Sentences with phrase «state and municipalities»

If the government really wants to help the American economy it would set up an insurance fund for states and municipalities, with regulatory power to insist on adequate financing rather than borrowing.
In addition to parental leave, experts point to a growing number of states and municipalities that are passing laws governing sick leave and retirement plans.
The most appealing features of bonds issued by states and municipalities are their federal tax - exempt status and their positioning toward the lower end of the risk spectrum.
Many more states and municipalities are likely to pass similar laws in the future, she says.
The effort comes as several states and municipalities consider the prohibition.
He sounded the alarm that federal funding for sewer repairs has been slowly draining over the past few years, leaving states and municipalities without enough support to start long - overdue sewer repairs.
Combine all these with state and local taxes, which are most likely to go up since states and municipalities are broke, and we're looking a spending lots more in taxes.
The reason for the huge disparity in closing costs boils down to the fact that different states and municipalities have different legal requirements — and fees — for the sale of a home.
However, states and municipalities rarely account for vehicle - generated emissions when they plan for transportation infrastructure.
By and large, public regulated utilities are merely financing operations for states and municipalities.
One more prediction: many states and municipalities will devise clever ways to escape guarantees over the next 20 years.
Creating the system from open source software building blocks will allow states and municipalities to make their materials available as well.
All of these examples are cause for heightened alert as more and more states and municipalities have banned cell phone use while driving.
As John Maynard Keynes explained, unless debtor countries can export more, they must pay either by borrowing (German states and municipalities borrowed dollars in New York and cashed them in for domestic currency with the Reichsbank, which paid the dollars to the Allies) or by selling off domestic assets.
Thomas Kane is professor of education and economics at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and faculty director of the Center for Education Policy Research, which works with states and municipalities to evaluate educational policies.
«The Administration's unprecedented proposal, so - called «Super Chapter 9 ″, would restructure all of Puerto Rico's debt, including its Constitutional debt, and is widely expected to disrupt U.S. municipal debt markets raising the cost of borrowing for states and municipalities across the country», The Main Street Bondholders Coalition said in a statement.
There is something incredibly perverse about putting pressure on states and municipalities to cut taxes in order to make up for a federal tax bill that overwhelmingly favors the rich and corporations.
The IRS is adding its voice to states and municipalities struggling with how to regulate the currency for businesses and consumers, and the ruling may help to legitimize the cryptocurrency for the many businesses rushing to embrace it.
As if states and municipalities didn't have enough to deal with concerning their own government debt, they will eventually have to deal with a reality that will explode their budget deficits: the low rates of return from their pension investments.
While many states and municipalities do have tailgating laws on the books, they are difficult to enforce and rarely result in citations for the offenders.
Proposing more than $ 2 billion in new funds to encourage states to develop paid family and medical leave programs and announcing that the Department of Labor will use $ 1 million in existing funds to help States and municipalities conduct feasibility studies; and
«The goal of the State of the Beach Report Card is to increase awareness of the enormous threats facing our coastlines and to improve how states and municipalities respond to coastal erosion and sea level rise,» said Stefanie Sekich - Quinn, Coastal Preservation Manager for the Surfrider Foundation.
For example, North Dakota, Minnesota, Rhode Island and a handful of other states and municipalities are leveraging their state and municipal bonding authority to provide borrowers a way to refinance their student loans at lower interest rates.
Incentives to do so only increase as states and municipalities enact new, stricter energy codes.
Huerta acknowledged the possibility of confusion and said the FAA had given states and municipalities that are considering laws or regulations some guidance.
A few states and municipalities have passed legislation expanding the benefits guaranteed by the FMLA; hopefully more are in the works.
The Times says as much: «While many of Puerto Rico's circumstances are unique, its case is also a warning sign for many American states and municipalities — such as Illinois and Philadelphia.»
Saturday's New York Times business section had an article describing how cash - strapped states and municipalities are renting out advertising space everywhere they can think of, from local jails (a boon for defense attorneys and bail bondsmen) to the... [Continue reading]
But New York is a large and unique state and every municipality is somewhat different and it's difficult to come up with a one size fits all strategy.»
«I think we're going to be in for a very, very tough budget process next year and a long - term changed landscape, not for the better, for New York state and our municipalities,» he said.
The US federal government sets the rules for campaigns for Federal office (President, Vice President, and Congress), but states and municipalities control campaign finance rules at the state and local level.
While many states and municipalities acknowledge the importance of shoreline management, they note that zoning regulations are often only enforced within 300 meters, and many lakes lack the monitoring programs needed to adequately track lake health.
During the depression of the 1930s, with rampant unemployment, states and municipalities around the nation formalized lunch programs via local legislation.
As more states and municipalities turn their focus toward increasing early education opportunities, Harvard Graduate School of Education faculty Nonie Lesaux and Stephanie Jones have produced a series of 10 one - page briefs to help policymakers and educators build sustainable and effective programs.
Some Brazilian states and municipalities, including Rio de Janeiro, have introduced teacher merit - pay schemes based on school IDEB scores.
It also includes governors, legislators, mayors, and city councilmembers, who run state and municipalities whose long - term fiscal prospects in an increasingly knowledge - based global economy are dependent on highly - educated young men and women.
Federal legislation and federal court cases were also instrumental in holding states and municipalities responsible for ending gender discrimination, for providing students with disabilities access to an education, and for providing support for students learning English.
Many US States and Municipalities are in a world of hurt, because they compromised their long - term financial position to solve short - run budget crises.
Depending on where you live in the US, various states and municipalities are more or less prepare for the onslaught of cash flow that they will have to pay baby boomer employees after they retire.
Part of my advice to you is to watch weaker states and municipalities, like Puerto Rico, Illinois, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and many others.
States and municipalities rely on municipal debt as a low - cost, efficient way to finance capital improvements and fund infrastructure.
Badly managed states and municipalities will lose businesses and population, making them even less able to service debts.
I guess I would prefer not to subsidize states and municipalities to borrow money, but other than that I really do not see a problem here.
Now states and municipalities are squealing for bailout cash.
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