Sentences with phrase «state taxpayers»

The phrase "state taxpayers" refers to individuals and businesses who live or operate within a specific state and are obligated to pay taxes to that state's government. Full definition
But it will drive up costs for state taxpayers.
In 2013 - 14, related - party financial commitments were worth half a billion dollars of state taxpayer funds, representing 48 percent of charter school expenditures for contracts, leases and rents.
Private schools in the voucher program will receive over $ 212 million from state taxpayers this school year.
• accepted the benefits of approximately $ 5 million in state taxpayer - funded improvements to their parking facilities.
They also created a new policy that uses state taxpayer money to reimburse businesses for the increase in wages for teen workers.
The portion of the budget paid for by state taxpayers rises 2 percent from the current fiscal year.
As public funds are freed up by voucher - using students, the net savings could be distributed among state taxpayers and property taxpayers across the state through these formulas.
Many states also offer in - state taxpayers incentives, in the form of credits or deductions, for contributing to a 529 account.
A second income tax proposal would eliminate the ability of state taxpayers to deduct federal income taxes paid on their state income tax forms.
What's more, they often recover millions of dollars for state taxpayers!
The deal has already brought the company $ 75 million in work funded by state taxpayers, with the potential for more.
That means state taxpayers are on the hook for $ 5 million, plus interest.
In response New York Governor Andrew Cuomo labeled the two lawmakers «the Benedict Arnolds of their time», claiming that the loss of the deduction would cost New York State taxpayers nearly $ 15 billion and do grave damage to the state.
Cleaning up 114 brownfields cost state taxpayers $ 1 billion in tax credits, according to a new report from Environmental Advocates of New York (EANY).
A 2016 report by the state Senate Independent Democratic Conference found that synthetic marijuana cost state taxpayers more than $ 22.7 million in hospital and jail expenses in 2015.
ALBANY - A job - creation program highly touted by Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration created just 408 jobs in its first two full years, despite an advertising campaign that cost state taxpayers more than $ 50 million.
«It is estimated that the tax cap will save state taxpayers over $ 67 billion cumulatively over the first ten years of its implementation.»
Is the latest Cuomo minimum wage going to continue to have NY State taxpayers subsidize the pay for workers at wealthy multi-national companies like Wal - Mart and McDonalds?
In exchange for the bribes, the complaint alleges, Senator Smith was to use his influence to steer half a billion dollars in state taxpayer funds to build a road in Rockland County to benefit a real estate developer's project.
Who cares if John (business as usual) Flanagan is in charged of the Senate, rules are rules, the law is the law, you can not, ON PAPER, make a claim on State taxpayer resources that are false, inaccurate, not true and wrong.
Moreover, with his recent call to eliminate caps, the private school voucher program could cost state taxpayers as much as $ 1.2 billion a year, counting students who would transfer from public schools as well as students currently in private schools who would qualify for vouchers.
For the Oswego steam station alone — a 30 - year - old plant that is idle most days — state taxpayers reimburse NRG for all of its property taxes: $ 2 million a year.
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos is not a fan of using state taxpayer money to pay for a new Milwaukee sports stadium.
According to the filing, the John Doe summons requests records related to United States taxpayers who conducted virtual currency transactions through Coinbase from 2013 to 2015.
The difference comes mostly from subsidies — called appropriations — coming directly from state taxpayers through the legislature.
Charter schools are public schools, thus they are funded with state taxpayer dollars in the form of «per - pupil operating revenue» or PPR.
State legislators have proposed bills aiming to both recognize Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as currency — as opposed to a commodity — and allow state taxpayers the ability to pay their taxes with Bitcoin.
It has cost state taxpayers over $ 1 million in legal fees, given Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration political headaches, and by his own account caused personal heartache for the governor.
His proposal, released Tuesday, would end nondisclosure agreements for victims, and no longer require state taxpayers to fund payouts after a lawmaker or state official settles a sexual harassment case.
That afternoon, LPCiminelli picked up the tab, but ultimately, state taxpayers footed the bill.
Cuomo's plan reportedly would seek about $ 200 million from budget education funds, place them among other state taxpayer funds in the budget and then use them to implement his teacher evaluation program.
Propping them up has cost state taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.
The $ 25 million contract would have been part of an «in - state» investment for the multi-billion dollar New York state pension retirement system, which state taxpayers subsidize annually for roughly $ 2.5 billion.
The average Empire State taxpayer saved $ 155 a year — hardly the radical tax code overhaul needed for New York to become truly competitive.
State taxpayers paid for a large portion of the Carrier Dome's initial cost.
In 2010, the Florida legislature's nonpartisan Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability estimated that Sunshine State taxpayers saved $ 32.6 million, which is approximately $ 1.44 in state education funding for every dollar lost in corporate income tax revenue due to credits for scholarship contributions.
«The fact that (those challenging the program) are state taxpayers does not give them standing to challenge the subsidies that (the program) provides to religious STOs.»
The New York State United Teachers union denounced the plan as a power grab by Cuomo to funnel state taxpayer money to political supporters of the governor.
Greg David says Cuomo is commandeering city resources to make it look like he's solving problems and also wasting state taxpayer funds in his ongoing feud with de Blasio.
Or, as government watchdog group Reclaim New York put it about shifting more college funding onto state taxpayers, «You don't need a college degree to know that nothing is free.»
The new rules will end state taxpayer - financed settlements for state officials who are found to be abusers.
Including the millionaire tax, the highest - earning 1 % of New York State taxpayers generate more than 40 % of state PIT receipts.
The Republican promise to repeal and replace Obamacare leaves New York State with two choices, neither of them easy: Either stand by and watch as 1.9 people lose their their health insurance or ask state taxpayers to pay another $ 3.7 billion a year.
The most recent records show that in 2007 about 85,000 in - state and out - of - state taxpayers earned over $ 1 million in New York, but that number is believed to have dropped sharply in the wake of the 2008 Wall Street meltdown and the on - going national recession.
You have been screwing that people of this state for many decades, and in my opinion should not only removed from the senate, and may to repay the money they can prove you screwed that state taxpayers out of, but you should be thrown in jail for fraud and / or theft like the criminal that you are.
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