Sentences with phrase «state court decisions»

Two recent state court decisions provide some insight into the varied risks faced by real estate professionals.
The report explores recent state court decisions that demonstrate the success of this strategy, and discusses the strategic considerations that are necessary for implementing such a strategy.
In Kansas, trouble has brewed between the judiciary and the other two branches throughout Governor Sam Brownback's tenure, stemming largely from state court decisions ordering the legislature to...
A list of the numerous published federal and state court decisions in which Mr. Beisner has played a role is available on request.
In such circumstances, review of an equal protection argument is improper [p113] in this Court:» «The Court has consistently refused to decide federal constitutional issues raised here for the first time on review of state court decisions...»» Illinois v. Gates, 459 U.S. 1028, 1029, n. 2 (1982)(STEVENS, J., dissenting)(quoting Cardinale v. Louisiana, 394 U.S. 437, 438 (1969)-RRB-.
Tax law for state and local government is also contained in codes sections, regulations, administrative codes, procedures and statements issued by the respective government authorities, as well as state court decisions.
Additionally, a 1981 Oklahoma State Court decision exempted cities with populations under 10,000 from the state euthanasia law, essentially upholding the right of these cities to use shooting as a method of killing unwanted dogs, deeming it to be humane.
As with most state court decisions, the issue at hand will have to be litigated in each individual jurisdiction unless and until the matter is established as a pre-empted mandate from the U.S. Supreme Court.
To explicitly reject the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell and prohibits state court decisions that uphold that case (additions in bold)
Following the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Wyeth v. Levine that FDA approval does not preempt state tort liability for drug makers, state court decisions like this one will be an important battle ground in pharmaceutical companies» product liability litigation.
His blog will report on disciplinary decisions from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, state bar regulators and federal and state court decisions involving disqualification and malpractice.
Posts cover Montana state court decisions relevant to DUI defense practice and advice to those who are stopped by police on suspicion of driving under the influence.
NOTE: I do not mean to deny the possibility that U.S. Supreme Court decisions interpreting the federal Constitution can sometimes influence state court decisions interpreting similar provisions in state constitutions.
LLCs operating without an Operating Agreement are governed by the State's default rules contained in the relevant statute and developed through state court decisions
Home sellers can be liable for the misrepresentations of their real estate agents if they are sued by buyers, according to a recent state court decision.
Just before the yearly Labor Day Parade kicked off in midtown Manhattan, Cuomo accused de Blasio of scapegoating state law, noting that the city is contesting the July 2015 state court decision that called for the release of a summary of misconduct findings against Pantaleo — which elected officials and advocates are similarly arguing.
But elected officials and advocates say they are filing amicus briefs in opposition to the city's appeal of a July 2015 state court decision that called for the release of a summary of misconduct findings against Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who put Staten Island man Eric Garner in a chokehold that killed him, noting that the law permits released based on a court order.
After a 2012 state court decision, the Division of Human Rights lost its ability to investigate reports of bullying, harassment or discrimination against public school students, the administration said in a press release.
The ruling affirms a state court decision and probably ends a seven - year court battle over whether the three - year wage freeze violated the unions» constitutional rights.
Thus, we would not expect a state court decision to influence federal funding, an assumption that is borne out in the data.
As I understand it, a federal court will now review the merits of the state court decision ordering the withdrawal of the feeding tube to see if the withdrawal satisfies federal statutory and constitutional law.
Successfully represented a personnel placement company in a commission dispute with a former employee, securing a state court decision that limited the reach of the Massachusetts Wage Act when payment is based on contingencies (2001 WL 716911)
Posts alert readers about profession - related events and cover state district attorneys» offices, federal and state court decisions, comings and goings at Texas - based law firms and the State Bar of Texas, and profile of Texas lawyers and law students with stories to tell.
Similarly, advance sheets have been historically the preliminary form of publication for federal and state court decisions.
The public may have a right to enter parts of a campus for certain purposes, particularly to exercise the rights of freedom of speech or freedom of assembly, if the university has traditionally allowed these activities in a certain place, but the principle that publicly funded universities can lawfully exclude the public from parts of their campuses has been affirmed in these state court decisions.
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety's Highway Loss Data Institute lists each state court decision and its citation on their web site.
STATE COURT DECISION: At trial, the state court also dismissed the claims regarding trade secrets and confidential information.
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