Sentences with phrase «state backing»

He had stated back then that his coaching career still had some way to go and he would entertain new offers.
Would their generous state backing help them run private competitors into the ground?
That area was one of the top areas for distressed properties in the entire state back when I was there a few years ago.
A flop in the United States back in October, the underrated «Our Brand Is Crisis» may not be everyone's cup of tea, but for a political satire set in the 21st Century, I thought it was entertaining and fiercely honest.
The retail giant filed similar patent for a ready - made food service in the United States back in July 2017.
And that's why I would hope that Governor Cuomo really doesn't push this too far and force the issue and stays focused on bringing New York State back into the status of the Empire State.»
He has no plans, ideas, initiatives to bring New York State back from the abyss, to be once again the Empire State.
â $ œThis is an honest, straightforward budget that puts New York state back on track by closing a multibillion - dollar deficit with no new taxes, fees or gimmicks, â $ Cuomo said in a March 30 statement after the budget was signed two days before the deadline.
Ihave run out of money and have to move out of state back home with my family.
Legislators in New Jersey are taking a step forward to introduce new regulations for state backed loan programs.
Supreme Court Gives States Back Gambling Rules On Monday May 14, the U.S. Supreme Court expanded legalized betting on college and professional sports by striking down a federal...
I do not suggest that the United States back away from Air - Sea - Battle or from its broader efforts to confront the anti-access threat.
The production data come from an outstanding USGS collection developed by Robert Milici, which gives production data by state back to 1800.
If you are struggling with New York State back taxes, the overview below will provide you some direction.
This advice came to mind when I read that the Israeli health ministry, as stated back in June, will now be requiring maternity wards to offer two competing brands of breastmilk substitutes for newborns.
The Wynn has put Notre Dame - Florida State back on the board w / Seminoles listed as 10 - point favorites.
Four - star Bruce Judson re-opened his recruitment from Ohio State back in October.
Desean Holmes, a four - star wide receiver, committed to San Diego State back in 2015 but wasn't with the program for more than...
The United States backed out of the project in 1998 because of cost and schedule concerns — only to rejoin in 2003.
At its annual developer conference, Google introduced Android M, which brings few visual changes, but many much needed improvements and refinements, including doze mode, better volume controls, Android Pay, app state back up, and Google Now on Tap.
Legislators in New Jersey are taking a step forward to introduce new regulations for state backed loan programs.
But Tate left the game for good with a shoulder injury after making a leaping catch for a 51 - yard gain late in the third quarter, and the rest of the offense stalled out in the final minutes as the Seminoles tried to reel NC State back in.
Quinn Nordin, the No. 1 kicker in the 2016 class, committed to Penn State back in July with the help of an epic video.
Game - changing tricks for any challenging situation to shift your mental states back into a place of temperance and incisiveness, and regain control after you've lost your cool.
According to CNN / Time / Opinion Research Corporation survey released Wednesday, 51 percent of likely voters in Washington State back the three term senator, with 43 percent supporting Rossi, who was the GOP gubernatorial nominee in 2004 and 2008, with two percent undecided.
But overall they are too modest or too targeted or too complicated to «fundamentally remake» the punishing tax code holding the Empire State back.
In the call with the media, Duncan acknowledged that this was «obviously not great news,» but suggested that before states back away from their new standards, policymakers should look to Massachusetts's experience transitioning to new standards in the 1990s.
Any move on NetCo would require state backing given that it is considered of strategic national importance, so getting CDP on its side would further Elliott's ambitions for the asset.
Together, the pair is worth as much as $ 761 million — or $ 25 million more than Kushner's original ethics disclosure stated back in March, according to the Times.
Lighthizer said it would be «madness» for the United States to keep allowing Chinese - state backed firms to buy up U.S. technology companies, especially as China prohibits such acquisitions by U.S. firms.
But without state backing and a means for circulating credit in the capitalist economy it lacks the nature of money and is destined to fail.
He'll be aided this year by 2010 first - rounder Ryan Mathews, the Fresno State back who was impressive in the preseason.
Reserve Oregon State back Everett Smith, a private in the Marines, drowned during an amphibious landing in the South Pacific.
Firstly, the player stated back in January (At the African POTY awards) that Real Madrid was his ideal destination, something about a promise he made to his Grandfather??
So I've added Loyola of Chicago and New Mexico State back to the grouping that only included Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders one week ago.
Ticket price has nothing to do with success on the field, success in the transfer market, other teams having country / state backed funs.
However speaking on Asempa FM Friday, Victor Smith who has publicy stated his backing for ex President Mahama as the NDC's surest bet for the 2020 election stated that he'll be the perfect replacement for Mr Mahama if he declines the calls to vy for the topmost position.
It is one of the injustices that drives me to be a big active state backing, high public spending supporting social democrat.
Rhode Island Governor - elect Gina Raimondo rose to political prominence engineering a difficult pension reform in the Ocean State back in 2011.
Since then, certain terms have been added to lure the Golden State back to the table, and Harris has opened separate inquiries into the mortgage business.
While maintaining that all the APC governors and ministers of the region have performed satisfactorily well, Akande revealed that «we are looking at what we can do as a political party to have Ekiti State back in our fold.»
Will the Secretary of State back Labour's plan and admit that his Government were wrong to scrap EMA?
Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), condemned Conservative plans on welfare reform today warning that they risked taking the welfare state back to the Victorian era.
It was alleged that Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State backed Ogembe as he fought for the seat at the tribunal and Court of Appeal.
Okorie who was in Onitsha during the flag off of the governorship campaigns of Prof Ben Akanegbu, the candidate of the party in the forthcoming governorship election, said that any attempt to rig the election would take Anambra State back to Egypt.
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