Sentences with phrase «startling noise»

One of the most straightforward ways to get this message across is with a sharp, startling noise when you notice that your dog is or is about to relieve himself indoors.
Locate the box in an area free of startling noises, such as a washing machine, radiator, or furnace.
He and the team assessed whether VPA - exposed and normal tadpoles showed differences in how they schooled (like fish), avoided apparent collisions, tolerated startling noises, and became susceptible to seizures.
Its terribly exploitative in using the decrepitude of death to scare the viewer and shatter his resolve - the same way lesser horror films use tactics like gore and startling noise after lulling the viewer to boredom.
Your dog's destructive behavior may be caused by fear if the destruction occurs when he's exposed to loud noises, such as thunderstorms, fire crackers, or construction sounds, and if the primary damage is to doors, doorframes, window coverings, screens or walls (see our handouts: «Helping Your Dog Overcome the Fear of Thunder and Other Startling Noises» and «Stress Relief for Your Pet»).
The Pet Corrector makes an unpleasant hissing sound and the shake can makes a loud, startling noise when you shake it or throw it near your dog.
Maybe the room was too cold, perhaps there was a startling noise that set the little one off into a crying fit, or maybe this was the moment an enormous and startling poop decided to exit the body.
They were less likely to school and swim along with other tadpoles (a tadpole proxy for socialization, which is impaired in autism); they weren't as good at avoiding contact with animated images projected on to the bottom of their petri dishes; they didn't habituate to startling noises (another analog to autism in people); and induced seizures were more frequent and shorter than in normal tadpoles.
The animals» memory and learning were impaired, they overreacted to startling noises, and their brain atrophied.
If you catch your puppy in the act, interrupt him with a startling noise and take him outside to his bathroom spot.
If you catch your cat in the act of eliminating in the house, do something to interrupt her like making a startling noise, but be careful not to scare her.
An empty water bottle when shaken will make a loud, startling noise and should break their focus.
If you catch your dog eliminating in a spot they aren't supposed to, make a startling noise, being careful not to scare them.
When you catch him in the act of eliminating in the house, do something to interrupt him, like make a startling noise (be careful not to scare him).
If possible, avoid letting him know that the startling noise or spray came from you, and be sure to praise him when he leaves the items alone.
If he is afraid of startling noises see our handout: «Helping Your Dog Overcome The Fear Of Thunder And Other Startling Noises.»
Some dogs are afraid of loud noises (see our handout: «Helping Your Dog Overcome the Fear of Thunder and Other Startling Noises»).
Things that are present in the environment whenever your dog hears the startling noise can, from her viewpoint, become associated with the frightening sound.
They are now very robust in terms of dealing with their their environment on walks, eg, men with hats, bikes, children, or startling noises.
Remember, you should not say a word - the startling noise should come out of nowhere.
If you can catch him in the act, try to interrupt him with a startling noise and rush him outside to finish.
As an alternative, you can create a startling noise by slapping a wall.
Make a startling noise such as clapping your hands and saying «No» sharply when your cat puts his mouth on the tree.
That pain is then associated with a loud or startling noise, leading to a sensitivity to noise and avoidance of situations where they had previously had a bad experience — for example, a local park, or a louder room in the house.
If you catch your dog in the act of eliminating in the house, do something to interrupt him like making a startling noise (don't scare him).
A startling noise or sudden visitor during the process may cause the dog to jump — dangerous for the both of you when snipping scissors are involved.
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