Sentences with phrase «statewide law»

It would be the first statewide law of its kind.
Even as medical marijuana businesses are legal, businesses are at risk until a consistent, statewide law with clear and specific rules is implemented.
Wendi's career encompassed working at a 400 + attorney law firm with a national presence, litigating appeals for a top - tier statewide law firm, working as a corporate attorney for a Fortune 200 company, and serving as an advocate in the public sector for criminal defendants with mental health issues.
It will also come a few months after North Carolina passed the nation's first statewide law banning people from using bathrooms in government - owned facilities that don't accord with the gender that appears on their birth certificates.
Additional mandated costs, including those associated with the new statewide law signed last year raising the age of criminal responsibility to 18, is only expected to continued to increase the need for additional counsel, local officials have said.
Wendi's legal career encompassed 10 + years of multi-faceted litigation and expansive research and writing experience while working at a 400 + attorney national law firm, litigating appeals for a top - tier statewide law firm, working as a corporate attorney for a Fortune 200 company, and serving as an advocate in the public sector for criminal defendants with mental health issues.
Passed with overwhelming support in both chambers of the legislature, the bipartisan bill now just awaits the signature of California's governor, Jerry Brown, before it becomes the first statewide law of its kind in the nation.
They're not likely to get a specific exemption in statewide law unless they bargain.
The Attorney General's office is the first statewide law enforcement agency to obtain and analyze such comprehensive crime gun data provided by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).
And Jordan Levine, of the New York League of Conservation Voters, said: «Let us be clear: a task force that does not lead to a robust statewide law is not an acceptable consolation prize.»
What Californians do have going for them, however, are several statewide laws and consumer protections.
And if a proposed statewide law banning the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet stores passes, the state will surely...
Ability and willingness to work cooperatively and collegially within a decentralized statewide law firm.
In Maryland, the State Legislature itself does the job of adapting the general statewide law to local circumstances.
Under Julie's leadership, the California Bar Foundation became California's largest independent source of statewide law school diversity scholarships and pipeline program grants, and instituted a first of its kind postgraduate legal fellowship placing diverse lawyers in some of the most underserved parts of the state.
As a dynamic statewide law firm, we pursue our mission through legal advice and representation, community partnerships, and education to empower clients and combat injustice in all its forms.
We like to keep you updated on the goings - on at Morris Bart law firm, new statewide laws, legal news, and more!
And the industry was pushing a statewide law to pre-empt the local rules, he said, so payday companies could stop «playing cat and mouse with the cities.»
State Assemblyman Dan Stec, R - Queensbury, said there have been «early» discussions about a statewide law that would require mandatory safety courses for boat renters.
(A statewide law made it a secondary offense, which means law enforcement officials can only penalize drivers for it if they're first pulled over for something else).
If the statewide laws were contributing to crime, wouldn't the rise be statewide rather than regional?
He says if a statewide law governing Uber, Lyft and the other services were approved, local governments would be prevented from adding additional requirements that would help serve the disabled.
Uber is likely to have support from Governor Andrew Cuomo, who has said he backs a statewide law that regulates Uber and other new ride sharing companies, like Lyft.
The Statewide Source of Income Coalition, a mix of advocacy groups, is renewing a push for a statewide law that would end almost all forms of income discrimination for housing.
Republican senators said Erie and Monroe counties have passed similar measures, but they want a statewide law.
Goldstein said Gov. Andrew Cuomo has asked for a state task force recommendation by the end of the year, and any plans for a statewide law would preempt a local law.
I hope that in response to the vote taken today that Albany will seriously consider passing a statewide law
The decision could be left to each individual school district, but again, given CTA's influence in the state legislature, we will undoubtedly have a statewide law.
The bill would establish a statewide law that would allow pet retailers to purchase their puppies from «qualified breeders» and set standards for their own operations.
Notably, there are no statewide laws that discriminate based on dog breed, and 18 states have taken the proactive step of expressly banning laws that single out particular breeds for disparate legal treatment.
Last October, California made history when they passed a statewide law banning the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits unless they're from a shelter.
This act expires if either a statewide law places a charge, tax, or cap on the level of carbon emissions within the state, or an initiative by the people places a charge, tax, or cap on greenhouse gas emissions that is broadly imposed on persons subject to the carbon tax in this act.
In addition to his statewide law practice, the Louisiana attorney has successfully managed many sophisticated multijurisdictional cases and investigations.
Below are some basic, statewide laws that will help clear up any confusion and keep cyclists, pedestrians, and drivers safe.
A statewide law requiring safe handling is currently pending before the legislature.
South Carolina Legal Services is a statewide law firm that provides civil legal services to protect the rights and represent the interests of low income South Carolinians.
(As an aside, CA does have statewide laws about lead paint, for one example, that are required to be disclosed in leases.)
A statewide law prohibits one from tethering their dog to a vehicle's bike rack.
A new statewide law was established in July 2010 allowing red light cameras to be placed at every intersection.
Pennsylvania has no statewide laws governing rent increases for market - rate units, meaning, in theory, landlords can hike rent as much as they want.
New Jersey, similarly, has no statewide law, though nearly 100 municipalities have enacted rent - control ordinances that set increase limits.
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