Sentences with phrase «state of mind and body»

Like humans, canines need exercise to help maintain a healthy state of mind and body.
The important thing is not to compare yourself with others for the level and amount of relaxation you achieve depends on the state of your mind and body when you start practicing Yoga.
Nadi - Shodhana, also called Alternate Nostril Breathing, is a simple and profound pranayama that will bring a peaceful and balanced state of mind and body.
Making time for life helps you not only keep a healthy state of mind and body, but also stay sharp at work.
Better and joyful states of mind and body are in our future as we envision this list.
Emotions are complex states of mind and body, generally activated by an event, which is known as stimulus.

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Beria confidently predicted that Jewish Communism would eventually «have dominion over the minds and bodies of every important person in America», and would «bring about the quiet Communist conquest of the United States».
In the light of this essential interdependence of mind and brain, spirit and body, we come to see that a disembodied soul is not only an unsatisfying state of existence to contemplate, but it is also bereft of any real meaning.
You are now attempting to take the practice of «meditation,» which is typically understood, and defined and practiced, especially in the Easter Religious context as a «quieting, and stilling of the body and mind, to clear the mind of negativity, and create states of peace, harmony, joy, etc...
Is this state of moral chaos really to be reconciled with the idea and the hope that we are advancing towards unanimity through the closer contact of our bodies and minds?
According to the materialist version of physicalism, however, all the states of all the particles in a person's body would be explainable in terms of physics, which takes no account of the person's mind — that is, the person's beliefs, desires, purposes and decisions.
This means that all phenomena are identical in their constituent self - identity; all are in a state of constant transformation; and there are no absolute differences between human nature and the natural order, body and mind, male and female, enlightenment and ignorance.
We need to keep firmly in mind the picture that adorns the Leviathan, and resist our absorption as individuals into the body of the state by retaining deep, abiding, and even primary allegiance to family, locality, and Church.
Why is it that one's thoughts and feelings vary with changing states of one's body, and why is it that with changing states of one's mind one's body also changes?
The human mind influences the human body by desiring and choosing certain states of affairs.
Gender has surreptitiously helped itself to the language of the body, using words such as «boy» and «woman» to signify a mere state of mind.
How many times to we get caught in an exhausted state of mind, body and spirit due to our unbalanced schedules and priorities?
Well, despite what any tradition has intentionally or incidentally passed on to us, and we shld be mindful of both the good and the bad, I'm no believer in ecclesiastical gospels.They (RCC) bear no responsibility for the state of my mind, body and soul and I'm not offering them the blame.
Studies have shown that prayer (like deep meditation and some other mental relaxation techniques) does cause the mind and body to enter into a relaxed state beneficial to the overall health of the individual.
Moist and fresh slice of it really announces all sorts of fruits and vegetables to come in spring to rejuvenate our souls, minds and bodies after hibernation that was actually preparing state for new growth.
However nature has its wonderful way of providing the exact kinds of foods that calm this fire; balancing us out and bringing our mind and body back into a happy, «cooled down» state.
We believe that in order to truly be at our optimal state of wellbeing, we need to look at all aspects of our mind, body and lifestyle.
If you're tired and stressed out, a good drink might put you in a better state of body and mind.
-- GEORGIA TECH (4 - 1) AT FLORIDA STATE (5 - 0) The Yellow Jackets — tough in body and mind — can give the Seminoles the sort of test that will steel them for upcoming trips to Virginia and North Carolina.
Just as my dad and his aquatic cronies «enjoyed getting better as time tries to pass them by,» I, too, was realizing that physical limitations often are a state of mind and that most of us have more control over our lives — and bodies — than we assume.
It is interesting to hear Wenger state in the last few days that he hoped Cesc will be with us for a good 2 or 3 seasons, just when it coincided with Barcelona declaring that they are making drastic cuts to their wage bill on and off the field.They literally have no cash to spend and though asset rich, the effects of the Spanish economy are taking affect.I think Cesc has accepted that and will show full commitment to Arsenal.He is pivotal to any success we may achieve.His whole body language has changed, he looks generally much more content, and he can put to the back of his mind, at least for the time being any proposed move, and that for us is a good thing.Barca are disguising their troubles by saying yet again they have made no official approach to our club, purely to save face.
