Sentences with phrase «start by building»

After the holidays I want to start by building in some storage.
I start by building the bones of the rooms and playing with paint themes before I even start painting.
If you are trying to create a positive shift in your communication start by building on what your partner says as opposed to tearing it down.
To achieve deep and lasting change, start by building an alliance in which you'll work side by side.
Start by building a list of industry - specific employers that best match your skill set and current career focus.
Now that you've read the basics of how development is supposed to work, start by building bitcoin from source.
Both of these American companies got their start by building something slightly different from the modern headphones they sell today.
Start by building a budget, tracking your income and expenses, and finding creative ways to cut back on your spending to save money wherever you can.
No matter what, start by building a strong network, adding online networking tools like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to keep tabs on people if you want to.
The first printers will start by building test items, such as computer component boards, and will then build a broad range of parts, such as tools and science equipment.»
Start by building basic defensive towers and use the money you earn from destroying units to upgrade your towers and build new and improved structures.
Players start by building castle walls, adding gates, weapons, traps and more to prepare for battle with up to four players and set the stage for mayhem!
About KnightOut Players start by building castle walls, adding gates, weapons, traps and more to prepare for battle with up to four players and set the stage for mayhem!
Players can start by building their own leagues, specifying the total number of teams and the divisional alignment (though the entire process can also be automated).
We can start by building responsibly and conserving our natural spaces.
You should start by building up an amount equal to 3 — 6 months of your expenses, and put this amount into a safe money market account.
Start by building a small emergency fund.
You can start by building as large a nest egg as you can during your career, since the more savings you enter retirement with, the more wiggle room you'll have to cope with rising prices as you age.
Even if your book isn't available yet, you can start by building your email list.
Determine where your target readership is most likely to be concentrated, and start by building a strong presence on that network.
«We'll start by building on promising grassroots efforts in those cities,» said Goode.
We must start by building a shared understanding between public policy makers and higher education leaders of the problem as well as practical ways to solve it.
We at College Futures Foundation believe that addressing the challenge of California's dysfunctional system of higher education finance will be difficult, but doable, and that we must start by building a shared understanding between public policy makers and higher education leaders of the problem as well as practical ways to solve it.
We can start by building on the emerging common math standards, and go from there.
So in order to help students be successful with a rigorous classroom setting, we start by building connections with our students and families.
SEAs that want to steer need to start by building a bench of people with the technical skills to do so.
You start by building a free profile with details about you.
We should work on further developing in - space manufacturing, but in my opinion, we should start by building structures a lot easier than an optical telescope.»
Businesses can influence government action on climate in many ways — as long as they start by building their own environmental credibility
Which means you should start by building an email list of your supporters.
When I became the President we had to start by building the capacity of various security outfits in terms of intelligence, monitoring and interventions to enable them develop the capacity to take pre-emptive actions.
Start by building consistent mechanics on a steady, controlled shot like a free throw, and steadiness from other spots on the floor will come with time.)
I can tell you what I would absolutely do again: I would still start by building a store myself, and doing one year of just selling snowboards — paying attention to all the complications that come with that.
If you want to dabble in mobile marketing this year, start by building an application, mobile website or text messaging campaign.
Start by building a robust digital presence.
So he started by building a DVDs - by - mail business — while he plotted a long - term strategy for today's platform.
Instead of hiring a team of developers — which would have taken a lot of capital — Humphrey and McDonald started by building a website to generate interest in the company.
We started by building a commenting product which came from my desire for the perfect commenting system for my blog [17].
The team — led by physicist Andrew Turberfield and chemist Bob Denning, both of the University of Oxford, United Kingdom — started by building photoresist films thick enough to carve a 3D matrix out of.
The researchers started by building a mathematical model based on the primary factors that influence dengue transmission.
The team started by building and inflating 36 individual segments with water, and measuring how they responded.
Kenna and Mac Carron started by building a database for each story that captures all the characters — Beowulf, The Iliad, and Táin contained 74, 716, and 404 characters, respectively — and the interactions between them.
He started by building replicas of alchemical furnaces and glassware, including distilling apparatus, with the help of Indiana University's chemistry department.
We started by building a matrix with gene read counts in premortem (n = 169) and postmortem (n = 223) Blood samples.
The researchers started by building a model of the hairy tongue.
One member shared that he started by building a relationship by posting comments from time to time on their blogs.
I'm starting by building my email list, creating my brand, and pinpointing my target audience so I'll know the best places / ways to advertise and promote my work... and whoa!
It's easy to think that ebooks will have the same effect, especially if you started by building your ebook in HTML.
Each photograph is the result of a painstaking working process in the studio: James Casebere starts by building scale models and finishes by designing complex lighting.
I started by building an energy efficient and passive solar home.
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