Sentences with phrase «state of ambivalence»

If you are chronically ambivalent about the status of your relationship, here are a few questions to consider that can help move you out of a state of ambivalence to action.
Her continually shifting relationship to these social and cultural roles are all on show here in tones and intensities that will likely leave viewers in a state of ambivalence.
By Remko Molenaar (Proxzor) Early access games as a concept create a state of ambivalence for me.
Early access games as a concept create a state of ambivalence for me.
Samantha is particularly interested in states of ambivalence or indecisiveness over these important relationship choices.

Not exact matches

With this ambivalence increasing the complexity of church - state relations in the USSR, what really is the situation today?
Rieff effectively captures the profound ambivalence of the exile community and rightly suggests that its future lies mostly in the multicultural United States, not a post-Castro Cuba.
No word or gesture can really alleviate the pain and sorrow that must be lived through, nor can we deny the ambivalence of the one we would approach; for that person (as Lewis also aptly describes) is often in a state of wanting / not wanting contact.
The explanation for this failure to mix lies in the ambivalence toward the Church that followed bitter church - state struggles of the nineteenth century.
Freemason Porfirio Diaz was married to a devout Catholic, and his handling of the church - state matter reflected the ambivalence of this common situation.
If the argument here is correct, the two developments result from some of the same causes: The American kind of church - state separation meant no church monopolized religious symbols; courts were called upon to articulate ultimate purpose and justice; and judges felt little ambivalence in doing so.
One of the movement's founding documents, The Danvers Statement, states as its chief concern «the increasing promotion given to feminist egalitarianism» and «the widespread ambivalence regarding the values of motherhood, vocational homemaking, and the many ministries historically performed by women.»
Likewise Wiesel's fiction, with its furious alternations of negation, affirmation, and ambivalence, aroused some from dogmatic slumber, while others discovered little that was not more rigorously and accurately stated elsewhere.
People only go for the ambivalence you state on the dominant local religion, due to the hidden social pressure of saying that is highly unlikely too.
And — in interviews before and after the referendum result — they betrayed a troubling ambivalence over the future of the National Health Service and the welfare state.
Lawrence continues to excel in a role that requires so much ambivalence, juggling her survival instinct with an almost maternal need to protect those around her while a third of the world considers her a hero, another third a revolutionary, and yet another an enemy of the state.
The boundaries between good and evil are so blurry that we're left in a state of ethical ambivalence, and the setting rings so false that we just don't care.
Although the results reveal some ambivalence about education leaders and the direction of education policy in the United States, Americans hold the teaching profession in high regard.
Much like the two - faced Janus of Greek myth, the Sympathizer is forever looking both forward and back — forward to a time when he and the people he reports to can make a comeback in Vietnam, and back to his life in the United States, one of the many «boat people» the country is forced to accommodate, all an uncomfortable reminder of an inglorious outcome: «The majority of Americans regarded us with ambivalence if not outright distaste, we being living reminders of their stinging defeat.
As Maunz states, these downward - descending suspended elements reflect a deep ambivalence characterized by «irreconcilable tensions of internal voids and conflicts.»
«AMBIVALENCES AND APPROPRIATIONS: SOME AMERICAN ARTISTS» Time: 02/21/2018: 10:30 AM — 12:00 PM Location: Room 501C • «Joan Mitchell's Equivocal Feminism» Amy Rahn, Stony Brook University, The State University of New York
In her artist statement for the series, Rivera states she and her partner «explore both our captivation and our ambivalence towards these depictions of femininity.»
«Given the ambivalence of the U.S. Supreme Court's case law on whether the federal constitution provides a remedy for partisan gerrymandering, state constitutions, with their focus on electoral equality and fairness, have the promise and the potential to be an effective means to address excessively partisan redistricting,» Tolson wrote.
perienced a state of «ambivalence», with negative cognitive, emotional, physical and socioeconomic con
The results showed that depressed individuals experienced a state of «ambivalence», with negative cognitive, emotional, physical and socioeconomic consequences when they were asked to think about the nearest future.
Bryce and Helen will be assessing a number of critical areas of your relationship: emotional regulation, attachment ambivalence, unconscious inhibition of necessary meta - motivational states, boundary intrusions, state management skills and awareness of principles that protect a relationship and destructive habits that degrade a partner's sense of safety in the relationship.
I wouldn't allow it because of the ambivalence that exists between state and federal laws regarding this issue.
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