Falling asleep is when your body is so relaxed that eyes close, hands and feet are at rest, your mind is settled, breathing, snuggling into a state of inner self, and calm.
I know that running for me can put me in a zen state that is all about # 1 and can bring in the benefits of # 3 if I consciously move my mind in developing new mental questions while I'm moving my body.
Eventually, the truth came out because I chose to go the very public route of putting my vagina on display (metaphorically, of course) by creating a blog and inviting my friends, family, and half my graduating class to read about our infertility struggles for the next three years as we underwent countless (read: eight) state - of - the - art fertility treatments that wreaked havoc on my body, mind, and bank account.
Aside from toning and strengthening your body, the exercises are designed to help promote a more relaxing state of mind, something that can benefit all pregnant women.
Given our love affair with technology and the mind / body split that is part of health in the United States and birth in particular, it's little wonder that our C - section rate is now a whopping 33 percent.
Kaplan is now doing a Ph.D. at the University of California (UC), Berkeley, in the philosophy of mind, a branch of philosophy that explores the nature of the mind, consciousness, and mental functions in relation to the body and that considers whether insights from the natural sciences will eventually prove sufficient to explain mental states and properties.
While emotions are actions accompanied by ideas and certain modes of thinking, emotional feelings are mostly perceptions of what our bodies do during the emoting, along with perceptions of our state of mind during that same period of time.
Your mind, nervous system, and physical body need repetitive practice to drop in to a state of rest and relaxation, so every time you experiment with meditation, you are giving your body, mind, and spirit an opportunity to remember their natural state of presence.
Spending time in nature, engaging all your senses, observing your surroundings without judgment, and appreciating everything around you will bring your body and mind into a state of calm.
The liver has a huge impact on the overall health of your body, but also on the mind and emotional state.
Fortunately, you can use movement to unwind your mind, release stagnant energy from your body, and return your nervous system to a state of calm and relaxation.
«Conscious breathing, which is a powerful meditation in its own right, will gradually put you in touch with the body... As soon as your habitual state changes from being out of the body and trapped in your mind, to being in the body and present in the Now, your physical body will feel lighter, clearer, more alive.»
When it comes to food and nutrition, it's now known that the state of mind you are in, or the state of energy that you are in, can affect how food metabolizes in your body.
You're willing to put in the time to create the body and state of mind you really want, but something's not clicking.
Your mind, body, and spirit become one, and your energy is able to settle into a state of ease.
Our food affects our mind, body, and spirit, and if we consume and digest a food in a higher state of mind, as in one that is grounded, open, and receptive to love, then our body can process the food we are eating in a more productive way.
An Encinitas, California - based company, SEALFIT is nationally recognized for breaking new ground with its aggressive, state - of - the art body - and - mind training programs, designed to produce optimal performance in the military, business, athletics and life, both on an individual and team level.
«Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit.
As the national sport of Korea, tae kwon do extends beyond the physical and fitness benefits — it's an art, a way of life, and an extension of the mind - body connection: «It is a discipline that shows ways of enhancing our spirit and life through training our body and mind,» as stated on the Team USA tae kwon do website.
Suddenly a feeling of great comfort overcomes the whole body and the mind goes from a state of confusion to a level of contentment.
Just like a well - rounded practice, we warm up the body and often end with an inversion, so we connect with our prana vayu to go inward, our apna vayu to anchor, our samana vayu to unite them, and finally our udana vayu to ascend the mind and body toward a state of deep relaxation and meditation.
To me, health is a state of mind that starts with internal decisions to care for your body and live well.
Stress wreaks havoc on your body and mind and makes everything more difficult both physiologically and mentally — when your stress hormones fail to drop down for extended periods, you're experiencing what's called chronic stress, an unpleasant state of being that makes eating the right foods and getting enough good quality sleep a tough, on - going struggle.
Balance is key to a healthy life and state of mind, and that sentiment couldn't be truer than when it comes to the pH levels of the body.
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