Sentences with phrase «start on a small amount»

However, if you're new to kefir, you should start on a small amount and build yourself up.

Not exact matches

«After getting a small amount of seed money from a college competition, we rented a home that doubled as an office, and funded some of our start - up expenses by renting out rooms on AirBnB.
September 2015 Quick Hits: Starting in September I began to use Loyal3 as my primary investing account investing smaller amounts as I focused on saving up money for my post-military transition in 2017.
Because these have short term trades, you can turn over more cash — and more profits — but because they allow you to start with small amounts of money per trade, you are not taking on as much risk as you would with a huge day trade in the stock market.
Easy way to get started as a stock investor, without the hassles of paying commissions on small investment amounts.
I can't waste another small amount of this; so I started reading the recipes on the label and what do you know!
My family and I are starting to transition into a vegetarian lifestyle, just eating small amounts of fish here and there for now, so I'm on the hunt for a good veggie burger!
I think the key is starting with a small amount or ust sprinkling them on top.
Start off with a small amount then depending on how well your blender is blitzing the raspberries, add in a little bit more until a pulpy consistency has formed.
To subject the fans to that embarrassment, after we have paid over a good proportion of our income to support our club, and then to start quibbling over a small amount for the part solution, which in all honesty should've been done two months ago... the same penny pinching that was key to the catastrophic shambles on Sunday... unbelievable is an extreme understatement.
After your child is about one year old, it's safe to start introducing them to small amounts of milk; you can read our guide on introducing children to cow's milk.
You may wish to start the meal with just a small amount of infant formula or breastmilk to whet his appetite, and then move on to the main course.
Start with a very small amount of peanut butter — a dab on a cracker, for example, and watch closely for any signs of reaction, such as rash, wheezing or diarrhea.
We have moved our pail to a cooler part of the house, taken the lid off, started washing every day for smaller loads on the bulky setting so we are using the maximum amount of water for the smallest load we can.
Doubles Existing Deductions for Start - up Costs for New Small Businesses: New start - ups typically face a number of substantial expenses in their first year they get off the ground, such as permits, consulting costs, expenses in finding clients and custoemrs and other needs, but are limited in the amount of expenses they can deduct that year on their tStart - up Costs for New Small Businesses: New start - ups typically face a number of substantial expenses in their first year they get off the ground, such as permits, consulting costs, expenses in finding clients and custoemrs and other needs, but are limited in the amount of expenses they can deduct that year on their tstart - ups typically face a number of substantial expenses in their first year they get off the ground, such as permits, consulting costs, expenses in finding clients and custoemrs and other needs, but are limited in the amount of expenses they can deduct that year on their taxes.
Dealers started to add the drug to heroin to increase profits and potency, but the drug requires a much smaller amount to overdose on and officials blamed it for the sharp rise in overdose deaths in the past two years.
«We're working on better ways to sequence viral genomes from ever - smaller amounts of starting material, to allow identification and comparison of samples from diverse sources,» said Szpara, who also is affiliated with Penn State's Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences.
If you are not used to eating fermented foods, start with a small amount, about 1 to 2 tablespoons on Day 2 to test them out.
As far as a deprived lifestyle, and can think of no more deprived life than one where you strap yourself to a treadmill for hours at a time, then eat small amounts of foods which put you on an insulin rollercoaster (thus making you hungrier) until you break down and go face first into the Ben & Jerry's, become consumed with guilt, and start all over.
after the very strict diet of only eggs, bacon, salad, meat or fish and veg's also 4oz of grapefruit juice at each meal for 12 days on 2 days off and again for 12 days.After I lost the weight I started to introduce small amounts of crabs such as for my breakfast ate berries apposed to fruit stayed away from sweets and breads.It became a life style.I fell of the wagon about 2 yrs ago and gained 10 lbs eating everything I could get my mouth on LOL... so I started the 12 day diet again.
that's okay Grease a large skillet with a generous amount of butter and heat over medium - low Pour about 1/4 c batter into the skillet ***, swirling gently for about 10 seconds, until it is evenly spread around the skillet Cook for a minute or two, watching carefully — when the edges start to brown, loosen the edges with a small spatula, and then flip Cook for another 20 - 30 seconds on the other side Remove from the skillet and place on a plate in a warm oven while you cook the other crepes.
After three weeks, the acclimation (we call it «keto - adaptation») is usually complete and brain cells start to thrive on a mix of ketones and the small amount of glucose produced in the liver via gluconeogenesis in the complete absence of carbohydrates.
