Sentences with phrase «state of disrepair»

Sidewalks and other pedestrian pathways on city property can often be icy, dangerous, or in states of disrepair, which may cause people to slip and fall.
I got these before my New York trip, because my three favorite pairs of cowgirl boots, while extremely comfortable, have been worn so much that the soles are in various states of disrepair and I thought they might scare people.
The one - village - one - dam scheme is taking off in the three northern regions with the rehabilitation of the existing ones that are in sad states of disrepair.
The report also showed that comparing the conditions of facilities by regional figures, SHS classrooms in the Volta Region «are in the worst state of disrepair with 16.1 % of permanent classrooms needing major repairs while the Ashanti Region has the lowest figure (8.0 %).»
It is a bad state of disrepair and is only worth about $ 10000.
In 2014, Trump filed a lawsuit to bar the continued use of his name on TER's remaining Atlantic City casinos, the Trump Plaza and the Trump Taj Mahal, holding that «the license entities have allowed the casino properties to fall into an utter state of disrepair and have otherwise failed to operate and manage the casino properties in accordance with the high standards of quality and luxury required under the license agreement.»
As pale as he is plump, aging smoothie Ed Schneider stumbles along a Savannah fairway in an advanced state of disrepair.
«Banks, who own properties through foreclosure, let homes languish in awful states of disrepair that devalue surrounding homes even though they must by law maintain these properties.
On the subway side of things, Cuomo says that «outside - the - box thinking and innovative solutions» are needed to fix the issues that have the subways in a near - constant state of disrepair; to that end, the so - called «MTA Genius Transit Challenge» will ask firms to come up with ideas for the following:
Under their watch, our economy crumbled and public infrastructure, such as roads, schools, hospitals and sporting facilities were in their worst and horrible state of disrepair
Cancelled projects and maintenance would drive our roads into further state of disrepair threatening our economic future,» said Malloy.
How I got into making marshmallows is a long story, the short version of which is that I got some gnarly food poisoning over the holidays that left my stomach in a major state of disrepair.
This second - hand find was in a sad state of disrepair when Katie received it from her mother - in - law.
They had three different cars, in three different states of disrepair.
This area features roller coasters that not only are in extreme states of disrepair, they are also haunted.»
The 30,000 m2 existing estate was constructed over the last 80 years and in varying states of disrepair, with priorities for investment at the very centre of the occupied campus.
The signal box stands across from the station building and is in a significant state of disrepair, but will soon be restored and will act as a continuation of the museum, with maps of the route and further Kyle Line memorabilia - Thomas is also planning to create a model railway.
As many you may know, this pool is thirty years told and was in desperate if not dangerous state of disrepair.
The airship later returns after Black Bowser reveals himself, albeit in a severe state of disrepair.
These are in a disturbing state of disrepair, reminding us of our darkest human desires to desecrate the body as an object.
However, the two immediately flanking the one we were going to see were not in great shape and — judging from the overgrown yards, broken plastic lawn chairs, and general state of disrepair — they did not appear to be owner - occupied, either.
Though in an alarming state of disrepair, the house, which was built in 1913, has good bones, lots of room and potential for an impressive restoration.
The existing foyer stairs were in a sorry state of disrepair, and the low ceiling made for an awkward entrance.
As each of the titles was in various states of disrepair, the resulting quality of some of these restorations is compromised, such as Law of the Border and several frames of Limite.
When architect David Lopes bought his Charlottetown century home in 2006, it was dark, dingy and in a sad state of disrepair.
The home is in a state of disrepair, and in that reflects P.J.'s troubled legacy.
Save the Children says almost all of its eight ambulances are now missing doors and windows and are in a state of disrepair from driving over roads covered in bomb craters.
Juxtaposed beside flashes of his successes are images of the Cash museum in a state of disrepair, broken shards of those successes whose significance is now altogether subverted by the figure of Cash himself, sitting at the head of the festal table.
The track was in a state of disrepair, weeds growing through the bricks, and faced the possibility of being razed for land development.
These items will rarely fit and are typically in a state of disrepair.
More recently, the city's homeless shelters have also come under fire for their state of disrepair.
Consider the latest audit from city Comptroller Scott Stringer, who reports that the MTA's elevators and escalators are in a state of disrepair — no secret to those harried commuters who rely on them.
«When Central Park was in a state of disrepair and neglect, a new Central Park Conservancy was founded in 1980, and today, because they were smart about putting people with real fundraising ability and park expertise, this conservancy pays 85 percent of the budget that's raised independently of city funding,» Stringer said.
«We can no longer live with the abandonment of access roads to the ports which have been in the state of disrepair for years in spite of efforts to draw government attention to the need to fix them,» he said.
The Commission also found the law does not operate as it is intended to, causing the market to slip further into a state of disrepair.
«Renewing a commitment to the historic parity agreement between roads and bridges and transit will not only create jobs and save New Yorkers money, but it will ensure the safety and well - being of New York families who every day ride on roads and bridges that are in a state of disrepair,» said Mike Elmendorf, president of both Rebuild New York Now and the Associated General Contractors, in a statement.
«SERAP is seriously concerned that the school has remained in a state of disrepair since the abduction of the girls, and students have remained at home.
The Senate at its sitting on July 28, deliberated on two motions entitled: «State of disrepair and total collapse of the Ikot Ekpene - Itu - Calabar federal highway,» sponsored by Senator Albert Bassey Akpan and «Landslide in parts of Isuikwuato and Arochukwu local government areas in Abia North Senatorial District, Abia State,» sponsored by Senator Mao Ohuabunwa which led to setting up of the ad - hoc committee.
The majority leader said that there was money for mass - transit capital improvements, and then in the very next breath said there was also money for bridges and highways, which, he said, are in a state of disrepair.
The subways are in a state of disrepair.
Software patents are in a state of disrepair in most of the world.
Exercise causes you to temporarily dip into a state of disrepair and a subsequent rebuilding.
Clinical experience that takes decades to develop to properly put the myriad of symptoms into a coherent perspective and plan to deal with such convolution of symptoms when the body is in such a state of disrepair.
There are a few brick buildings near me in a state of disrepair, which makes me sad, and I am glad this one was converted sensibly into something useful.
Though it may be period - authentic when Affleck shows the Hollywood sign in a state of disrepair, I think it's meant as commentary on the present.
The actor Harry Dean Stanton, who died Sept. 15 at age 91, appeared in movies as diverse as «Paris, Texas» and «Pretty in Pink» but was consistently in a state of disrepair.
Unfortunately by the time his first British guests arrive, the establishment is still in a state of disrepair.
December 26, 2016 • Water and sewage problems at an Idaho mobile home park illustrate how manufactured housing communities owned by outsiders are often kept in a state of disrepair.
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