Sentences with phrase «state of absolute»

Are you in a state of absolute panic?
**** During the short month that's passed since Steven Cooper's Cape Bridgewater wind farm noise study hit the press (see our post here), the wind industry, its parasites and spruikers have been in a state of absolute panic.
For example, the city of Rio de Janeiro, a national and cultural treasure, is in a state of absolute collapse because of government failure to maintain even the impression of doing anything about it.
Guests are peacefully transformed into a state of absolute calm at this Puerto Vallarta hotel.
To not harbor any attachment - abhorrence (raag - dwesh) where the world experiences attachment - abhorrence is considered the state of absolute detachment.
Absent this, we would be in a state of absolute squalor, given the atrocious cost of living and the logistical nightmare that is transportation and traffic in this region.
Law and order has grinded to a halt, a banana republic is the most suitable name for the country now and the state of absolute insecurity, fear and panic is the order of the day.
The universe could not have created itself out of a steady state of absolute nothing.
The Underground Man is a wonderful invention, and we would be poorer without him; but, as a fictional personality, he is only a vast collection of antic gestures, a tour de force of contradictions, and the nearer his wild emotional and intellectual oscillations approach a state of absolute incoherence, the more we are persuaded that he is a genuine psychological «type,» whose mysteries Dostoevsky has disclosed to us.
The observations of the COBE satellite and Hubble telescope prove the universe had a beginning and the laws of thermodynamics show the universe could not create itself out of a steady state of absolute nothing and can't be eternal.
Emil Brunner defined hell in a recent lecture as being «the state of absolute loneliness.»
it is impossible that the universe came into being from a steady state of absolute nothing according to what we now know of science.
It was no new insight to recognize that mobile gaming could be monetized, but the problem was the current state of mobile advertising was, as he describes it, «in a state of absolute disrepair.»

