Sentences with phrase «starving to death»

They've probably been freezing and starving to death for years, and now people are finally doing something about it?
Obama bin Lyin» is quite wealthy yet he has immediate family members starving to death.
It is a sad truth that only the big guys are making money as authors; midlistters are starving to death and so are self - published folk.
«The Indian, instead of starving to death?.?.?.??
She is currently pursuing her dream of writing and quietly starving to death.
You'll get over losing your family, he reasons, but you can't bounce back from starving to death.
28 Weeks Later picks up six months after the events of 28 Days Later, with the repopulation of the British Isles, after its quarantine of the island nations resulted in those infected with the Rage virus starving to death.
One of my key sources of water ran out, my local food and resource production was exposed as being nowhere near good enough for self sufficiency, and my colonists started starving to death.
Other portraits in Nye's exhibit include a woman who experienced hunger while she was locked in a closet for days, an escapee of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, an incest survivor who stopped eating to try starving herself to death.
While trying to escape, Six has to fend off evil characters who have names like the Janitor, the Twin Chefs, and the Lady — and she also has to try and avoid starving to death, because video games are kind of fucked up these days.
There follows a twisted tail of breeding partners associating food with beatings and therefore starving to death, inherited narcolepsy, contracted FIV, abusive cat - dads, and cryogenic freezing.
f anyone was going to do a silver screen adaptation of «Into the Wild,» Jon Krakauer's acclaimed novel about a young man who eschews a life of privilege to tramp across the U.S. only to end up starving to death in the Alaskan wilderness, it was Sean Penn..
It is Il - sun who must save Young - goon from herself, as the young girl is in danger of starving to death.
Penn intercuts frequently between the final hundred - odd days of Chris's life spent bivouacked in the bus slowly starving to death on a scant diet of rice and poached game and the two proceeding years.
They found a leaderless mass of aliens that were sick and starving to death, but were seemingly harmless.
I was worried about dehydration and felt like I was starving to death.
Nobody goes to the doctor and the doctor says «Let me check your protein levels» Protein deficiency is practically unheard of in First world countries where there aren't many people literally starving to death.
Luckily nobody is starving to death on 2500 calories per day (even though it may feel like it sometimes).
It's nice to know that it might not all be in my head when I feel like I'm starving to death on calorie counter recommendations and still not dropping a pound.
People keep saying it's dangerous and one can't survive with only 1100 a day but it's been 5 years and I'm the farthest from starving to death.
This all happens as an attempt to prevent you from starving to death.
As a person who has tried to figure out how I got cancer, I found I had malabsorption: I was eating healthy and starving to death.
Because you run a Vegan diet, the body thinks it's starving to death.
«ketosis, occurs naturally when people are literally starving to death or seriously ill.
Leptin and ghrelin have evolved as a highly effective mechanism to keep us from starving to death in times of famine.
Your brain starts thinking that you're starving to death.
A patient, Jean Anspaugh wrote a book «Fat like us» in which she describes the Rice Diet as «spend (ing) all that money eating rice and fruit and starving to death».
The reason can't be to prevent yourself from starving to death.
I was literally starving to death and acquiring a pot belly too!!!
Basically, before throwing a bunch of calories in your system first, you gradually reintroduce your body to the idea that it's not starving to death.
Have you ever tried a lowfat diet and felt like you were starving to death?
Instead of relying on glucose for fuel we have the possibility to use our own body fat and thrive instead of starving to death.
Who cares what our ancestors ate — they ate what was available — their goal was to avoid starving to death — not to prevent degenerative diseases and improve quality of life — heck most of them died before the age of 25 because of accidents, infection, violence, heat, frost or starvation.
When you diet, your body reacts as if you are starving to death.
These girls feel fantastic; their intuition doe not tell them that they are starving themselves to death.
Your body always tries to maintain a balanced state, also known as homeostasis, and while you're on a fat - loss diet and trying to maintain a caloric deficit over prolonged periods, leptin levels start to decrease as your body's survival mechanism in order to preserve fat and keep you from starving to death.
«For instance, it is doubtful that a lion the size of T. rex would be able to eat enough wildebeests or elephants without starving to death,» Grady told Live Science.
No one knows why some people — mostly young women — become obsessed with weight loss, sometimes starving themselves to death.
For example, we encounter elephant seal pups starving to death in ice tombs created by their own body warmth, unable to reach their mothers to feed.
A full ban «won't stop bees from starving to death during the next Midwest drought.
It was there that Nelson had an «ah - ha» moment: «I thought, I just can't sit around clutching those fruit flies when the world is starving to death.
Tamil protestor Ram Sara defends the hunger - striker starving himself to death outside parliament.
In Yarmouk around 20,000 people are slowly starving to death (scores have already done so) under a crippling Syrian government blockade that's been in place for nearly nine months.
I breastfed my daughter for only 10 weeks before she began literally starving to death and I switched to formula.
In response to the news item, Rush Limbaugh had a particularly offensive broadcast (although with El Rushbo, it's kinda hard to make such distinctions) in which he opined that «one of the benefits of school being out [is]... your kids losing weight because they're starving to death out there because there's no school meal being provided» He then suggested, among other things, that hungry kids should Dumpster - dive for food.
We don't necessarily want to traumatize our kids by making them watch videos of babies from Third World countries starving to death, but we can challenge their assumptions about the things they take for granted.
Numerous researches have proved that starving yourself to death is not the way to lose weight effectively.
She was being advised by «experts» who are so caught up on their ideals that they failed to recognize a baby starving to death.
When the baby was starving to death, though, the parents did decide to take him for medical attention.
To make sure you don't spend the hours stuck on the sofa bored out of your brains and starving to death, stock up your living room with books / tv box sets / magazines or whatever you're into and always have a big glass of water near by.
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