Sentences with phrase «starting point of the conversation»

I apologise to those of you outside of the UK - our default setting is to mention the weather at every possible juncture and is the starting point of any conversation that may be faltering in an awkward social situation.
Tinder gives you a platform to build impressive profile with pictures and your thoughts as it acts as a starting point of any conversation.

Not exact matches

In April 2014, a few Bank of Canada economists published a short paper that should be the starting point for every conversation about the state of the economy.
A big difference is that we're local, and I think we're coming to a point where a conversation is starting — and it's going to be a long conversation — about the role of companies in the communities where they work and their responsibilities to those communities.
Most Likely to Start an Argument Between You and Your Friends: Roger Olson with «Some Thoughts About Conversations / Debates Between Calvinists and Arminians» «It seems to me that most 5 point Calvinists I know seem bound and determined to believe anything they think the Bible says regardless of how horrific that may be.
is a good starting point for a conversation with anyone, including those of very conservative bent.
Ancient orthodoxy has provided a starting point on which all parties in the ecumenical conversation could agree, and current Orthodoxy (of the Orthodox churches) has presented an incarnation of the ancient church from which all parties could learn.
I have lots of conversations with Christians young and old who, from different starting points, all want to talk about the same problem: their struggle with the text of the Bible.
- nope, there's standards and boundaries there, but we haven't gotten to the point to discuss them, we're still setting the terms of the conversation; of which our starting assumptions keep us from gaining any ground since I think we're playing chess and you think we're playing monopoly.
The following facts support this belief: the participation of the churches in the theological conversations of the ecumenical movement, which perforce have had to find their common starting point and common vocabulary in biblical literature and theology; the growing body of specifically biblical theology, produced by the very vitality of fragmentary and monographic studies.
If we find atheists who believe the world has a kind of moral order, we do indeed have a great starting point for conversation with them.
But I don't think we can stipulate that any of these starting points is the one every conversation partner has to accept.
The conversation among churches today already has a starting point — the Spirit of God has been at work in the Body of Christ, as fractured as it may be.
His point seems to be to start a conversation, to identify patterns of discernment so that we are aware of them, rather than trying to insist that there is one right way to discern.
This blog is meant to start a conversation by pointing out the lack of standards when it comes to gluten assessment.
after being in this kind of relationship for all this years you start to question everything about yourself you think you must be too fat or too ugly for a few years I thought what was the point in leaving him if my own husband doesn't want who else is going to want me I must of had the conversation about how our situation was affecting me over 1000 times when he did bother to come near me like once every 5 - 8 months he'd say it wasn't enjoyable for him because I was very awkward but he never understood the reason I was uncomfortable how are you supposed to feel good about yourself when you know your husband would rather look at other women online
For each desired behavior you can explore the evidence, learn what parents told us about these behaviors, identify opportunities to promote healthy behaviors at the point of care, review how to start conversations and access messages and resources to support families.
Malliotakis, who represents the East Shore of Staten Island in the New York State Assembly, cast congestion pricing as «in broad terms, something that needs to be looked at» and described «the Sam Schwartz plan [as] a starting point for a real conversation
After last week's rally, two central New York women, Tina Higgins of Syracuse and Carol Puschaver of Liverpool, have very different points of view but started having a conversation.
«We felt the salary recommendations made by the Quadrennial Commission were the starting point of a public conversation about our jobs and our compensation,» they said.
And the wedge of doubt is so important and that's where, I think, almost everyone's experience in this room probably for those that might have been believers at one point, it all started with that splinter of doubt, where you might have read something, heard something, seen something, heard a conversation, whatever it was.
«We think there are others to be considered, but the bill is an important starting point in the vital conversation about the future of transportation,» the statement continued.
«Recognizing our shared values of awe at the universe and desiring the good of society helped provide me with a starting point for conversations concerning faith and science.»
While critics point out the dangers of throwing money at your problems without careful thought, it's a good sign that the world's billionaires are starting an important conversation about philanthropy and activism.
