Sentences with phrase «start learning a foreign language»

The world wide web can be a good place to start learning a foreign language.
The Welsh Conservatives launch a campaign for primary school pupils to start learning a foreign language from the age of seven.

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Previous studies have found that 12 sessions over 5 weeks — a total of only 6 hours of foreign language exposure — was all babies needed to start setting those brain development pathways down to learn a second language.
Starting a yoga practice is like learning a new language, at first everything seems foreign; from the sensations in your body to the way the instructor tells you to breathe.
Even as the focus on foreign - language instruction up north and Down Under has waned recently in the wake of renewed attention to reading, mathematics, and science instruction, countries outside the United States where English is the primary language have more than a decade's head start in their language skills and public attitudes on the importance of language learning.
She added that other factors included «brutal cuts» to support services for the teaching of modern foreign languages such as Cilt Cymru «and the fact that we start teaching languages too late - the older we get, the harder it is, and age 11 is already a late start in terms of language learning
When learning a foreign language, there's a moment where you stop thinking in your native tongue and start thinking in your target language.
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