Not exact matches

North Korea state media said: «Sound dialogue is not possible with such a guy (President Trump) bereft of reason and only absolute force can work on him.»
He points out that British law is rooted in the protection of individual rights from the power of the state, while most law in continental Europe is derived from the Roman tradition of absolute state power.
«This court should read Section 135 as enforcing a near - absolute civil ban on the use of names belonging to charitable organization or names that are confusingly similar,» Schiller writes in the brief supporting his state court petition.
French President François Hollande called the attack «an absolute horror» and said he would request that the state of emergency in France — which was due to end on July 26 — be extended for another three months.
Direct Marketing «I've found that direct marketing is an absolute waste of time and money,» says Wendy M. Civale, 33, the owner of Nonna Gisella, a food business that sells spices and side dishes to restaurants in the New York City area and neighboring states.
Empowering beliefs help you transition into a new state of being where you have absolute certainty — you don't just believe that your are capable of achieving great things, you know it.
This section is a good exposition of the impossibility of continuing economic «growth», including the failure of absolute decoupling of GDP growth from material throughputs (something we have emphasised9) and the basics of the «steady state economy» as proposed by ecological economists like Herman Daly.
However, things hit an absolute rock bottom when the Banco del Estado de Chile (State Bank of Chile) decided to block their accounts.
Even the notion of «prosperity» isn't absolute: people in Malawi would gladly trade their nation's best - ever quarter for the United States» worst one during the 2007 - 08 recession.
One after another the state constitutions had declared that, as North Carolina's put it, «all men have a natural and unalienable right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences» (V: 71) The state constitutions indicated that the right of «free exercise» was meant to be absolute, at least to the point of not «disturb [ing] the public peace or obstruct [ing] others in their religious worship» (Massachusetts, 1780, V: 77) Equally straightforward was the opposition to «an establishment of religion.»
Where is any significant biblical evidence that classical Israelite prophetism was predominantly manifested in a temporary and artificially induced state; that it was productive of a totally transformed personality; that it was a group - created - and - sustained state of emotion and, as such, a highly contagious condition induced by violent seizure and involving the absolute suspension of rationality?
«I don't believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute,» he told ABC News on Sunday.
Fishon, I'll call you what you are: you are a troll and a bully, and the RIGHT churches with absolute standards are full of bullies like you who are not content to follow your exacting standards in your churches; you are trying to make total strangers in the world at large subject through them in the secular courts and laws, flipping your middle fingers at the principle of constitutional separation of church and state.
In the Preface to Process and Reality, after having stated that his philosophy is a recurrence to pre-Kantian modes of thought, Whitehead asks if his cosmology is not a transformation of some main doctrines of Absolute Idealism onto a realistic basis.
There exists, therefore, and must exist, a teaching of the Church which possesses an importance and binding force for the faith and moral conscience of the individual Catholic, although in what it directly states it can not and does not intend to make any claim to the absolute assent of faith, and although it is not irreformable but is still involved in the elucidatory development of the Church's consciousness of its belief.
I believe in an absolute separation of church and state, however, i do not believe that government employees must sacrifice their faith to do their job.
What Jefferson defined, rather extravagantly, as «the absolute wall of separation between church and state» has been a creative but also dangerous characteristic of our national culture.
There is a basic incompatibility between Islam's belief in all encompassing doctrines that embrace religion, private and public life and the American principles of liberty of belief and speech and the absolute separation of state and church affairs For Americans belief is a private matter, not so for Islam, where theocracy rules over all human affairs.
There are plenty of big killers under non atheist regimes, it just so happens that two of the three biggest states in world history have been atheist so if you pick absolute numbers rather than percents of course that's what you'll see.
I believe in an absolute separation of church and state, because when there is not, then one religion is favoured over anouther.
If we had to choose between a total process of evolution and a state of complete fixity, that is to say between two absolutes — everything incessantly in motion, or everything for ever immovable — we should be bound to choose the first.
We are often told in portentous tones that these words do not occur in the First Amendment (or anywhere else in the Constitution), that there has never been «absolute» separation of church and state (seemingly with the implication that therefore there shouldn't be any such separation), and that the concept has become outmoded with the demise of the quaint notion of limited government and the expansion of the activities of both governments and churches.
Just last year at a Republican state convention in Arizona, new Christian rightists managed to pass a floor resolution declaring that the U.S. is «a Christian nation» and that the U.S. Constitution created «a republic based upon the absolute laws of the Bible, not a democracy.»
It is interesting to contrast Whitehead's extreme objectifying and abstractive position reflected here and stated concisely in Science and the Modern World that «Mathematics is thought moving in the sphere of complete abstraction» (SMW 21) with his later statement in Modes of Thought: «Hence the absolute generality of logic and mathematics vanish» (MT 98).
Let me state them again: faith that peace is possible, provision for peaceful change from within the nations, international organization with the surrender of absolute national sovereignty, economic security for all men, faith in and understanding of and practice of the democratic way of life, and a unifying spiritual world community.
The ant toils without respite until it dies of exhaustion in a state of complete self - detachment whose absolute nature and «faceless» purpose are precisely what we find repugnant.
Furthermore, we hold that the state, being only a human device for the benefit of man, is not an object of absolute loyalty and ought not to be.
At the end of World War II, Europeans understood that they could not rebuild Europe around the absolute sovereignty of nation states.
Decisions such as this could give a green light to absolute state power, which is the stuff of tyranny.
There can be no «absolute» separation of church and state.
«I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute — where no Catholic prelate would tell the President (should he be Catholic) how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishoners for whom to vote — where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference — and where no man is denied public office merely because his religion differs from the President who might appoint him or the people who might elect him.
Santorum retorted, «I don't believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute.
Absolute United States control of the «Committee» is ensured by the provision that the U.S. share will not fall below 50.6 percent of the total.
In a personal letter to Henry dated October 20, 1969, Hartshorne states, «My own worst problem is how to reconcile a process view of God with relativity's denial of absolute simultaneity.»
Stated British mathematician Jacob Bronowski in his influential Ascent of Man: «There is no absolute knowledge.
In the writings on «Culture» we find Niebuhr stating his familiar convictions that faith in God entails the rejection of all ecclesiastical, political and economic absolutes, and that the idea of original sin supports the balancing and limitation of all powers.
Schaeffer says these ideas were realized in colonial America through the mediating influence of John Locke and John Witherspoon; the principles that took root here were the concept of a covenant between the ruler, God and the people that precludes the state from claiming absolute power, and that all people are equal because they are born sinners.
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