Sentences with phrase «start walking around your neighborhood»

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Get out of your car: Start walking or biking around your neighborhood.
Get out of the house with your baby early on (a walk around the neighborhood with your baby in a front pack or stroller to start).
When she started working with the Gugu Guru team on her registry, she made it clear that she needed a stroller that would be great for travel, long walks around the neighborhood, and most importantly, really functional!
I started taking long walks around my neighborhood (in the evening when everyone's home was lit) trying to catch glimpses of the family inside.
I started exercising slowly at first — just walks around the neighborhood, pushing the stroller.
If you were relatively inactive prior to your pregnancy, you will want to start slowly, building up to a brisk 20 - 30 minute walk around the neighborhood.
Start slowly, even if it's just by turning off the t.v. and taking a walk around your neighborhood.
Also, breastfeeding and walking around the neighborhood have proven to be advantageous to starting me off on getting my old figure back.
I started off my morning with a Banana Chia Pudding breakfast, a Turbo Jam workout, and a walk around the neighborhood.
When starting out, do simple workouts like walking your dog briskly around the neighborhood or getting your cat to move using a laser or feather toy.
For example, start by simply taking your puppy for a walk around the neighborhood and noticing what he reacts to, both good and bad.
Easy leash walks around the neighborhood or a short game of fetch in the backyard are great ways to start moving more and don't require a big commitment in your busy schedule.
Maybe sign up for a class with your local trainer, or start taking her for walks around the neighborhood.
«My approach to exploring Fes was an old travel strategy I like to call «Walk Until the Day Becomes Interesting»: Instead of starting out with a list of goals or attractions for a given destination, I opt instead to find an intriguing neighborhood and wander around until something catches my eye.
I have always said first comes football, I start drinking earl grey tea at night instead of pelogrino with lime and then I start humming and lighting candles, Then and only then has fall begun for me.On Halloween I always made snickerdoodles, doughnut ghost out of biscuits sprinkled with cinnamon sugar and mulled cider for the kids in the neighborhood and their parents walking them around.
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