Sentences with phrase «started trad pub»

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I've been fielding emails for years from readers asking why that book was priced so high when the rest of the books in the series (this is the series that started out in trad pub and that is now self pub) ranged from free to about $ 4.99.
Some of the biggest indie authors first got their start in trad pub, while others never sent out a single query letter before hitting it big.
You know, when the term Stockholm Syndrome started to get applied to trad pubbed authors I thought it was a bit much.
I will admit that the self - pub side of Writer Inc takes up most of my activity, but the trad side also drains me a bit — in terms of branding (they're starting to follow up on our efforts at the pubs now, I've noticed) and the tax - related stuff.
Those books started as trad - pub too, but now I'm so many years into self - pubbing it that I don't give it a second thought.
That said, I'm going to have to start a new series / brand targeted to a traditional publisher, and maybe later I will be able to either afford to publish my self - pubbed series on my own, or hope that if I do find a trad pub later that they might consider my previous works.
But fact is, Amazon is the only game in town for most right now, and until that starts to change, a modification of the algorithms favoring trad pub like that just made is ominous, and will carry immediate business consequences for most.
Pulp fiction was where authors started out because it paid less than «traditional» markets (they were mostly short stories), but with indie novels, I think (some) authors are making more money than comparable traditional publishing contracts (and I see some trad - pub authors supplementing their income with self - pub, which is also similar to some of the pulp fiction writers of the past).
It's interesting that the trad - pubs didn't want anything to do with indies until we started gathering followers and making money.
Since turning indie I'm starting to find that audience that was so lacking in my trad pubbed days.
Some come to self - pubbing with a backlist, some start with self - pubbing and move existing series to trad pub, some have entirely new books they sell to trad pub (that's my case, just one title).
Instead of the tsunami of crap so many predicted, a bunch of great writers who were denied a real chance in the trad pub world started delivering amazing quality at low - low prices.
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