize to young scientists at the start of their career.
«As an ambitious start - up aiming to colour - in Latin America and the Caribbean on the global science conferencing map, CILAC 2016 is delighted to receive so many pledges of help and encouragement.»
Leading the charge of GR2.0 and 3.0 will be a crop of vibrant and intelligent young scientists in league with IRRI through the Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP) and spread out across Asia, Africa, and Latin America, «many of whom are attending their first International Rice Congress now,» said Zeigler, himself a plant pathologist who started young working on various crop staples.
Given that despite the unprecedented joint statement by 11 national science academies, calls for the global treaty have been roundly ignored by the status quo, is it not time that climate scientists start discussing this requisite solution publicly, rather than just behind the politicians» closed doors?
Her science - based teachings started a global movement and widespread awareness about the life - saving benefits of light therapy.
High - quality STEM education — that starts with science in the early years — plays a monumental role in ensuring our nation's competitiveness in the global economy and technological leadership.
First administered to assess the quality of education systems worldwide, PISA, or the Program for International Student Assessment, covers math and science, and recently started testing collaboration, critical thinking, and global competency skills.
[ANDY REVKIN responds: I daresay I've brought Dr. Hansen's research and conclusions as much or more publicity over the course of his career than any other science writer, starting with a 6,000 - word cover story on global warming in Discover Magazine in 1988 that opened with his Senate testimony and continuing through the period when political appointees at NASA tried to stop him from speaking out.
Given that despite the unprecedented joint statement by 11 national science academies, calls for the global treaty have been roundly ignored by the status quo, is it not time that climate scientists start discussing this requisite solution publicly, rather than just behind the politicians» closed doors?
But because of the necessary caveats that must be applied due to the state of the science I am starting to feel unable to say much about climate change apart from: «The increase in CO2 will very probably cause an overall increase in Global Average Temperature.
The post starts off wondering if there may have been a recent decline in public concern over global warming and then considers if a simpler method of communicating the science would help.
NASA has led the world in global climate science since the advent of the Earth Observing System that started in 1990: the first attempt at a global Earth observing system.
When I first started investigating global warming science, I attempted to discern the cause by a process of elimination.
Perhaps the climate science community, with that starting point, has an eye for any corroborating evidence of global warming and a tendency to throw out dissenting info.
To start, Rep. Lamar Smith (R - Texas), who is a global warming denier, by the way, is the head of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.
A short - sighted coal company might decide to start launching critiques of the science of climate change and start having a crack at renewables while at the same time selling its product as some sort of silver bullet that can solve global poverty with a single well - aimed shot.
It is, to be legalistic about it, witness - tampering, and a sadly appropriate start to a hearing that at least partly addressed the climate of intimidation in global - warming science.
At the end of the day, what we know is that Cities IPCC marks the start of a critical, if complex, process of driving, shaping and recalibrating a global research agenda on cities and climate science, now and for the decades to come.
But their popularity has attracted the attention of global warming sceptics funded by the oil industry, who have started to attack polar bear science.
But as the science piled up, each bit of evidence more convincing than the last, more and more people were starting to believe that global warming was real.
Last month John Holdren, Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, urged everyone to start using the term «global climate disruption.»
I'm not a climate scientist, but I would have considered it good science to understand the effects of each of the major natural changes that are known to affect global temperatures, including the multidecadal ocean oscillations, long before I started looking at any anthropogenic effects.
If only the entire heterogeneous Human Caused Co2 Induced Global Warming Climate Science mass would get some humility and start speaking with their inside voices.
Perhaps it is because during the Obama years, work on climate change issues all started from a mandated conclusion: That manmade global warming was settled science and that it was bad and getting worse.
My skepticism about «official» climate science started in the early 1990's when I attended seminars discussing official measurements of average global temperatures.
The article starts by making this statement, «There exists a particular science experiment that is done within primary, middle and secondary schools that purports to prove that there actually is a carbon dioxide and water vapor caused «greenhouse effect» in the greater atmosphere that is causing global warming.»
