Sentences with phrase «state midyear budget»

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Both candidates said the county should consider a midyear budget, similar to one used by the state, that would remove election year politics from the calendar and allow the next executive to craft his or her own budget, rather than inherit their predecessor's plan.
On the same day that Gov. David Paterson announced that this year's state budget deficit is growing and could reach $ 3 billion, the UFT joined education, labor, parent and community groups at a Sept. 23 rally on the City Hall steps to try to head off midyear cuts to schools.
Under the shadow of $ 223 million in proposed state midyear cuts to New York City schools, the UFT surveyed its chapter leaders in October about the impact of the $ 400 million in city budget cuts that city schools already absorbed this fall.
Some states have already imposed midyear cuts, including California, which was expected to shed $ 1 billion from its $ 42 billion education budget.
Those efforts emerge as a priority in the 2010 legislative season, even as many cash - strapped states face the prospect of tough spending decisions — including school budget cuts — on top of the midyear cuts they enacted in recent months.
In the 19 states that have already experienced midyear cuts in higher education, tuition rose an average of 14.4 percent, compared with 6.9 percent in states not undergoing rescissions, the association found in its eighth annual state - budget survey.
That's because school officials largely skirted a state law ordering them to ignore the possibility of dramatic midyear budget cuts when planning their finances earlier this year.
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