Sentences with phrase «starving children in»

Let's say you are trying to increase your mindset and have a rich and fulfilling lifestyle and at the same time you hear about starving children in another part of the world.
«Why is it,» I wailed, «That the death of 150 well - to - do vacationers is worthy of silence, prayer, puja and tears, while the death of impoverished, starving children in third world countries is not?»
Yes there are still starving children in the world, yes there is still war and pestilence but coal and oil have done more to free us from these evils than any charitable organisation has ever done.
Instead of helping to feed starving children in our own communities, we send money to aid starving children in Africa.
It's winter in Iran, so there's no agriculture to help feed starving children in the country.
What about the starving children in Africa?
As a child, my parents often reminded me that there were starving children in the world, so I was told to either finish my food or don't take so much...
DO N'T minimize what they're going through, don't tell them there are starving children in Africa, and don't tell them you know exactly how they feel.
In response to an equal flood of negative, snarky (and some downright sexist) comments, another user, debrw, said: «I sure wish that all the people who are «offended» by breastfeeding would get offended at the fact there are starving children in our world, that there is a thriving child porn industry, that there are children being abused everywhere.
Oh, we can try; we can cajole, threaten, guide, educate, bribe with stickers, purchase 600 thread - count underpants for them and tell them about starving children in the world, but ultimately, we can not actually get inside their little brains and force them to eat, sleep, poop, pee, feel an emotion or get their period.
Childhood food memory: «I'm a child of the generation who grew up with food shortages, so we were told to clean our plates and think of the starving children in China, India, or wherever.
My mom always told me to eat everything on my plate «for the poor starving children in Ethiopia» and it's true.
Or, maybe you can recall times from your own childhood when your parents tried to guilt you into finishing your food by asking you to «think of the starving children in China.»
Of course, starving children in Ethiopia ought to be fed; but what universities are about, given our commitments, includes the study of lemurs.
Do we of the church'd charities here in the U.S.A. have enough donations to feed all the starving children in Africa?
Do we in the charities here in the U.S.A. have enough donations to feed all the starving children in Africa?
How many starving children in Africa or Asia could have been saved from death by spending that money on something real (humans) rather than on something that may not exist (souls)?
Compare the teachings of Jesus with, say, the teachings of Buddhism, which would say that the starving children in this latest cartoon are that way because of their «misconduct» in a previous life (Which really deals a deathblow to the impetus to help them, doesn't it?).
What about the starving children in sub-Saharan Africa?
As a Christian Scientist said recently in response to a medical student's question as to how she would help starving children in Africa: «I suspect if I were there I would do what you would do — cradle as many as I could and feed them with all the food I could lay my hands on.
We are informed of approaches that see no responsibly for starving children in Africa and that Hitler should just have acted from a more prudent point of view in his treatment of the Jews.
Anyone else think of the millions of starving children in the world and how much he must love them?
True Wholeness, Joy, Peace, Fullness and Authority of being One with The Lord Jesus» tell that to a starving child in Africa and explain that mishmash of religious drivel..
The mother of a starving child in an Ethiopian desert?

Not exact matches

I saw starving children begging on the streets as I walked to my work site — there was really no end to the challenges of working in this context.
«Now it depends solely on your good sense and your way of life whether you die as an ordinary musician, utterly forgotten by the world, or as a famous kapellmeister, or whom posterity will read... whether, captured by some woman, you die bedded on straw in an attic full of starving children, or whether, after a Christian life spent in contentment, honor, and renown, you leave this world with your family well provided for and your name respected by all.»
But that's nothing compared to the millions of children in Africa and Asia I starve to death each year, flies crawling on their faces, because they are too weak to swat them away.
No child starves in today's world without the help of willful humans abetting the starvation.
I guess you could pull a Deepak Chopra & call all those things part of the «oneness» of good & evil — but I don't think that holds up in the face of concentration camps, or starving children, or victims, or even if someone just punches you in the nose.
The «Starving Children all over the world can not be solved with abortion» You eave out the facts: Fact one is that many of those governments are in control of the supplies that get to those countries..
Anyone else bothered by the fact that the pope sits on a throne of gold while children in his own city go starving?
But do you or your church have a reasonable solution to help all of the starving, poor, unwanted children in the world?
God can be bothered to get involved with our sporting events, but he can't be bothered to help the 1000's of starving children that die in agony each and every single day.
But it is also necessary that we utterly reject the temptation to sloth, that perversion of imagination which gives us, in the words of Fred Craddock, «the ability to look at a starving child... with a swollen stomach and say, «Well, it's not my kid.»
I do believe that the church has failed miserably in taking care of all the children in the world who are suffering and starving from lack of food and care.
The US, a «formerly» christian nation, has done more for sick, starving, and impoverished children than any other nation in history.
Instead of focusing on other peoples views, why don't you do some good in this world and spend your time and effort on real issues — like the American children that are starving.
Or maybe we could set up a little experiment — you pray for the children starving, for example in Africa where 1000s die daily from starvation.
Attempting to involve thousands of U.S. youth in a fast to raise money for starving children, it produced an ad that read, in part:
Seoul (CNN)- A pastor and his wife are in custody accused of killing three of their children by starving them to ward off evil spirits, police in South Korea said Wednesday.
We now live in a culture in which about half of all marriages end in divorce; in which nearly half of all children spend part of their childhood in fatherless homes; in which women and men who put their families first are falling behind economically and professionally; in which many of the nation's youngest citizens are starving for parental time and attention, and often for basic material necessities.
many starving children see a different side and give nothing in return... there are good christians who begg money to give clothing, food, and shelter to people who have nothing.
Secondly, are we NOT a society that in many ways has come to the consensus that it's okay to starve children?
look to the children in Africa that god loves to starve.
Children die before they have lived, starve in the face of Europe coming between Europe and the peace she thinks of.
Still, Rabbi Avi Shafran, director of public affairs for Agudath Israel of America, the largest organization of Haredi Jews in the United States, sees the future differently: «There will be an economic crunch, and there already are many two - income families in the community, but no Haredi Jew is starving, or having fewer children because of economic restraints....
«In the names of reason, science and liberty they had proved, rather effectively, that good societies need God to survive and that when you have murdered Him, starved Him, silenced Him, denied Him to the children and erased His festivals and His memory, you have a gap which can not indefinitely be filled by any human, nor anything made by human hands.»
We all know that more people are more skillfully tortured than ever before, that more people starve and that more children in the Third World become mentally retarded due to lack of protein.
But whatever the narrative of the feeding of the four thousand teaches about God, children do in fact starve to death in our world, even with its great surpluses of food and its technological and organizational wizardry.
Can you imagine how they diminished the God they claim to follow, by making Him appear so shallow, that he would be more interested in Republicans running for political office, while His children all over the world are dying, starving and begging for His help.
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