Sentences with phrase «statements about education technology»

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In so doing, it suggests that the revision of this belief statement can expand the conversation from one primarily about technologies to one that focuses on the changing nature of literacy as well as the larger and long - term implications of this shift for English education.
Standards & positions statements: Teaching about science, technology and society in social studies: Education for citizenship in the 21st century.
This research report synthesizes the discussion, research, and practice around technology and media for young children since 2011 — just prior to the release of the National Association for the Education of Young Children [NAEYC] and Fred Rogers Center joint position statement in March, 2012 — and is aligned with Fred Rogers» ideas about television and how that technology and media could encourage and support whole child development.
However, there is that two - sentenced statement above that stands out in my mind, the thrust of which seems to suggest to me at least that even Johnson thinks that the importance of «professionalism and education» have taken a back - seat in importance in favour of the levers of technology, and therefore just about anyone can work those levers.
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