If you follow the diet and include tofu, tempeh, and small amounts of allowed legumes: 1/4 cup canned chick peas and 1/2 cup canned lentils I think you might be okay to stay on it a bit longer BUT... once your symptoms are managed — and that may only take 2 weeks — you should start the re - introduction / challenge phase.
If this is the case, increase your calorie intake by adding small amounts of carbs and fat, but keep an eye on your progress — if you start to gain body fat, you're eating too many calories.
You need such a small amount of any of these inflammatory foods to break the healing cycle — one bite of pizza, one splash of milk in your coffee, and you've broken the reset button, requiring you to start all over on Day 1,» explains the Whole30 website.
You could add more honey to the recipe later on if you prefer ice cream to be really sweet, but taste as you go and start with a small amount.
What I would recommend doing is start with a small amount, taste, and add more based on your sweetness preference.
Add small amounts on a spoon to the plain side, then take a knife start to drag it through the strawberry jam to create a pattern.
Yikes forgot to say post surgery digestion / elimination back to optimal but I am not recovering on the Leptin RX protocol - You probably need that piece before you make any suggestions... I have stayed as close as possible to high protein low carb - but did use a gluten free raw protein powder (3gram carb per serving) mixed with organic yogurt at almost every meal... Only small amounts of chicken and lots of eggs - it's time today to start back towards the Leptin RX - so feeling iffy about the potential constipation while mending a healing intestinal surgery...
Always start with a small amount of BB cream and focus on the areas that need coverage the most (i.e. the center of your face, around your nose and mouth).
Start with a small amount on your fingertips and melt into nose, cheeks, chin, and forehead to even out your skin.
I would say this technique would also work well for a zinc type feel, but go very light on the dry brushing... Better to start with a very small amount and build up layers of dry brushing, rather than trying to get it all done in one coat.
Written by Ray Vann, September 9, 2016, at 11:08 a.m. Despite no small amount of skepticism from fans, Mets GM Sandy Alderson has announced the decision to sign on former NFL quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow to a four year minor league deal starting September 19, 2016.
Deadline also reports that Beatty «already shot a small amount of film on the picture but it starts rolling in earnest today.
I simply emphasize on the fact that given the right time and amount of dedication, the artistry and dexterity can be achieved.Let me give some examples of artists who started small but have now evolved into celebrities.
There's a small amount of smoke on engine start which goes away entirely in short order.
Having just replaced the PVC valve on a 2013 TSI and still getting a P2177 code I started looking for vacuum leaks and would like to know if it is normal for a good PCV valve to expel a small amount of air through the vent hole?
Our online presence is specially designed to assist our clients to spend the least amount of time possible when placing their orders, and only a small amount of information is needed for us to start working on your order.
The amount of information available on the net is massive, so start small and just begin by typing in words like «publishing», or «publishing news», etc..
If you are just starting out in the investing world, you are most likely investing a small amount on a periodic basis.
You might start fairly aggressively when your child is very young, going as high as 100 % in equity and [focus only on Canada][insert Bruce post on the CDZ as one great ETF for RESP] because the amount you have to invest is quite small.
Check the internet, the opportunities are surprising concerning the the quick return you realize in a short amount of time, and the minimum starting savings amount can be rather small to get you on your way.
You will do this by applying for small amounts of credit and paying them off on time all the time to start building a good credit record.
For those who don't necessarily care about being «hands - on» with their portfolio, the easiest way to start following SMI's strategies with a small amount of money is to consider the available professionally managed solutions.
I think what I'll most likely do is do my homework on this, set up some simulations to test it out, then give it a try with a relatively small amount of money to get started.
If you are working full - time and are limited by the amount of money that you can put towards paying off your student loan (s), you could take on either another part - time job, do some freelance work, or start a small side - hustle.
Starting with small amounts that you save on a consistent (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) basis will add up over time and help you meet your goal.
The account offers no minimum balance requirements and no monthly fees, which means you can start racking up interest on the smallest of deposit amounts, and you won't have to worry about earnings being wiped out by fees.
Simply by doing the opposite to what you did in the past and borrowing small amounts of money, but ensuring that you pay them back on time all the time to start to build up a good credit history, you will begin to compensate for your past efforts.
The the forex traders who go on to achieve greatness: (a) Monitor the markets and start trading again but trade small amounts and don't force trades, they then resume trading normally once they get back on track.
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