Sentences with phrase «state boundaries»

State boundaries refer to the lines that separate one state from another. These boundaries are defined to help determine which government has authority over a specific area, and they mark the borders between different states in a country. Full definition
Likewise, state courts have no jurisdiction in federal affairs or affairs that cross state boundaries.
And the community is only growing, extending beyond state boundaries.
Of course, schools and students are not randomly assigned to be near state boundaries, so the study can't definitively conclude that boundaries are the cause of lower performance.
Many lawyers are expanding their practices beyond state boundaries, building a regional or national practice.
Gomez also said that they were working on having the Statutory Instrument which states the boundaries of the reserve amended so that the Santa Cruz Mayan site could be included in the reserve.
Although some of Montana's water originates in Wyoming or adjacent Canadian provinces, over 80 % is derived from within state boundaries, hence Montana's designation as a «headwaters state.»
Ilaje communities in the Ilaje Local Government Area; and lkale in the Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State have raised the alarm over their alleged exclusion in the ongoing ethnographic survey of the disputed territories of Ondo / Ogun inter - state boundaries by the National Boundary Commission.
Moreover, we show that cross-district labor frictions do not explain state boundary effects.
«We are not going to be OK... air pollution does not recognize state boundaries
«But like all biocontrols, the insect has absolutely no respect for state boundaries
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Last month, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Commission banned the import of 201 species of salamander into the United States, and between state boundaries.
State Boundaries Early On It's important for both you and your sugar baby to establish boundaries at the beginning of your relationship.
Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that mobility frictions in educator labor markets near state boundaries lower student achievement.
* full discloser... I came within a hairs breadth of buying an i3 for my wife [who's daily round trip is all of 10 miles] until I was informed by several aeronautic engineers that living at 5280 ft and in a climate that regularly goes beyond the above limitations of all the problems Li batteries have outside the above stated boundaries would be a major issue
Georgia Considers Redrawing State Boundary To Get Access To... Annals of Great Ideas: Water Park in Drought - Stricken Region... Living With Water Extremes: A Juxtaposition Of Design Responses... Now Would Be A Good Time To Get A National Exemption From The...
One thing the nationwide GST did achieve was the removal of tax checkpoints at state boundaries, which should greatly ease the transport of goods and allow companies to greatly improve logistics.
Furthermore, since the Glaser method only considers steady - state transport under simplified steady - state boundary conditions, it can not reproduce individual short - term events or allow for rain and solar radiation.
The practice of removal continued until 1861 when the expansion of settlement beyond state boundaries into Indian country led to a change in policy from one of removals to reservations.
During the past couple of years, many states - including Maine, New York, Illinois, California, and others - have tried regulating student loan servicers operating within state boundaries.
We further employ a quasi-experimental design by tracking borrowers who moved across state boundaries, and study how investors» behaviors change when those borrowers moved.
While cultivating a successful chain requires a dynamism and perseverance, it is also necessary to respect the stated boundaries of the business model at hand.
However, once it goes past practicing and towards pushing the religion on others, arguments, debates, teaching, etc., you have breached the Separation of Church and State boundaries.
Similarly, clashes along the church - state boundary are shaped by the particular religious makeup of the region — as when the LDS Church attempted to regulate what could be said and distributed on the streets near Salt Lake City's Temple Square, or when a state judge in Alabama decided to display the Ten Commandments outside his courthouse.
In a state as large as Texas, I'm sure it will rain somewhere with in state boundaries.
Then there are programs like De La Salle - Concord in football that transcend section or state boundaries.
While many states are starting to come around to this and have started looking out for unique cases, California is the only state that works this way, and has jurisdiction over virtually every parentage case that has had at least some part of the process occur within the state boundaries.
Stating boundaries and commands clearly and concisely in child disciplining is important.
Some providers IP addresses may show your location outside of the state, even though you are physically within the state boundaries.
It in effect cleared the way for states to experiment with cannabis policies without federal interference, so long as companies followed a number of guidelines designed to prevent cannabis getting into the hands of children or moving across state boundaries.
According to the petition, «It is our clients» specific instruction that despite the decision aforementioned of the state boundary Committee of 18 July, 2017, between Oze village, Nkwelle Ezunaka in Oyi LGA and Akuzor village Nkpor in idemili LGA, some miscreants, mischief makers and unscrupulous members of Oze still go about in total disobedience to your lawful order and decision.
DAILY POST gathered that previously, the state deputy governor, Dr Nkem Okeke, who is the chairman of the state Boundary Adjustment Committee, had settled the matter between the two villages, where he directed the secretary to send letters to the warring parties, which was yet to be done.
They do not cross state boundaries.
But you can't do this for Senate elections, because Senators don't have a district, they represent the entire state, and state boundaries are essentially fixed.
Could also include boundary changes in that list: on the face of it they don't affect Presidential elections (other than state boundaries), but they can affect where you have to go to vote.
He said there would also be rehabilitation of selected roads in Bolorunduro; Igbara - Oke - Ibuji to Ondo / Ekiti State boundary; roads in Isarun, Ifedore Local Government; the Akure / Iju - Ita - Ogbolu to Ondo / Ekiti State boundary; selected roads in Ile - Oluji; construction of a fly - over at Ore Junction; rehabilitation of selected roads in Odigbo, Okitipupa, Igbotu and Igbobini.
Similarly, southern India is drought - prone, and southern states scramble after river flows that cross state boundaries.
Some providers IP addresses may show your location outside of the state, even though you are physically within the state boundaries.
To best represent the influence of climate variations on water resources, this chapter focuses on eight rivers and their watersheds (Figure 3 - 5; note that some watersheds — for example, Poplar River and others — extend beyond the state boundaries).
To best represent the influence of climate variations on water resources, the Water chapter focuses on eight rivers and their watersheds (Figure IV; note that some watersheds — for example, that of Poplar River — extend beyond the state boundaries).
Some providers IP addresses may show your location outside of the state, even though you are physically within the state boundaries.
He never believes any of my stated boundaries because I didn't stand up for them (and for what I wanted / needed).
Map of Canada and USA showing international boundaries, state boundaries and their capital.
Replacing individual state exams with assessments that cross state boundaries is an untested experiment, policymakers say, and public education could benefit from having unique approaches to compare.
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