The journal Science, which is peer reviewed up the wazoo, has an interesting new study purporting to explain the 17 - year «pause» in global warming, and, indeed, predicting how long it's likely to continue: The «pause» in global warming may last another decade before surface temperatures start rising again, according to scientists.
I'm thinking of signing up for Prof. David Archer's MOOC over at coursera: «Global Warming: The Science of Climate Change» It's 8 weeks starting Oct. 21.
However, when we started looking in detail at the science behind man - made global warming theory, the data wasn't matching up with the theory.
andrew adams: As to funding, my point is that after climatologists started ringing alarm bells about global warming, the money floodgates opened and climatology went from being a slimly funded backwater of science to the most lavishly funded field in science.
Climate science deniers are very fond of showing extremely deceptive temperature graphs: They plot the data starting in 1998, when temperatures were higher than average, so it looks like the world hasn't gotten much warmer since then, and talk about the global warming «pause.»
You need to take the carbon quiz to learn a few basics especially if you are a global warming believer because all science necessarily requires informed skepticism to counterbalance anything that starts becoming theoretical consensus which happens to be a political term not a scientific one.
The UN's climate science panel bemoaned Wednesday a fresh leak of data from a landmark report on global warming that it will start releasing this year.
Obama talked about clean energy, then started to back into global warming and climate science («I know that there are those who disagree with the overwhelming scientific evidence on climate change....»)
For all of you who trust environmentalists when they declare that the science of catastrophic man - made global warming is «settled,» it might be time to start digging into the facts a little deeper.
Bob Ward, RMS's Director of Global Science Networks, was continuing a crusade against the dirty denialist industry — namely, Exxon and Martin Durkin — that he started while in his previous employment as Senior Manager for Policy Communication for Exxon - slayers the Royal Society.
It is not for me to make judgements on your paper, but I suspect that this synthesis will act as an urgent spur to global efforts both to return climate science to its rightful place within the pantheon of subjects for critical analysis, but also to start to return meteorological measurement to its needed place within the warning systems, prediction mechanisms and public planning inputs that has been so shamefully abused in the past 20 years.
Perhaps at last we can really start to get back to science - based ecology ie: forget about meaningless global temperature trends which are both completely beyond our scope to quantify whist at the same time being utterly useless to us in terms of our local micro-environments....
The history of post WW2 science, it's link to ever growing political and ideological subjugation didn't start or end with global warming agendas.
The Climate Change Awards were started as a way to recognize individuals of extraordinary ability and unflagging commitment to restoring sound science and common sense to the debate over global warming.
For those looking for a concise history of the entire development of climatic science, starting in the late 1800s, I very much recommend Spencer Weartâ $ ™ s The Discovery of Global Warming.
The Earth System Governance Project [1] is a long - term, interdisciplinary social science research programme developed under the auspices of the International Human Dimensions program on Global Environmental Change, and started January 2009.
Some of those sites are Wattsupwiththat run by an American «meteorologist» but probably more accurately a TV and radio weather presenter; Jonova run by the Australian Joanne Nova who has an Honours degree majoring in Microbiology and Molecular Biology from the University of Western Australia; ClimateAudit run by Steve McIntyre a Canadian with a Bachelor's degree im Mathematics from the University of Toronto and a degree in politics, philosophy and economics from the Unversity of Oxford; Climate Etc run by the American Dr. Judith Curry who is a climatologist with many peer reviewed publications in the field of climate science; Global Warming Policyh Foundation started by the Englishman Nigel Lawson (aka Lord Lawson) who was the Chancellor of the Exchequer in Mrs thatcher's government.
The #ExxonKnew campaign has gained enormous traction in the public mind and many want to know why the corporation started out as such an honest broker in the 1970s, conducting its own climate science research, and then doing an about - face in the 1980s, blatantly denying the reality of global warming and working with other groups to manipulate public opinion so as to thwart a rational public response.
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