Sentences with phrase «state indicators»

These gaps are also reflected in multiple state indicators of student achievement and engagement, with wide disparities by subgroup in suspensions, graduation, and college - going.
The six state indicators include: Assessments for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math, English Learner progress, chronic absenteeism, graduation rate, suspension rate, and college / career readiness.
California's evolving knowledge and commitment to social emotional learning can be seen in the state's adoption of school climate and parent engagement, as meaningful state indicators.
The tool features 59 state indicators of state performance in education, the scientific workforce, research and development (R&D) investments and activities, and high - tech business.
Last year, the district reached only one of 25 state indicators and failed to make AYP.
Union City schools were also failing 44 of the 52 state indicators.
Translations of the Parent Guide in Multiple Languages This guide provides an overview of the local and state indicators and how performance is measured and reported on the Dashboard.
Up to three years of trend data for the state indicators is available on the Dashboard under the Detailed Reports Tab.
The College / Career Indicator (PDF) A state indicator that measures the preparedness of students after high school graduation.
It does not, however, reduce the performance across all state indicators to a single summative rating.
A series of PowerPoints presented by the CDE that reviewed the new California School Dashboard, the state indicators included in the Dashboard, the statements of model practices, and local indicators.
Under the SBE's approved methodology, California could satisfy the federal requirement by giving each state indicator equal weight within the system of meaningful differentiation.
Performance on the state indicators is based on both current performance (Status) and progress over time (Change).
One approach that is consistent with the SBE's approved methodology is to differentiate schools based on performance levels across the state indicators.
The Academic Indicator (PDF) A state indicator that measures district and school performance on the Smarter Balanced English Language Arts / Literacy (ELA).
This new accountability system is an online tool that reports on multiple measures, including local and state indicators.
Combining Status and Change results in a performance level for each state indicator for LEAs, schools, and student groups with 30 or more students.
The state indicators apply to all LEAs, schools, and student groups and are based on data that is collected consistently across the state.
State Indicator Calculation Module provides an overview of how Status and Change are calculated for the State Indicators.
The Student Group Report shows a chart of how every student group did on every state indicator, by color.
In addition to state indicators, the new system allows four local indicators.
Cleminson was eligible based on their performance and progress on the state indicators as described on the California School Dashboard.
The State Board of Education adopted individual student growth for grades 3 - 8, when feasible, as a state indicator in the LCFF evaluation rubrics (July 2016).
At the September meeting, the state board will build on previous work to set the performance and improvement levels of six state indicators, including test scores, which will continue to be an important part of the system.
The new system centers on six state indicators, increases the state's focus on equity, and includes valuable measures of both academics and a school's learning environment.
We appreciate the May 2016 adoption of state indicators and staff's current recommendation to add a college and career indicator.
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