«What's the point of joining dating services if a person has no idea how to start a conversation online or what to expect after loggin into the virtual dating world.»
However, starting at age 42, the number of women initiating conversation dramatically increases to the point that by age 60 women are more likely than men to start the conversation.
When starting a conversation with someone, pick a couple of points from their «love ad» which sounded appealing to you (which is why you contacted them), and write a quick intro of yourself.
By the time she meets him, we know as much of the story of her marriage to Hal as the other characters who knew them can reveal (There's a major point that only Jasmine could know, and she has repressed it), so we know exactly how and why Jasmine starts the getting - to - know - you conversation with lie after little lie.
The actor's face shows disbelief whenever he's encountered with someone whose primary objective isn't getting money (as when old man William Bandy attempts to bring him to church) and measured impatience whenever someone doesn't get to the point of exactly what they want as soon as they start a conversation with him («just answer me directly,» he says at one point when trying to figure out whether his «brother» wants to stay with him).
«We are very excited to be hosting this panel with such a diverse group of women from various fields of the industry,» explains Elisabeth, «it is very important to continue a conversation about gender equality that started many years ago but has reached a new high point now, and come up with ideas and solutions for the future.»
Taken in one way, the picture discourages contemplation and nuance, locating The Pagemaster as every bit the anti-intellectual kind of drivel that reading embarrasses; taken another, it is a nice starting point for an important conversation with your child about why so many cartoons think children are stupid.
pointed, poignant, very prophetic roller coaster ride of a comedy that definitely gets conversations started, touching on current issues in a creatively unique way.
These three questions are the starting point for conversations - they are not meant to be a complete list, but rather a way of directing the use of technology in the modern classroom.
So for me, the question is this: regardless of where a school community is starting, regardless of which technology - mediated waters they decide to dip their toe into, how can we find a pathway from those entry points into deeper conversations about teaching and learning?
The reflection questions were then aligned to the key points under each standard and are offered here as starting place for important conversations that can help to unite boards and administrative teams around the support of student success.
Each of these questions is a starting point for a face - to - face conversation, an e-mail exchange, or a wider group discussion.
«In spite of my confidence in the Common Core as a starting point for an important conversation for what we expect of our students, the implementation has created confusion in many classrooms and in homes across New York State,» said Nick Lawrence, an 8th Grade Social Studies teacher and member of the panel.
It can also create conversation points too so that parents can start a dialogue — this is great for when there are school trips and parents can still interact hundreds of miles away!
This Declaration unites members of Educators for Excellence across the country and is a common starting point for the conversations and advocacy that we lead in our local communities.
A sensitive exploration of the transition some families go through when a family member comes out and a possible entry point for those needing to start conversations of their own.
Each of these rights statements makes it extremely clear that they are meant to be starting points for the conversation about rights.
«Mississippi State's study will also have a significant impact on the national conversation about responsible pet ownership,» said Mike Bober, President of the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council and consultant to the PLC. «Without this concrete data as a starting point, it has been all but impossible to discuss solutions because we couldn't agree on the scope of the problem.
My list turned into 30 or 40 points and I realized this article will be the starting point of many more conversations, whether it is in these pages or online.
We start the conversation here, then point you in the direction of more on the topic across the Internet, whether on other blogs or on...
We do like to be able to play some sort of build before we sign but we can certainly start conversations before that point.
Conversation between herself and her subjects is a vital starting point of each painting, giving a resonance and vibrancy.
Taking these artists» work as a starting point, the conversation explores the dynamic between the traditional and the contemporary, and the contrast of representation and abstraction.
In an effort to honor the sense of endlessness that Untitled suggests, Visual AIDS produced a Resource Guide as a starting point for provoking both public and private conversation.
We're not saying this is completely new, or that our way of doing things is better than any other — rather this is what works for us, so let's use it as the starting point for each conversation
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