Sentences with phrase «starts gurgling»

Today in the morning when she was drinking water suddenly she started gurgling and her stomach started contracting and she vomited water.

Not exact matches

Your baby will also start to make noises at this stage; they will start to blow bubbles, hum and gurgle; it is beneficial for you to try and imitate the noises and talk back to your baby, as they will recognise your voice and respond to it.
They start making lovely noises - a new born baby will begin to grunt, coo, and gurgle, learning to get control of his mouth in a wonderfully entertaining way.
Soon he'll be an expert at «smile talk,» starting an interaction with you by sending a smile your way and gurgling at the same time.
Herpel didn't think any of those risks factors applied to him in 2006, when he became extremely fatigued, felt fluid gurgling in his lungs, and started gasping.
Your adventure starts in the Andes, where you will spend a couple of days acclimatizing in Quito, Ecuador's historic capital city before stepping into Agato — a fairy - tale land with condors swooping down over the villages, gurgling brooks, and lush fields nestled between snow - capped volcanoes.
If that isn't bad enough let's start a discussion on the infinite amount of initial conditions to startup the Gurgling Future Calculating Device (GFCD).
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